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Is the time right now ? - Tonights game

PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 11:29 pm
by JohnBull
This has got to be one of the most inept Liverpool performances I have ever seen.
I was in Amsterdam when Ajax beat us 5-1 in the fog and I walked away feeling that I had just seen something special. I nearly believed Shanks when he said we would win the return 6-0 but I saw us draw 2-2 and realised that both the supporters and the team had been given a lesson. The team learned from that experience.
I've just watched probably the most pathetic performance from a Reds team in Europe that I've ever seen. The Frog In Charge keeps quoting Shankly and I am really getting fed up with it the man does not deserve to mention Mr Shankly's name .The players ,who are not BAD players, were sent out with the saddest game plan I've ever seen - FOR GOD'S SAKE THIS WAS A SECOND RATE TEAM WE PLAYED
THIS IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE When the team is not together you play it simple :-
DO NOT lose the ball in the middle third when going forward
ALWAYS pass to a man NOT "ON"
DO NOT clear the lines into your own third
DO NOT go on runs that end in Cul de Sacs when attacking
DO NOT but Biscan on with 10 minutes to go when we need 2 goals.
TELL HESKEY That he should be putting the shits up defenders by banging them all over the place.
DO NOT TRY COMPLICATED PASSES - You are not good enough!!!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 11:43 pm
by JohnBull
I'm that angry that I missed the point of the title.
I'm going to the away leg but even if we win I will still want Houllier out as soon as possible. The man does not have a clue about the game at club level.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 11:45 pm
Yes i think we got the team selection right tonight but the tactics wrong. I think that we went into the game with a negative mindset. Our opponents had previously been beat 4 - 1 but there was little likelyhood of that scoreline being repeated tonight.
When we did score we failed to push on for the second goal and the equaliser was hardly a surprise.
But it isn't just the manager who should be blamed. There are question marks over several of the team at the moment , Murphy in particular looks out of sorts and Owen was largely anonymous.
But I must agree with John Bull - why bring on Biscan right at the end for Finnan ? I know that in days gone by a certain sub made history by coming on against a French side at Anfield .... but Igor Biscan !

PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 2:28 am
by big al
you know what it was'nt that bad! we've been a lot worse this season.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 2:30 am
by big al
Biscan was on to show that he's available. a f##king £7 MILLION DISASTER

PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 3:59 am
by greenred
Celtic 1 Barcelona 0

Martin O` Neill.