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Will we ever return - Also rans

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 4:53 pm
by Lord Lucan
I guess we all hope and pray that one day the title will find its way back to Anfield! But is it a realistic proposition? not next year not in 5 years not in 10 yrs. Is the gulf in class and financial clout just to wide already, i cant see light at the end of the tunnel,can anyone shed any news that will lift my wilting heart and give me renewed hope for a new red dawn!!!!! yours hopefully L L

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 5:18 pm
by The Manhattan Project
We'll be back eventually.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 6:30 pm
by catweazle
Nice Guy,bad guy, It doesn't matter!
Liverpool are now on the outside in England, as well as in  Europe.Houliier did that. He will continue to do that.

Forget his amiable  personality.
Don't listen to what he says.
Look at the money he's spent!!
Look at results he's earned(or not earned)!!
I don't  want excuses anymore

Liverppol are about to go down and stay down with Houllier
or come back to competitive football with someone else

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 7:26 pm
by daddyo
There is the belief that things run in cycles, so by the very nature of that every dog will have its day.We will be back and funnily enough i dont think it's going to take major surgery. we have players who are patently good enough for the premiership, some that are borderline and some that are not. When (not if) we get a manager capable of working out who is who,then we will go forward. The pressure on the board is as such that i believe a change is imminent. Lets face it, none of the board are academically stupid even tho' they may be stubborn and at some point in the near future they may realise that we need to change. We tried, it didn't work lets move on.