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Heartbroken for liverpool youth!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 7:44 pm
by Stan Laurel
There was heartache for several of the Red U19 yesterday with the news that NONE of them will be at the club next season.

Only those already training with the seniors, such as David Raven, David Mannix, Robbie Foy and Darren Potter will be kept on, as GH deemed none of the often boys good enough to be awarded new deals.

Adam Flynn, Andrew Wright, Jason Mansie, Paul Harrison and Steven Gillespie will NOT be given contracts, whilst Steven Vaughan and Mark Smyth will have the remaining year of their pro contracts paid up and will leave the club this summer.

Gillespie's departure will raise most eyebrows as the strikes has improved this season both of the U19s and the reserves, even scoring at the winning goal for the Reds second string at Birmingham the other night.

Houllier's view that none of lads were good enough to make the move to Mellwood would be easier to accept if it wasn't the fact that may of this own signings aren't good enough to be there either.

I have been watching these lads for 2 years, I believe those lads will have no problem to find another clubs and they will be looking to impress at the forthcoming Academy exit trials.

But now Everton are going to try to sign Steven Gillespie this summer.

It's either GH planning the way for his foreign youngsters or else it's a sign that the academy is not doing a good enough job, this academy was meant to rival Ajax!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 7:53 pm
by big al
The academy was meant to be where Houllier showed his true strength Ie the development of Young talent.  As for Stephen Gillispie I met a Toffee taxi driver last time in Liverpool he told this kid was one to watch he confirmed your point that Everton where following him very closely.  The guy like you watch the under 19s regularily so you might know him, any he told me we'd some good up and coming kids for the future. So what is the story, Give us your honest objective appraisal!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 11:19 pm
by JBG
yeah, where are all the great academy players promised?

Another example of Liverpool blowing loads of cash with no end result.

Its absolutely ages since we have brought through anyone of any real talent.

Personally I would like to see a few of the academy fellas given a chance ahead of wasters like Smicer, Biscan etc.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 11:28 pm
If any of those players were french i bet gh would have found an excuse to keep them?....its well know gh is not an advocate of the academy, he does not (for reasons unknown?)...see eye to eye with stevie heighway who runs the academy. gh is more interested in lining the pockets of french clubs with LFC transfer money to buy unproven, medieocre, french sh##e!!. :(

PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 11:37 pm
by Stan Laurel
Big Al,

I didn't understand what you mean about honest objective appraisal, are you saying that I am not being honest with you, or are you saying GH is not being honest, because I am confused what you mean, Big Al, sorry about that.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 11:01 am
by LFC #1
not happy, these guys could be quality first team players in a few years, and they're home grown. although we still have a lot of good youngsters like raven and robbie foy!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 12:43 pm
by oldredeyes
Stan - excellent observation about the state of the youth team players and the Academy in general.
I have always felt that GH has not paid enough attention to developing local talent or even British talent on a wider scale (including Scots, Welsh and Irish lads).
I don't know why he seems to be against Stevie Heighway either - it's all a bit puzzling.
But your right, the investment in the Academy was huge and the potential is immense - so I don't understand whats happening.
I remember years ago in the Shankly days when I used to watch the young teams play including the A team, B Team and reserves.
They all played the same style as the first team and so filling places when someone was injured was easy as the boys just stepped up a grade and fitted in.
All the teams played lovely 'one touch - pass and move football' and it was great to see.
Shanks always gave the boys coming through a chance to shine - and many like Ian Callaghan, Tommy Smith, Chris Lawler, went on to become international players.
Thanks for your information on what I feel is a vital part of our football heritage, which sadly seems to be going the same way as everything else at the club.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 12:56 pm
by big al
Stan I'm interested to get more info from someone who has been an observer of the goings on. The Academy is one area I know very little about. So if you can breakdown what actually goes on there, How are the kids recruited, whats Heighway like, is he doing a good job, how does the academy work with the
community and local schools, do you see potential, why are we not being more successful or are we, but Houllier can't see the talent.  Loads of Questions Stan giv us a good long overall assessment of the set up that is independent and not LFC propoganda! I know quite a bit about Ajax and how it functions but the LFC Academy seem to be very aloof and not as intergal to the club. For example every player at Ajxa has equal status from the kids to the first team, they don't get paid the same but how they are treated is in theory equal.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 12:59 pm
by Stan Laurel
No problem, mate.

I heard Steve Heighway has bust-up with Houllier after Steve heard about those news, I been told that Houllier was not being honestly with Steve and GH told the youths that they won't be offered a new contracts. Steve didn't know about it, when he heard the news.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 1:06 pm
by big al
Heighway is really the last of the boot room boys Evans got the tag but Steve was educated by legends he knows the formula for success Houllier has'nt a clue.  Has Heighway any ambitions to move up Stan or do you think he's happy in developing players?