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Momo Sissoko - Flavour of the month ?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 3:40 am
by account deleted by request
Sissoko was like a breath of fresh air when he arrived and gradually replaced the legendary Didi Hamann himself. The new Vieira.... as he was immediately compared with the Frenchman. "He wins the ball, loses the ball then wins it back" said Rafa, as he predicted he was one for the future. Sissoko had a great first season as he helped us battle all the way to the F.A. cup final and but for a couple of goals from Gerrard might have been our M.O.M.

Yes, his passing was poor,some of his tackles were slightly late, his shooting was a thing of jest and his first touch was atrocious but he swept through the opposition like a combined harvester. Reputations didn't matter, no matter how big a star you were, you knew when you'd been Momo'd.

The following season started with a bang for Momo with the Charity shield and Chelsea's new superstar Ballack was the one he banged, the Chelsea man almost managing to complete a triple twist and pike after a particularly fierce tackle from Momo. Sissoko was becoming legendary, with his none stop all action style, his ferocious tackles, never letting the opponents have time on the ball.

He suffered a career threatening injury against Benfica as Liverpool crashed to a late defeat in Lisbon. Typical of Momo he came back quicker than expected refused the safety glasses and looked as if he had never been away. Tackles went in, and he still stuck his head in where the boots were flying.

He seemed to lose form and then his confidence seemed to go a short while later as Mascherano arrived on the scene and apart from an outstanding M.O.M. performance against Barca his form never really recovered. His passing, poor at the best of times seemed to get worse, and his first touch and control was terrible. Worse still "Stu the red" made his dire prediction that Momo was never going to improve. It appeared Momo's fate was sealed.

Things started badly for Momo this season, 3 top class players seemed to have sewn up the midfield slots and worse still a new "Boy from Brazil" had arrived. Transfer rumours came and went but Momo stayed. Amazingly his passing seemed better, his confidence seemed to grow, his first touch was actually a first touch, rather than just the first of many.

A first goal for the club against Sunderland seemed to seal his amazing return to form, and slowly but surely he is winning his way back into the hearts and team choices of the newkit faithful.

I think he has done really well this season, and while he is maybe not yet of the standard of our fabulous trio in midfield, more than deserves his place in the squad (and team when selected.)

He is truly a worthy part of the best midfield in the world.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:53 am
by 112-1077774096
who are you and what have you done with s@int    :D

good post mate, for me momo is an infuriating player most of the time, but to be fair this season his good points have outweighed his bad points, even showing some skill on the ball on occasion.

i liked his own refereeing decision against Reading where he picked up the ball a full 3 seconds before the ref blew for a foul in his favour, doing the refs job for him    :D

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 7:44 am
by woof woof !
I prefer the old original Momo , crush the oppo and give the ball to the nearest red shirt. Once he started fannying about by trying to play football he lost it.  :D

Slighty tongue in cheek but I honestly prefer Momo as a destroyer, let the rest of the team play footy.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:17 am
by mungi
good player hu will get better. needs to continue to work hard and he will reap the beefits.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:54 am
by metalhead
peewee wrote:i liked his own refereeing decision against Reading where he picked up the ball a full 3 seconds before the ref blew for a foul in his favour, doing the refs job for him    :D

That was quality! I laughed my a*se off when I saw that.

He did very well against reading, worked hard, tackled well and went forward. Woof I still think he is a destroyer, he showed it against reading when he went for every ball, then losing it then winning it back again  :D

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:07 am
by woof woof !
metalhead wrote:Woof I still think he is a destroyer, he showed it against reading when he went for every ball, then losing it then winning it back again  :D


Yeah it's just the bits he tries to do in between that disappoint me. :D

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:08 am
by account deleted by request
who are you and what have you done with s@int   

just because its more than two lines and a smiley face doesn't mean its not me :D

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:56 am
by The Ace1983
If he could get a decent shot on him (yes, I know we've seen it once) he'd be a £20million midfielder. He uses very simple methods, (tackle, short pass, tackle, short pass...) to great effect and that's why Rafa likes him. No Thrills, but good contribution. He makes a great partner to either Xabi or Stevie (and Lucas against Reading) but I'm not sure if he'd go well with Javier. Still, he's a great member of the squad, one of Rafa's best buys and a player who's still young and very, very hungry.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:12 pm
by Leonmc0708
I think that mroe then you would think Momo is a confidence player.

When it was low, his form dipped.

When Rafa said he was "150% not for sale" and rebuffed a reputed £13m offer from Juve to get him to sign a new contract, well the results speak for htem selves.

He will be a feature of our midfield in 3-4 years time once Stevie and Xabi move on or get too old and will stay there for 5 years himself.

He's magic, you know.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:38 pm
by JBG
s@int wrote:He is truly a worthy part of the best midfield in the world.

With the greatest of respect to S@int and other fans who coin that phrase, that is the greatest pile of :censored: to come from us in recent years. Have people not seen our midfield give the ball away time and time again?

We have some massively good midfielders but under Benitez its still kick and rush, give the ball away like its an STD.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 1:09 pm
by Sabre
Good initial post of S@int.

I only disagree in the same point JBG does, the best midfield of the world will be the midfield that wins it all, we're not there yet.

I think that many things have been said about Sissoko. We've ranged from the "He's the new Viera" to "He can't pass, useless". The truth is in the middle, he's an useful player for this squad, and he has been playing well this season, cannot remember a bad match and he's been used not continuously. He was able to do decent performances nonetheless.

He won't replace the likes of Gerrard and Alonso or Mascherano with time, he's useful with his game now, has room for improvement with experience, but I don't see him taking the role of the previous mentioned players

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 1:14 pm
by stmichael
Whilst most of his shots are still wayward i think that Sissoko has improved his attacking game recently. His passes are less wasteful now and if he continues to improve this side of his game he will be one awesome midfielder. Against Reading the other night he struck a couple of long passes that Gerrard or Xabi would have been proud of.

I just wonder if it's actually been a case of playing to instructions (not the poor passes, obviously). I remember the league game against West Ham just prior to the FA Cup final against them a couple of seasons back? He was absolutely everywhere in a marauding, Gerrard-esque role.  :D

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 1:23 pm
by Leonmc0708
stmichael wrote:Whilst most of his shots are still wayward i think that Sissoko has improved his attacking game recently. His passes are less wasteful now and if he continues to improve this side of his game he will be one awesome midfielder. Against Reading the other night he struck a couple of long passes that Gerrard or Xabi would have been proud of.

I just wonder if it's actually been a case of playing to instructions (not the poor passes, obviously). I remember the league game against West Ham just prior to the FA Cup final against them a couple of seasons back? He was absolutely everywhere in a marauding, Gerrard-esque role.  :D

On hte Right Wing ?

Remeber it well, he was :censored: unstoppable.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 1:24 pm
by taff
He goes from Vieira to Carlton Palmer and back again  :D

I like the guy but was wondering, does anybody think he could become a central defender or purely a destroyer in the midfield

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 1:57 pm
by Owzat
JBG wrote:
s@int wrote:He is truly a worthy part of the best midfield in the world.

With the greatest of respect to S@int and other fans who coin that phrase, that is the greatest pile of :censored: to come from us in recent years. Have people not seen our midfield give the ball away time and time again?

We have some massively good midfielders but under Benitez its still kick and rush, give the ball away like its an STD.

Until his game is more complete I will never fully accept him as a worthy Liverpool player.