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Forget about the title - Its fight for forth again

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:37 am
by spion
The stories of players Benitez wants to buy are abundant again. If you read all the rumors today we are after ten to twenty players littered around the globe & of varying quality. A brazillian called Tiago, two Englishmen Barry & Milner plus other unknowns.

The fact is the well has run dry. The Americans have lost interest in the club & the early promise has faded. We did build last year & the manager seemed to be finally buying the players he wanted, instead of players he could affoard. Now sadly we seem to be back to two seasons ago where the manager has to hawk his deadwood in the hope some idiot spends big on failiures. We'll be lucky to get much from the players on offer because the european footballing world knows Benitez has his cap in his hand.

We need to sign Barry quick because its only the fact that Liverpool seem to be the only club bidding that we are anywhere near close to affoarding the player. If Chavski or the gooners were intrested we would be dammed simply because we have no money power. I like Milner but is he the winger who will provide the flare because if so why has he not done it more often at Newcastle?

By xmas next season we will be questioning the manager & will be again despondent due to bad results. Mmmm Forth anyone?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:42 am
by Leonmc0708
I applaud your passion, but its source is the newspapers and its simply re-hashed stuff.

Remember United won the league two seasons ago after making :censored: all additions to their squad.
