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Stoke interested in hyypia

PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:11 pm
by Owzat
Liverpool reject a £2.5m bid from Stoke City for defender Sami Hyypia. (Liverpool Echo 1158 BST)

Nearly what we paid for him. Really depends what Rafa has in mind for him before I'd consider it, might be a good move for him to get regular 1st team football while £2.5m+ for a player his age isn't bad.

I have one eye on the rumours that Citeh are after Kompany of Hamburg, wouldn't mind if we were interested

PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:16 pm
by Sabre
In a way, we could say that we can use thos 2.5M for instance to pay the difference for Barry.

But, I truly believe Hyypia deserves to end his career in Liverpool, with all the honours. It's a emotional reason, I know.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:20 pm
by Owzat
Sabre wrote:In a way, we could say that we can use thos 2.5M for instance to pay the difference for Barry.

But, I truly believe Hyypia deserves to end his career in Liverpool, with all the honours. It's a emotional reason, I know.

I like Sami, don't ever get me wrong on that score (anyone), but he's never been the quickest and £2.5m + is a lot of money over sentimentality. It would be a shame if he missed a league winners medal, but I can't see it happening this season. (would be an unprecedented in Premiership terms)

He could always come back as a coach, maybe as a manager one day. It must be hard for him, to decide between the club he loves and frustration at not playing all the time, and playing regularly for a club like Stoke.

We could always loan him to Stoke, with recourse to recall him if needed. It's not as if he'd be cup tied in Europe!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:34 pm
by account deleted by request
A lot of money for a player who will in all probability only be a bit part player for us this season and then move on anyway.

For purely sentimental reasons I would like him to stay, but unless there is a coaching job for him at the end of the season with us,it is probably in Hyypia's own interests to go if the right offer comes along.

Tough decision both for manager and player!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:38 pm
by Owzat
Interesting question, if Hyypia played 10 games for us and then moved in the January Transfer window I assume he'd get a winners medal (if we won the league of course)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:39 pm
by Number 9
Absolutely no way we should or I doubt will accept this bid!
The fee is practically irrelevant.I dont expect Hyypia to feature in every game this season,far from it in fact,due to his age.
But the season is long and theres no doubt he will be needed at times.Heaven forbid we get a CB or even worse two injured at the same time,Id hate to see one of the reserves having to fill in,they have not got the experience to do it.The likes of UTD,Chelsea or a decent team in the C/L would rip them to shreds.
Hyypia has the ability and experience to play if and when needed and should stay until we have another quality CB to replace will be hard to find someone to fill his boots.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:43 pm
I'm not surprised that this bid has been turned down really as Rafa clearly still see's Sami having a part to play. He chose to start with the big man last saturday when we were all expecting to see the Carra/Agger partnership resurrected, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see him in the starting 11 again tomorrow really.

At £2.5m for a player who is a couple of months away from his 35th birthday it would have been a good deal for us.
Sami though has been a fantastic servant to the club and like Sabre I think he deserves to finish his career (if he so chooses) at the club with a testimonial.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:55 pm
by Dundalk
He is a very very handy man to have on the bench to come on and has so much experience.

2.5 million cant buy that.

He stays

PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:55 pm
by aCe'
One of the best CBs in premiership history and would still command from the backline for most of the clubs in this league imo. At 34 or 35 hes still a better defender in many many ways than every center back we have including Carragher so to me unless we get someone in that will start along with Carragher then any deal for Hyypia is a no no. Forget about 2 center backs getting injured, what if Carragher was injured ? would we look any good at the back playing Agger and Skrtel ? i think not !

PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:31 pm
by red187
Maybe we should consider the offer seriously, Agger and Skrtel will be our center back partnership for many years to come, why not allow them to start developing the partnership now.
Sami has been a tremendous servant for our club, I would sell him now on the basis that we would give him a testimonial next summer.
Also how will our young center backs ever become assured and comfortable playing for LFC in the prem if they never get a chance. Three top quality center backs is more than enough with youth backing them up.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:39 pm
by LiverpoolMadman
red187 wrote:Maybe we should consider the offer seriously, Agger and Skrtel will be our center back partnership for many years to come, why not allow them to start developing the partnership now.
Sami has been a tremendous servant for our club, I would sell him now on the basis that we would give him a testimonial next summer.
Also how will our young center backs ever become assured and comfortable playing for LFC in the prem if they never get a chance. Three top quality center backs is more than enough with youth backing them up.

We should sell him and he always can come back to be the management staff.

2.5M fly just like that ...

PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:39 pm
by RedBlood
id be shocked if he left and dissapointed, he deserves to end his playing career here, legend!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:44 pm
by Alonso14
Rafa knows he cannot afford to let him go. Even with the amount of center backs we have currently, he is probably the one that can offer the club the most on and off the field.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:57 pm
by red187
I just believe there comes a time when other players have to step up, how long will we continue to rely on players like Sami.
I have huge repect for Sami but sooner rather than later he just won't be able to cut the prem and if we are all honest the warning signs were there last season, team after team targeted him with pace.
The head has to over rule the heart on this one, 2.5 million for a 34 year old would almost be a record transfer for someone of that age, and if it helps us buy an attacking left midfield, i would take their hand of

PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:00 pm
by andy_g
for stoke city -  a team close to my heart i have to admit - sami would be worth much, much more than 2.5 million. a player of his experience and quality could be the few points that keeps them in the prem. for us the money is irrelevant and it would be ludicrous to sell him.