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Uefa liverpool fans the worst

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:03 am
by Ciggy

LIVERPOOL fans have been condemned as the WORST in Europe in a scathing UEFA report.

UEFA president Michel Platini will hand the controversial dossier to Britain's Sports Minister Richard Caborn in Brussels on Tuesday.

UEFA spokesman William Gaillard said: "We have an independent police report mentioning 25 incidents since 2003 caused by Liverpool fans away from home. That's the most of any team in Europe. We should all be very pleased that no one was hurt."

The report follows an investigation into violence that marred the Champions League final in Athens and accuses the Kop fans of causing most of the trouble.

Scores of fans with genuine tickets were denied entry to the Olympic Stadium in Athens last month.

Hundreds of others holding forgeries managed to get in to see Liverpool's 2-1 defeat by AC Milan.

Gaillard added: "We had 102 flags in the stadium, but by the time the game began there were only two left. People climbed up amid incredible danger in order to steal them, and we know a majority were Liverpool fans."

A senior UEFA insider told the News of the World that Caborn would have "serious food for thought" after reading a "thick dossier" on the disorder in the stadium.

Liverpool will mount a strong defence of their fans and point out they submitted their own report to UEFA before the final, highlighting their serious concerns about crowd control.


25 feckin incidents what like some one being bevvied or on the rob?
Why didnt they say this before the final?
Man United had more than 25 incidents in 3 of their CL games this season.
Spurs kicked off fighting, and lets not mention what goes on in Italy hey hollier than tho that lot are, driving motor bikes onto the pitch throwing flairs at peoples heads.
I knew once that kunt Platini got into power he would have it in for us, still remember that b@stard cellebrating his goal at Heysel whilst people lay dead.
I feckin hate UEFA.
I am not saying all our fans are innocent of minor incidents they are not, but UEFA are at the blame game cause they know they fecked up in Athens.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:36 am
by LFC #1
NOTW? S*n on :censored: sunday.

As for the article, absolute bollox. Italy should be looked at long before clubs like us. :angry:

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:19 am
by mungi
exactly, and if teh fiasco at athens didint happen there wouldnt be any trouble. Uefa look at yourselfs!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:25 pm
Don't know why you bother reading that :censored:. It's just the Scum on Sunday. It was on Sky Sports News earlier on and they said the article was :censored:.

Your'e damn right though Ciggy, i also knew as soon as that pratini got into power he would have it in for us. Like you said celebrating whilst his own fans lay dead. Still, to this day blaming only Liverpool fans for something that was going to happen because of the violence that was spreading europe wide with football clubs.

They seem to forget what happened in Rome the year before. Yet, we are regarded all over europe as having great fans. Yes, we had a few dick.s in Athens, but the majority behaved well. I was appalled at some of our fans, but like Leon said, just cos there Lfc fans doesn't make them whiter than white.

Platini, is it any wonder that the french have FFF on the shirt. It Stands for, Fat French F..uck!

NOTW just loves nothing more than trying to get an exclusive off horrible stories. they try to shock with their sensationalsied headlines.

I hate them, Uefa and the French Wa.nk.

Why do they condemn only us. Man Poo, Spurs, most of the Dutch, The Danes last night, Spanish rscists, italian murderers etc. Yet, a few tits from our lot storm a few gates at a ground that wasn't ready for the biggest game in club football and they come down on us.

:censored: you platini you fat french :angry:  :angry:

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:34 pm
by ivor_the_injun
Interesting how they don't have a quote from this dossier which qualifies the statement that we're apparently the WORST (you have to love the capitals) in Europe. The most scathing quote says that some flags got taken down in the stadium. Big f*cking wow. Unless our fans were rolling them up and strangling opposing fans with them, I don't think that's exactly anything to get too het up about.

I'm not for a second suggesting that some of our number showered ourselves in glory out in Athens, but whatever anyone says, this is a blatant a*se-covering attempt on UEFA's part.

I really hope this dossier becomes public. It's about time some of our fans exercised their right to reply when accusations like this get bandied about.

The NOTW can f*ck right off as far as I'm concerned. Anything in the sports section of that rag is either exaggerated out of all belief, or utter b*llocks made up by lazy c*nts that pluck stories out of thin air 10 minutes before it goes to press.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:36 pm
by Sabre
"We have an independent police report mentioning 25 incidents since 2003 caused by Liverpool fans away from home.

This is funny. How can be a report of the police independent? :D Are there police reports which are not independent? :laugh:

It seems to me the UEFA is doing what they have done always, when they're blamed of something, instead of assuming their mistakes they throw shíte everywhere. It's so easy to blame the Liverpool fans, all europe will trust the twát. :angry:

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:52 pm
by redtrader74
Its true that at Athens we had a significant minority of supporters that were causing lots of grief, check out the forums, regular time served members have posted horrible stories about their own experience.
My major concern is that UEFA 'knew of our bad behaviour over the past 4 years' so why the hell did they not pre-empt this at Athens? why did they not ensure that security and Policing was overwhelming? They have basically admitted to their incompetence.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:14 pm
by J*o*n*D*o*e
everybody knew there would be trouble in Athens, a bloody blind man could see it coming and yet Uefa did nothing or very little to stop it, makes you wonder if they got exactly what they wanted.

with that guy in charge where in for a rough ride, wanker


PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:50 pm
by El Nino_#9
I'm sorry, but as long as fans in Italy are killing police officers, throwing flares at players, and intimidating/attacking rival fans, or Spanish fans are hurling racial abuse at players, and NOTHING is being done about it, I think UEFA should shut the f**k up about our supporters, and thank them for putting up with some of the most hopeless mis-management ever seen.

So, in summary, f**k Gaillard, f**k Johannsen, and f**k Blatter. Incompetent idiots, all of them.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:03 pm
by kunilson
UEFA are a typical big organisation. The front looks all nice and clean, with the sponsors and the events lined up in its name spun as the greatest shows in the world...brilliant.

when things go wrong tho, they can never be to blame.....poor-man's politicians they are.

or just w@nkers

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:08 pm
by Sabre
Or both.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:19 pm
by Lando_Griffin
If this is true (which I VERY much doubt), then this next statement is directed at our erstwhile adversary Platini:

Get f*cked, you fat French waste of f*cking space. Look at your darling Italians you spasticated whore's canker sore.

Of course, if it IS a load of old tosh, then:

Sorry, you fat French waste of f*cking space. :D

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:54 pm
by Leonmc0708
Despite the original source of this set of quotes (Ciggy you should know better than to encourae traffic to their servers) its now on Routers so can be deemed credible.

Liverpool Football Club MUST come out and defend their members.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:59 pm
Well you cant blame the mods for editing this pile of

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:13 pm
remove that last post and send me his address. cos i'm gonna go round and do him real justice that horrible piece of vermin. We have freedom of speech but that last post is so wrong. a narrow minded idiot. Please pm me his address. I'll take law into my own hands.