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The oppo - Chelsea (a)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:23 pm
by Rafa D
The Oppo: Chelsea (H)

Image - Only joking  :D

    Chelsea FC

League Position   -   2nd

Current Home Form   -   W W W W W D

Top Scorers   -     Drogba - 31 goals
                       Lampard - 21 goals
                       Shevchenko - 14 goals

Recent Encounters Between the Teams:
16 Jan 2007 - Premiership - (H) W2-0 (Pennant, Kuyt)
17 Sep 2006 - Premiership - (A)  L0-1 (Drogba)
13 Aug 2006 - Community Shield - (N) W2-1 (Riise, Crouch) (Shevchenko)
22 April 2006 - F.A Cup Semi - (N)  W2-1 (Riise, Garcia) (Drogba)
05 Febuary 2006 - Premiership -  (A)  L0-2 (Gallas, Crespo)
06 December 2005 - Champions League -(A) D0-0

Last 6 games: 2 wins, 2 losses, 1 draw

And now thanks to the chaps at


Q: Another Semi Final, another Chelsea match - Aren't you getting bored of facing us? It seems we have the edge over you in the Cup games - why do you think that is?

Harry Sideras: Not bored, except to the extent that some matches have been in a Group stage where winning hasn't been worth going the extra mile for either side. To meet in later stages is just how it works. If the same teams get through then they'll meet - it's nearly unavoidable in the last four. Where it's happened in a Group Stage or first knockout round, like with Barcelona in three consecutive seasons, it's a function of the poor Uefa ranking Chelsea suffered in Ranieri's first three seasons. It's now got to the stage where Chelsea will almost certainly be a Uefa top seed next year so it should apply less in future.

Carefree CFC:I wouldnt say I am bored of facing you although we have met an awful lot over the last few seasons and a healthy rivalry has built up between us, On the subject of you having the edge over us in cup games then the simple answer is I just dont know why , perhaps it is because over the last four or five years you have become what we used to be and that is a Cup team, great in the cups but not really sustaining a challenge for the title in the league, another factor could be Rafa he is a great tactician and seems to know how to play against us perhaps more than most managers anywhere at this moment , or my final thought is maybe you do not have an edge over us in cup games at all , if you look at the results since the Champions League semi -finals they have been 0-0 , 0-1 ( no goal ), 0-0-0-0, and you beat us in the Semi at Old Trafford when I have to say Jose for once got our tactics all wrong that day and Risse and Garcia scored great goals and we just didn't recover...
So I am not entirely sure why or if you even do have an edge over us in Cup games , it will become alot more clearer after the 2 legs !!

nona valente:To be honest, I did sigh with disappointment when I heard we could face Lverpool in the semis. But as we played Valencia, I wasn't sure we'd get out of the quarters, so I completely disregarded it. I'm just happy we won in Spain to care. It'll probably be a cagey match that has only got the fans watching closely, but Mourinho and Benitez bring that side of each other.

litchy cfc: I'm getting very bored of facing you. 14 matches in 3 seasons would be OK, if they werent the most boring matches ever seen. Both managers are great tactically, so it ends up a battle of tactics. Who can outwit who? Who can break up play the most? It's not one the Arsenal fans would enjoy, lets put it that way. The cup games seem to be made for Liverpool. Be it for whatever reason, your side start playing well and nothing seems to get in their way. Most people, including myself, wrote you off against Barca, and probably even the worlds greatest optomist would have written you of against Milan. But you showed in those two games, plus the Olympiakos game in the group stages, the spirit which you have in your team that seems to make you shine in cup competitions. Luckily for us, I think thsi year we have shown that kind of passion in the cups with our win in The Mestella and in the CC final against l'Arse.

Q: The war of words have already started - How do you see the first leg of the semi finals going?

Harry Sideras: There'll be a certain caginess in the first leg - there always is. A draw is always favourite even if one side is better than the other. Any lead will only be by a single goal unless someone makes some terrible cock-up. If players keep their heads even an early goal for either side won't change that. If anyone does lose their head they'll get taken off to prevent the game getting out of control. That's European football for these managers.

Carefree CFC:As always I expect a cagey, tactical affair with neither team going all out for the win, Word amongst alot of our supporters is about the fact that in the first leg of the Semi last time we did not attack or really go for a goal and we should have been alot more attack minded,

However I expect that this time there may just be a goal or two, but once agian these sort of games are very hard to predict and it will all depend on how Jose lines us up against you and which personel he goes for, to be honest I dont expect to see the likes of Joe Cole SWP or Kalou starting think it will more likely be the diamond in midfield with Mikel holding as he has been awesome recently for us and more than proved his worth in the second half at the Mestalla,

To sum it up in my opinion it will be a battle of wits between the two clubs and one mistake could be the difference on the night.

nona valente:We will probably play a bit more attacking. I don't see Mourinho being happy with us not scoring. I guess the team will go for at least one goal, maybe more, to take to Anfield.

litchy cfc: As for the war of words, Rafa is guaranteed to lose. He has struck first, but when Jose gets going he is ruthless. I reckon that we might just nick the first leg. Its predictable how the game will go, it will be cagey, and both teams will probably waste good chances, and if it is settled, it will be by a Drogba/Pennant esque wonderstrike, or a jammy Garcia/Gerrard-own-goal esque goal. Without Essien and Ballack it will be tough, although I don't think we will miss the latter too much seeing as Mikel is showing just why we poached him of Manure.

Q: There's a lot of talk of Mourinho moving on in the summer. What's your take on the whole Abramovich/Mourhino situation? Do you think whatever you win this season with have an effect on this?

Harry Sideras:  A million papers have a million views. You need another? For me the crucial factor is that for this to have surfaced in public then the fight is really fundamental. The idea that it's about attractive football is facile. The idea it's about transfer policy makes no more sense. The one view that's convinced me (this week anyway) is that it's about whether the best manager in the world should dominate all proceedings at the club or whether there should be an underlying structure covering all facets that has an equal expertise and input, whether medical, scouting, development etc. Under Mourinho, we have the best there is, but if the rest of the resources are allowed to have their head then it doesn't matter if the best manager in the world leaves tomorrow because the infrastructure is in place behind any new manager too.
What's also convinced me is that the fight is as prolonged as it is because Abramovich intends to be at the club longer than just the current manager. If anyone doubts how long he'll stay, this fight shows it really will be for the long term. And that should make all the other clubs in England and Europe very worried indeed. I really think it's as fundamental as that.

Carefree CFC:Well firstly because its Chelsea there will always be alot of talk about anything, I am sure there may have been some anomosity between the two but as you know the british media will have blown it well out of proportion, the general views of many Chelsea fans is we would prefer Jose to Romans millions but thats a debate for another day, also I have heard a few fans saying there would be mass protests against this.

With regards to what we win if we are to believe whats written then it should not matter if Roman wants rid then he will get rid, it obviously has nothing to do with Jose's managing abilities otherwsie no owner in the right mind would even consider sacking him, its more of a personal thing and if that is the case than Jose may be on his way in the summer, which I am 99.9 % sure would cause a lot of Chelsea fans to turn on Roman despite the millions he has poured into the club but at the end of the day it would be a disaster to sack Jose and Roman shoould know this..Fingers crossed he will be here next season but at the moment no one but Roman himself knows.

nona valente:Frankly, I don't even know what the issue is, why exactly Mourinho might be going. It can't be due to lack of success as Mourinho has delivered. Everyone's been silent on the details, so I'm clueless.

litchy cfc: Its getting a bit boring to be frank. I no longer read the newspaper articles about it, as they just say the same old thing... 'ROMAN NOT AT LATEST GAME' or 'JOSE'S SNIDE DIG AT ROMAN AND ARNESEN'. Most of it is probably complete BS, but the more every newspaper comments on it the more I start to wonder. If he gets rid of Jose, it will be a disaster for us, and I couldnt see us doing as well with any other manager at the moment. As for the second question, until I am sure that all these rumours are true I can't really answer it.

Q: Talking of winning, it seems your side cannot fail to at the moment, you're still in the hunt to complete the quad - firstly can you do it? If not what do you see yourselves winning this year?

Harry Sideras: The quadruple is impossible. Man Utd's treble was unbelievable at the time, never having been done before or since in a league as strong as ours. Kiddiewinkies seem to have some Footy Sim mentality that because it's theoretically possible then it'll happen. But this is all a set-up. Man Utd are on for the treble and we're on for a quadruple apparently. And the moment the first trophy is decided one or other will be ridiculed for having blown it. Where's your quadruple\treble\double gone they'll say, as if it existed in the first place. Nothing is won until it's won - and each has to be deserved right to the last minute of every game. Man Utd got their treble with two goals in the last minutes of the CL final, don't forget, also not forgetting their comeback against Juventus in the previous round. And if they'd lost then or if we lose this time it will still be the most fantastic season anyone could have imagined anyway.
I want us to win what we deserve to win and I want us to deserve to win everything. It's the journey as much as anything. If a team wins everything, the only way is down. That'll be next year's press angle. It's all too predictable, so I think I'll probably be happier if we drop one than if we win the lot.

Carefree CFC:Of course we can do it , but it is a hell of alot easier said than done, The league is out of our hands really and down to the Mancs dropping a few more points hopefully starting with Sheff United tonight !!! I am confident we can beat them at the Bridge but then there is that superior goal differnce they have which is another point to them, it may go down to the wire and I am not going to write us off but it would be some achievment if we can come back and do it now..

Then of course there is the Champions League with as already stated I just can not predict, if we can beat you than I am confident we could beat United or Milan in the final but until we play you I just dont have a clue !

FA Cup well I am feeling pretty confident about this at the moment although it will be 50/50 I just think the way we are playing at the moment we can beat United on our day, as we saw at Old Trafford earlier in the season Ashley Cole can deal with Ronaldo well and that could be key on the day, becasue as much as I hate to say it Ronaldo has been truly amazing this season and will probably take the PFA Player of the year award aswell, another factor that I keep thinking is that we were of course the last to win it at the old Wembley so it is only right we are the first to win it at the new Wembley: ) !

To be honsest I see us winning another two Trophys this season whichever they may be I just do not know

It has still been a very memorable season for us no matter what hapens between now and May..Exciting times ahead !

nona valente:I have no idea what we can or can't win. It takes one loss and we're out of a competition (and probably the same for the Prem). I'm watching this as a rollercoaster. I have no idea what's going to happen, and all I can do is sit and watch the madness.

litchy cfc: Of course we can do it. We've had our fair share of bad luck this year, but now every thing, other than the manager situation, seems to running along smoothly. We've showed against Valencia, Porto, Everton and Arsenal that we have the character to come back from tricky situations, and if we continue to play in this way I'm not sure what can stop us. The Quad is a big ask, but if we did it it would be an immense achievement, one which I'm sure we would let you know about with various 'History' chants in about 40 years time. If we don't win, then I can see us getting the FA Cup at the very least. If we get round you, I reckon we can win the final of the CL as well! Even after the weekends twists, the Premiership is still unlikely.

Q: We know Shevvy and Ballack haven't exactly set the world on fire at Chelsea - so who's been your most important player(s) this season? Any surprises?

Harry Sideras: Important players as it's turned out have been Drogba and Essien - and for some that's been a surprise. Not so much Drogba because his workrate in defence and attack has always been there from day one, but it's fair to say it was only during the World Cup we saw the extent of the personality Essien had on the pitch. But his versatility at centre-back and full back have been essential with the defensive problems we've had. Without that, the loss of Gallas's versatility would've told more. Cech was always known as a great keeper, but there was a suspicion that the protection he got from our watertight defence of the last couple of years flattered him. This season, any such ideas can be consigned to the garbage. For a guy as tall as him, he has the reflexes of the archetypal small keeper too. Mistakes he's made can be counted on the fingers of one hand. With JT, he seems to do outdo himself in the bravery department every season. Cech tried to get the better of him by coming back from the dead, but JT got his title back after the Carling Cup Final. Even boxers know to stay down for an 8-count.

Carefree CFC:Well the Obvious two are Drogba and Essien the differences between last season and this are phenomanal, like having two new players, which also proves the point sometimes players need a season or two to adjust to the Premiership which is also why I am still backing Sheva and Ballack to come good although Ballack just seems to be getting there slowly in recent weeks.

For Drogba to get 30 goals in a season is amazing, if someone would have said that to me at the back end of last season I would have laughed in their face, he seems to be alot more focused this season also he has cut out his diving and whinging to a degree , another reason that has been said is the fact that Sheva came in in the summer for 30 Million quid and everyone expected him to be the top dog up front and the main man which I think must have spured Drogba on that little bit more...

Essien who I personnaly thought was very dissapointing in his first season has been simply amazing this season, he has played just about everywhere possible and done a job there too..his drive, determination ,will to win and stamina are second to none here.. he can only go on to improve more over the next few years, I think he could be a big factor during our Semi final games..

To quickly a few more standout players...

Carvalho - unsung hero at the back , can make a few rash challenges but in my opinion is not too far behind Terry for quality !

Mikel - started badly , poor discipine etc , has now come into his own in the holding role and has been keeping Maka out of the team which is testament to how good this boy has been recently , watch out for him !!

SWP - seems to be just getting his game going again which is great but dont think he will ever be a definate on the teamsheet for us..

nona valente:Most important? With ease for me, Drogba, Essien, Carvalho, Lampard, Terry and Cech.

Mikel and Diarra have become surprises. Bridge's phenomenal performances have been a surprise too.

litchy cfc: Without a doubt Drogba, Carvalho and Essien. Drogba for the goals, obviously, and the way that he seems to win every long ball or desperate punt that comes his way. Essien for his versitility, the fact that he has filled in almost every position and other than against you lot, has done a fantastic job. Also for his goals, at the best of times, like in The Mestella and vs. Arsenal. Carvalho has been a rock. He often doesn't get the credit he deserves playing in a league with John Terry, Rio, Carragher and Gallas, but without him this season I don't know what we would do. he's also scored some important goals, one which means we are still (just) alive in the title race at Old Trafford, and another which had the same effect against Spurs last week.

Q: Liverpool were made out to be title challengers after the victory at Cardiff in the Community Shield. We've seen that fall apart pretty early on - what do you make of the Liverpool squad this year? Why can't they make a sustained challenge for your title?

Harry Sideras: Benitez is a good technical manager, but only in the first two-thirds of the pitch. He's the reason for your success and for your limitations. I could go on, but it's your problem. You solve it. It's worrying that he spends all his time telling everyone that the reason he can't do better is his lack of money. That excuse will disappear before long. Then what?

Carefree CFC:Well it's Rafas rotation isn't it !!! have heard so many Liverpool fans on various phone ins etc voicing their opinions about this, I even said at the start of the season that surely you would be contenders this year but once again it just has not happned for you, You certainly have the squad to mount a decent challenge the signings of Kuyt and Bellamy seemed to be the firepower that you were looking for, from what I have seen of Kuyt he seems a good player, heard that Bellamy may be off in the summer which is not a suprise as I do not think he is a good enough player for a team like Liverpool...

Also is it just me or has Gerrard not been slighty off the boil this season ???
I highly rate Peter Crouch and think he should start most of your games but thatis up to Rafa at the ned of the day.

All in all you are probably just a couple of top class players off mounting a serious challenge next season and if many rumors are to be believed you should have them in place and ready to go for it in August !

nona valente:It's a solid team. I'd say you need two strikers assured of first-team selection, and at least one who can provide a steady stream of goals. I don't really like Gerrard in the right, from what I've seen. It sounds like trying to accomodate too many central players. Pennant's good, but only good. Nothing special. Gonzalez hasn't impressed me.
But I only watch Liverpool games, like other non-Chelsea games, for enjoyment. I haven't paid too much attention to the roles of most of the individuals.

litchy cfc: Liverpool struggle with their inconsistency. You have decent players, some more than decent, and with your current squafd and manager its hard to see why you dont challenge. I think its your inconsistency that lets you down. You might beat Barca one week but the next you find yourself struggling against Blackburn or Villa. Thats the difference between us and you, we kill of teams ruthlessly, maybe not spectacularly, but in the games against mid-table clubs you never expect us to lose. With you its different, on the most part your OK, but often you seem to come out a different team and get played of the park. Its the same as Arsenal really, and Manure last season, but luckily we seem to rarely slip up against smaller clubs.

Q: Liverpool have recently got new owners at the club in Gillett and Hicks. What's your view on the takeover and the new owners? Will we be better equipped next year?

Harry Sideras:  I don't think it'll make the slightest bit of difference in the end. Certain things will change of course, but I think it's come too late in the day to be significant in footballing terms. Liverpool's reputation has enabled them to punch above their weight in the past. All this adds is the money. What will that get you?

Carefree CFC:To be honest I do not know too much about this takeover but if they are willing to put there money into the club it can't be bad, have heard them talk about traditions etc so they must know a fair bit about 'Soccer' and Liverpool and be serious about progressing the club further...

Well I heard that you are getting £40 Milion for the summer so I assume you should be better equipped next year but thats all down to how the money is used , I think Rafa needs to splash out on a couple of world class , proven players but then he could buy a load of Spanish youngsters etc you never know !

nona valente:I know next to nothing about the new owners nor their plans

litchy cfc: The takeover was good and bad. Good because it means you lot can shut-up about our takeover, and bad because I feel that yes, you will be better equipped next year. If these 40 million transfer kitty rumours are true, then I am a little worried, but not majorly as of yet. Hopefully clubs will now look at you as they do with us, and demand double the asking price for fairly ordinary payers. Also, I see Rafa, like Jose, as not being the best at transfers. The recent ones, Arbeloe and Mascherano, look good buys, and for some reason I have always been impressed with Aurelio, but often Rafa has no idea. Gonzales hasnt impressed me, and Pennant is ordinary, and he has made some shockers.. (as has Jose to be fair.)

Q: The night at Anfield 2 years was magical, probably the best atmosphere I will ever witness at a football game, what are your memories of that night? What did you think of the atmosphere?

Harry Sideras: I suspect I'm a little older than you then. Old enough to have supported Liverpool against Arsenal in the FA Cup Final of 1971, back when Chelsea had a Euro trophy under their belts and Liverpool had precisely zero. I've seen the terraces at the Stretford End, the Holte and the Kop, so I'm afraid the best compliment I can give is that it's old hat. I always find vocal crowds warm and comforting and they concentrate attention on the arena, so I always like them. But I also recall one of the quietest Anfields just a few months later when Chelsea inflicted the biggest defeat at Anfield in 40 years, an exact repeat of Chelsea's 4-1 win in their first trip to Anfield in 1905. The game is played on the pitch.

Carefree CFC:Well personaly I was not there, but I know all about the atmosphere at Anfield ecspecially on European nights , sure it will be just the same this time round...

As for my memories not to many really obviously the goal or non - goal whatever it was , and then of course what sticks out is that Gudjohnsen miss late in the game...

Then after that just an empty feeling can't really describe it but do not want to experience it again !

litchy cfc: The atmosphere was impressive, the one thing I envy about your club. I wasn't there to experience it, and I'm now glad I wasn't. As for the memories of that night I would rather forget it. The Garcia 'goal' will never be decided, and I still can't see how Gudjohnsen missed, but to be honest I want to forget that game now, give you one hell of a beating (unlikely, but still...) and silence the Anfield crowd this time round.

Q: Chelsea fans haven't got a good reputation for following their team, atmosphere etc, however it seems that there is a few things going on like the "return to the shed" etc? Care to explain anything your trying to do and tell our travelling fans what they can expect from the Bridge in the first leg?

Harry Sideras: No. There won't need to be anything artificial in the first leg. After all our recent games there aren't any surprises anywhere. The contrived stuff is for the Sheffields and Boltons. Big games with entrance decided on loyalty and sell-outs within a few hours require none of this. It'll be as quiet as it usually is.
Am I right in thinking you didn't make it to Stamford Bridge for any of the recent games between us?
- RAFADODDNo your not right in thinking that you soft arse - I've been to Stamford bridge twice and you have been quiet on both occasions, and as for your turnout in the Community Shield - ha! - Your team and your fans are shit!

Carefree CFC:Well the Return to the Shed was a great idea and seems to be going quite well so far, but there still needs to be vast improvements, the West and East stands at the Bridge are usually very quiet so it is down to the Matthew Harding boys or now of course the Shed aswell to try and get everyone going,

Another point is the place is full of tourists now I'm sure you get a fair few at Anfield but since our rise in 2004 they have been coming in their droves..this can not be good for the true supporters !!

Ticket prices may be another factor too £48 being the cheapest !!! dont know how much they are at Anfield but for me £48 is a joke !!!

As for the first leg it SHOULD be noisy at the Bridge as it is such a massive game but you just never know, probably depends on the way the game pans out to be honest with you ..

litchy cfc: The Bridge, as much as I hate to admit it, hasn't got a great atmosphere anymore. Yet somehow we still manage, in playing terms, to make it a fortress. At full swing on special nights it can be excellent, and the 4-2 win against Barca a couple of years ago was an amazing atmosphere, and the best I have experienced at home for a while. The 'Return to the Shed' was actually started by this site, and is pretty much a way of getting the singing fans that are stuck alone amongst the corporates all in the same place. It seems to be working so far, with big improvements in atmosphere even for small games like Boro and Wigan. Against you the atmosphere can vary. In the 0-0 draw it was pretty appalling, probably because the game was so bad, but then when we beat you 2-0 last year we made a fair amount of noise. So if the games good, expect a good atmosphere, if not, well, dont expect anything amazing.

Q: Finally can you predict the score for the first leg at your place?

Harry Sideras: No. I don't do scores-predictions. I'll be very surprised if there's more than a goal between the teams and very unsurprised if it's level. The tie will be decided at Anfield, probably in the last ten minutes. There's some statistical relevance to that, but it escapes me at the moment.

Carefree CFC:If I had too I would say 1-0 to us !!!

nona valente:1-0 Drogba goal.

litchy cfc: Will be a tough one. But I reckon 1-0, with a goal from Drogba, that doesn't actually cross the line... ;)



PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:52 pm
by red37
Some background info to the Match officials on wednesday.

Match officials

Referee:  MARKUS MERK  (GER)

Assistant referees:  Jan-Hendrik Salver (GER), Carsten Kadach (GER)
Fourth official:  Felix Brych (GER)

Markus Merk has a wealth of experience behind him, not least UEFA Champions League and UEFA European
Championship finals. Merk, a dentist, was born in Kaiserslautern on 15 March 1962. He has been a referee since his teens, made his German Bundesliga bow in 1988 and came on to the FIFA international list in 1992. His first major international tournament appearance came at the Olympic Games in Barcelona, and in the same year he officiated his first UEFA Champions League match.

His many prestigious assignments since have included the 1997 UEFA Cup Winners' Cup final between FC Barcelona
and Paris Saint-Germain FC, and a UEFA Intertoto Cup final later that year, the 2003 UEFA Champions League final
involving Juventus and AC Milan - Merk won the UEFA Fair Play prize for his display in Manchester - and the UEFA
EURO 2004™ decider between Greece and Portugal, having had a UEFA EURO 2000™ semi-final. His other major
tournaments have included the 2002 FIFA World Cup and 2003 FIFA Confederations Cup and, after being selected
as one of Europe's ten referees for the 2006 World Cup finals, he refereed three group games in his homeland.

Merk is also well-known for his humanitarian work. He was instrumental in a project to help children enjoy a better
life on the Indian sub-continent, setting up a special village and school facilities for the under-privileged local youngsters
in the area of the city of Trichy, launching agricultural projects and taking care of medical health in the immediate
region. In addition, the German referee was a UEFA EURO 2004™ ambassador for the UEFA/International Committee
of the Red Cross (ICRC) campaign to highlight the plight of children in war, along with colleagues Pierluigi Collina,
Anders Frisk and Ľuboš Micheľ. Before the final tournament, Merk travelled to Sierra Leone on a field trip to experience
the ICRC’s activities for himself.

UEFA Champions League matches involving teams from the two countries involved in this match

11.09.1996 UCL GS Juventus-Manchester United FC 1-0
29.09.1999 UCL GS1 FC Barcelona-Arsenal FC 1-1
05.04.2000 UCL QF Chelsea FC-FC Barcelona 3-1
13.09.2000 UCL GS1 FC Barcelona-Leeds United AFC 4-0
26.09.2000 UCL GS1 PSV Eindhoven-Manchester United 3-1
10.04.2002 UCL QF Manchester United - RC Deportivo La 3-2
25.02.2003 UCL GS2 Juventus-Manchester United FC 0-3
06.04.2004 UCL QF Arsenal FC-Chelsea FC 1-2
25.08.2004 UCL QR3 Manchester United -FC Dinamo 1948 3-0
02.11.2005 UCL GS LOSC Lille - Manchester United  1-0
07.03.2006 UCL 1/8 FC Barcelona-Chelsea FC 1-1
31.10.2006 UCL GS Liverpool FC-FC Girondins de Bordeaux 3-0
06.12.2006 UCL GS FC Porto-Arsenal FC 0-0 Porto

ripped from

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:51 pm
by redhayesy
great work again raffa mate, love your intervention during that post class! at least one of them admitted to their atmosphere at the bridge is sh1t "they have become the sing when they are winning shower of sh1t" so let"s make sure we out sing & out play the tw@ts in both legs! btw anyone got any banners to show us,their taking to the bridge?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:16 pm
by kunilson
briliant stuff dodd.....these lot didn't seem as bad as the last time you interviewed the chelski lot....

only 45.5 hours to go!!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 2:05 am
by 66-1112520797
Nice work Rafa.

What did you make of those Chelsea supporters ?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 3:56 am
by Stu.Murph
Bamaga man wrote:Nice work Rafa.

What did you make of those Chelsea supporters ?

Ooo Rafa bend over, you're so cool, let me put my nose up your bum and smell your poo...  :hearts

Sorry... :D

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 3:59 am
by 66-1112520797

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:58 am
by Lucky
Good work as always, Rafa!
These fans speak quitely fairly, except for the score prediction, which is understandable.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:51 pm
by Rafa D
There fans were ok BUT that Harry Sideras was a bit of a wool. Here's his reply when asked about the refree saying if it was not a goal he would of sent off Cech and give a penalty:

The accurate decision was a red card for Baros and free kick to Chelsea, before the ball went anywhere near the goal, as we all know here.