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Buy british - Is it the way forward?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 3:13 pm
by stmichael
when looking at the difference between teams like ourselves and arsenal the biggest difference becomes blatantly obvious. it's the standard of foreign players. it's no coincidence that the best players that we have in our side are the home grown english players. that's why it doesn't fill me with any confidence when we're being linked with players such as cisse who's unproven. the main problem is that english players are generally more expensive.

with a load of eastern european countries about to join the EU e.g. bulgaria, romania, poland, it means that a lot of their players being available for cheap in the summer. it worries me that houllier would be more likely to look at these type of players rather than young british talent coming through. is buying british the answer?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 3:17 pm
by ynwa
cant buy from lower leagues
joe cole paul robison will be able to leave the clubs they are at

PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 4:29 pm
by JBG
British players are currently over valued in the English transfer market and there are very few available which would enhance Liverpool.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 4:43 pm
by ynwa
lower leagues r tw#ts for the prices for there players

PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 6:23 pm
by kopper
The best source of british players isn't bought its grown. We need to jack up our youth system, if that is where the fault lies. Welsh and Patridge are the latest to come out of that...the manger needs to introduce them now.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 7:56 pm
by 115-1073096938
when looking at the difference between teams like ourselves and arsenal the biggest difference becomes blatantly obvious. it's the standard of foreign players. it's no coincidence that the best players that we have in our side are the home grown english players. that's why it doesn't fill me with any confidence when we're being linked with players such as cisse who's unproven. the main problem is that english players are generally more expensive.

with a load of eastern european countries about to join the EU e.g. bulgaria, romania, poland, it means that a lot of their players being available for cheap in the summer. it worries me that houllier would be more likely to look at these type of players rather than young british talent coming through. is buying british the answer?


You could be accused of that maybe.

Buying bristish isn't an answer at all... Getting the right players at the right price whatever there nationallity is.

Your point on Arsenal is exactly the opposite to what you are saying. Henry, Vieira and Pires ALL came from abroad with Henry the only one having a good reputation. Pires was suposed to be a talent in france and Vieira was a "nothing" in italy.

The problem is as i've said is getting the right players for the right price. Hyypia £3m... great player... amazing value... Kewell £5m another one... Baros £3m... etc etc. Its not easy signinng the best players in the world without being able to spend rediculous money. Houllier imo is correct not to spend more than he does on players. Can you imagine if it was us that signed Veron instead of Man Utd? Imagine what that would have done to us.

Players in this country cost stupid money. Thats the way it is. Saha for £12.8m whats he ever done like? Defoe for £8m? Good prospect but not exactly the boll##ks. People are suggesting Steed Malbranque this summer... i think to myself... to right, what a player.... how much will he cost tho? about £8m me thinks.

Looking abroad is a cheaper and often good way of signing players.  Its just that SOME of Gerards gambles haven't paid off.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 6:50 am
by redstorm
It would be good if we could get viduka or smith when leeds are relegated :;):

PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 12:37 pm
by Owzat
Viduka - yes, Smith - no way pedro. (Viduka isn't English btw ??? ) English is great but expensive as JBG says. In order to buy the best you have to pay over the odds. Upson is about the only "bargain" I can think of in recent times, Chelski paid quite a lot for there English buys. We need to bring players through the ranks like manu and sell them at inflated prices to mid-table prem teams and lower division sides if they aren't good enough. We can't complain, we have three good home grown players

PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 12:40 pm
by shilton_red
Vidukas got a questionable character and so has Smith , so i dont know whether they would fit in with our high standards . Viduka had trouble with Ready and Smith wants to punch everyone ala Bowyer .

PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 12:51 pm
by JBG
I also don't fancy Smith at Liverpool. Let Newcastle at him.

I think Upson could be pinched from Birmingham for around £5-6million at the moment, not cheap, but hardly break-the-bank expensive.

Malbranque might come as cheap as £4million. I though I read somewhere that he has only a year or so left on his contract, and there was a rumour that he might have a clause allowing him to leave Fulham relatively cheaply.

Patridge isn't British: he's Irish.....there's a big difference!!!

I think the right transfer is the best player for the right price, regardless of where he comes from. Its as simple as that.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 6:47 pm
by kopper
Patridge isn't British: he's Irish.....there's a big difference!!!

I was mainly making the point of the  'local' youth system and local talent.... But if u wanna get all technical, fine!

BTW Malbranque isn't british: he's french.....there's a big difference!!!