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A quick stat - Controlled aggression

PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 10:34 am
by stmichael
i was looking at the liverpool website and i stumbled across a very interesting stat.

did you know that steven gerrard has not been booked this season?

for me that sums up exactly how much the guy has grown up as a player. i think he'd be first to admit that he has made one or two horrendous tackles in the past, but ever since being handed the captaincy i think he's been a shining example to young liverpool fans everywhere with his commitment and attitude.

you compare this to someone like diouf who has had more bookings (10) than shots this season. says it all really. :D

PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 10:42 am
by Woollyback
Surprising statistic, given how he plays with such drive and aggression. I reckon Stevie's not quite the finished article just yet, but you're right about how he's grown up and matured as a footballer

To think back about how he's carried the team for much of this season and played so well without even a single booking is more evidence that he is a truly world class player. The only disappointment is that he's not scored many goals but given time he'll be baging 10 a season for us easily.

PS. Good job the ref didn't see his challenge on that tw#t from Levski (I'm sure it was Levski, definitely a UEFA game) at Anfield where he took him out with a sliding tackle and nearly hospitalised him...   If the ref was awake he'd have given a red

PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 10:49 am
by JBG
Thats incredible!

Stevie is really coming on this season which is excellent, although some of the hype is getting out of control. He's still a long way off Patrick Viera's level.

Fingers crossed that next season the whole team will heed Gerard's example and improve.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 10:50 am
by stmichael
he also admits on the website that he does not want to be compared with vieira or keane and rightly so. those two have been long term captains of their sides, and great ones at that. stevie is still an apprentice in that regard. keane's best days are probably behind him now (he'll be at celtic next year) but vieira is still the best in my opinion.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 1:18 pm
by Owzat
I think Gerrard is pushing Vieira hard for the best in the country. It is only this season he's really put in the performances he has always been capable of consistently, Vieira is a great player but Gerrard gives us an extra dimension

PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 1:24 pm
by stmichael
gerrard is capable of getting 10+ goals a season. i still think he needs to work on his shooting though. he is a beautiful striker of the ball but tries too many far-fetched efforts from long range. mind you when he does connect (man u in the treble season) they're some goals!