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Spectator banned from anfield - Racism

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:57 pm
by SouthCoastShankly
Spectator Banned From Anfield

A spectator caught chanting racist abuse during this season's home match against Manchester United has been given a three-year football banning order.
Jonathan McInally, from Back Lane in Little Crosby, was arrested following an undercover police operation during the game on March 3.

The sting, in which a plain-clothes officer was positioned in the Anfield Road Stand, was mounted after a complaint from a fellow spectator.

McInally was hauled before North Liverpool Community Justice Courts last week, where he pleaded guilty to racist chanting.

As well as an order banning him from all football stadia, the 25-year-old was fined £200.

A spokesperson for Merseyside Police said: "We take this type of behaviour very seriously. We will not tolerate any type of racist chanting.

"Just because someone is at a football match, it does not mean that they can behave as they like. We will not stand for any racist behaviour."


Just goes to show that even on your own doorstep there are mindless bigots. Good to see LFC publishing the story on the website and not trying to sweep it under the carpet. Hopefully this example will serve as a warning to other idiots and make them think twice before expressing their nonsense right wing views.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:07 pm
by Stu.Murph
This isn't a thread about football, this should not be in this part of the forum. This debate has a time and a place but its not on an annonymous internet forum.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:19 pm
by Effes
He was obviously guilty.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:32 pm
by Sabre
As a Spaniard, I feel shame  :blush:

In most Stadiums of Spain there's not racism, but in some, not one or two, but one thousand or two thousand fascists like to chant racist songs and shouts.

This is a perfect example of why english clubs won't be ever banned again, English football has dealt with violence, racist songs and every controversial aspect of the crowds, where as Italy and Spain has a long way to go, especially Italy.

I feel shame because in Spain, the fines for this behaviours are about 600 quid to the whole club, and that's a joke, where as that man is going to get a 3 year ban.

I don't know what's the correct measure to punnish those attitudes (3 years ban is a lot!) but definitely in England they're combatting racism where as in other places they are not.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:48 pm
by SJD
I don't know the full facts of this case as frankly I ain't that bothered. Racism goes on all over the world and hardly anything seriously ever gets done. It's great we have Henry in black/white adverts, The "lets kick racism out of football" advertised on most computer games and tv shows but it's all just for show.

Luis Aragones was caught on camera calling Henry a "black :censored:" or something to that effect. Great, here we have sustancial evidence of racism from a world famous football manager. Lets sack him, fine him, and take him to court for the law to deal with him and show the world that football will not tolerate racism in ANY form no matter who the culprit.

Did that happen?

Did it :censored:!

It got brushed under the carpet and hushed over as if it was perfectly natural for him to do this. Some lame excuse came out about him just saying it to pep up Reyes. Ok so if I go to the game and call Essien a black :censored: on Wednesday, and I get collared by the bizzies, can I sit there in the interview room and say -" Sorry officer, I was just trying to pep up the lads to beat Chelsea" - Can I :censored:! It's racism and it shouldn't be tolerated.

Instead of LFC and the police nicking a local lad and pushing it for maximum publicity in the papers and on websites, they should be dealing with football at the top level. But they won't do that will they?

So they can get to :censored: with all these press releases for nicking a racist fan.

They derserve no commendation and should get their :censored: act together.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:51 pm
by Sabre
Luis Aragones was caught on camera calling Henry a "black " or something to that effect. Great, here we have sustancial evidence of racism from a world famous football manager. Lets sack him, fine him, and take him to court for the law to deal with him and show the world that football will not tolerate racism in ANY form no matter who the culprit.

I hate racism, but that was a literal translation. Literally translated it was "Shitty black".

But it turns out to happen, that "black" is not racist at all in Spanish, nor despective, and Shitty is used all the time, a bit like you use "bloody". For instance one of the greatest enemies of racism, Eto'o, and Aragones are very friends. Unfortunate translation that.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:22 pm
by jaytoothetee
SJD wrote:I don't know the full facts of this case as frankly I ain't that bothered. Racism goes on all over the world and hardly anything seriously ever gets done. It's great we have Henry in black/white adverts, The "lets kick racism out of football" advertised on most computer games and tv shows but it's all just for show.

Luis Aragones was caught on camera calling Henry a "black :censored:" or something to that effect. Great, here we have sustancial evidence of racism from a world famous football manager. Lets sack him, fine him, and take him to court for the law to deal with him and show the world that football will not tolerate racism in ANY form no matter who the culprit.

Did that happen?

Did it :censored:!

It got brushed under the carpet and hushed over as if it was perfectly natural for him to do this. Some lame excuse came out about him just saying it to pep up Reyes. Ok so if I go to the game and call Essien a black :censored: on Wednesday, and I get collared by the bizzies, can I sit there in the interview room and say -" Sorry officer, I was just trying to pep up the lads to beat Chelsea" - Can I :censored:! It's racism and it shouldn't be tolerated.

Instead of LFC and the police nicking a local lad and pushing it for maximum publicity in the papers and on websites, they should be dealing with football at the top level. But they won't do that will they?

So they can get to :censored: with all these press releases for nicking a racist fan.

They derserve no commendation and should get their :censored: act together.

oh, so if we do all, that'll stop people being racist. great deterrent that.
also, didn't ron atkinson lose his job (and credibility as a pundit) for racist remarks... not like that got swept under the rug... we can't do nowt about what aragones said (whether or not it was meant in a racist manner) - it's out of our control.

but we CAN root out the racist element amongst our own fans. personally, i think it's a good thing that the club are showing they won't tolerate racism.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:33 pm
by kunilson
racism has no place in today's game, at least we made light of the subject to hopefully make others not even attempt to do something similar.

btw sabre, i heard somewhere that all Spanish games are played with only the home team's fans, is this true?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:34 pm
by SJD
If you consider Ron Atkinson as among one of the hierarchy of professional football you need your head tested.

I know a fellow who sat in the Paddock for over 40 years. He was a regular match goer who loved watching the reds home and away, in England and in Europe.

One day 2 years ago, he called Salif Diao "a black t.wat" in the heat of the moment and got nabbed by the police. He apoligised profusely, ya know different era etc. He lost his season ticket and is banned from Anfield for life. He won't even watch us on the TV anymore. It broke his heart.

I don't tolerate racism in any form in any walk of life but the way the club and the police try and publicise these things like this is a joke.

If they want to get rid of racism they should start at the top with Luis Aragones, Paulo Di Canio and the hierachy of the top top teams that condone racism. Not the uneducated peasants.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:38 pm
by kunilson
there's taking rightful action, and being overly-sensitive.....if you keep goin on about something, whatever the subject, people are gonna get :censored: off at the subject itself and not take it seriously.....better to make examples of well-known people, like the ones SJD mentioned, and mihajlovic

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:41 pm
by SJD
kunilson wrote:and mihajlovic

Please do tell. I vaguely remember mihajlovic banging in free kicks for fun for a Serie A team a few years ago, what has he done?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:43 pm
by kunilson
think he was racist towards viera or something a couple of years back....lazio player. i could have spelt the name wrong but he had to make apologies and all that.....

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:45 pm
by Sabre
racism has no place in today's game, at least we made light of the subject to hopefully make others not even attempt to do something similar.

btw sabre, i heard somewhere that all Spanish games are played with only the home team's fans, is this true?


I'm going this weekend to Getafe for instance. The racist fans in Spain are in some groups behind the goals of some stadiums. The Ultra right winged parties do not make it to the parliament and try to control this groups to spout their shíte.

It has happened though, that certain groups have been banned of travelling to certain stadiums, for instance the Atletico Madrid and Real Madrid most violent fans don't come to San Sebastian because it would mean a battle outside the stadium (with rockets, sticks, chains and every kind of available weapon). But normal fans (most of the crowd) are allowed to travel freely, and are protected by the police.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:50 pm
by SJD
Sabre I have a colleague who used to work in Spain a couple of years ago and he said the racism at Real Madrid on matchdays was obscene.

A) Is he correct?


B) if so,why do Real continuely get away with it?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:54 pm
by Sabre
You are correct.

And yes, Real Madrid get away with it, because the punnish for that is a fine of 600 € to the club for racist chants and 3000€ if a racist banner is spotted in the stadium.

In case the cameras identify the man with the racist banner, the fine is for him, but I've known no cases of 3 years ban.

Basically, 2000 Real Madrid , Espanyol, Atletico de Madrid fans do chant worse things than the man banned in Anfield, and nothing is done. Week in, week out.