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Don't you just hate...

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:45 pm
by Emerald Red
International breaks. Really boils my p*ss they do. Things go all quiet in here whenever there's one. I think it'd just be better to get drawn from a hat and have a play off or something. Oh....wait...hang on. F*ck it. Change it so it's a lotto. If yer picked from the hat, yer in the competition. F*ck all this qualification lark. End of.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 2:51 pm
by burjennio
Internationals really lack the sparkle that they used to - Even the World Cup seems to be second fiddle now to Club football, maybe its just nostalga, maybe its just European Championships are muck, home nations don't do well enough any more, and after something of a renassiance, it looks England will still be the only ones to get through after Scotland and the mighty Norn Iron (barring a 5 star Latvian miracle) blew up

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:24 pm
by Toffeehater
internationals are a waste of time , or thats how i feel they are .. A team is doing well and then the international breaks comes and disrupts the rhythm and flow of the team due to injuries and fatigue suffered during the internationals ... Argh , just hate these international breaks