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Kuyt got to luv the guy

PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:27 pm
by Ciggy
Why I'm 'father' to young Aids orphansJan 8 2007

By Tony Barrett, Liverpool Echo

DIRK Kuyt has never been to Nepal. But in a newly built house in a small village in the country which lies at the foot of the Himalayas there are eight young AIDS sufferers who call the Liverpool star "father".

Although they have never met him, the eight orphans have been given a new chance in life thanks to the generosity of Kuyt and his wife, Gertrude.

In an age when so many top footballers live up to the stereotype of flash over-indulgence bordering on the obscene, the 26-year-old is bucking the trend, displaying an attitude which could easily be described as philanthropic.

Twelve months ago, Kuyt set up the Dirk Kuyt Foundation, a charitable organisation which aims to improve the lives of some of the third world's poorest people in places like Nepal and Ghana, as well as in Holland's inner cities.

Since then, with the support of Gertrude, Kuyt's friend Gert Aandewiel and agent Rob Jansen, the foundation has gone from strength to strength and has been singled out for praise by UNICEF and politicians in his native Holland.

The player himself, though, is modest about his achievements. "It is good to try to help," he says.

"Footballers are fortunate because we are paid good money for doing something that we enjoy. I just think that when it is possible I should try to give something back because I am aware that not everyone is as fortunate as I am.

"Whenever the collectors came to my door looking for donations for charity I always gave money but I just felt that I could do something more, that maybe a footballer could help something happen in one year that might otherwise have taken five.

"A photographer I know told me about the children in Nepal and I wanted to help them straight away. From that point we went on to set up the foundation and it is going well.

"Basically, we funded the building of a house for the children in Nepal to live in and I become the "father" of the house and Gertrude is the "mother".

Unlike most charitable organisations, the funding for the foundation is not provided by collections from the public or various fundraising initiatives. The bulk of it comes from Kuyt's commercial activities.

He says: "I have a contract with Adidas and whenever I do commercials with them I give the money to the foundation.

"I also have a Dirk Kuyt clothing line on the Internet where people can buy t-shirts, caps and socks and all the money from this is also given to the foundation."

In Holland, the Dirk Kuyt Foundation has helped young people from places like Katwijk, the village where Kuyt himself grew up, get opportunities in education they may not have otherwise had.

"Education is very important," says Kuyt. "If I wasn't a good football player, I would have given everything to studying. Katwijk is a fishing village but there is a lot of unemployment there so the foundation tries to help children who want to go to university or college by giving them scholarships.

"I don't see what I'm doing as special. It is just about giving something back."

Since moving to Liverpool last August, Kuyt has fallen in love with his adopted home. So much so that he has already held talks with Liverpool chiefs about extending the work of the foundation to the Merseyside area.

"I have spoken to the club," he says, "and hopefully we can do something. I love Liverpool already. Everyone has been so helpful and friendly to us - I don't think there are many places like this.

"I am hoping to be here for many years. Gertrude and myself already have one daughter, Noelle, she is two and she is going to nursery in Liverpool.

"Gertrude is also 23 weeks pregnant so we are looking forward to having a proper baby Scouser. It will be good to have someone who can tell me what Carra is saying to me!" :D

At the moment, the Kuyt household in South Liverpool is playing host to Dirk's father, Gerrit, who came over to see his son shortly before Christmas.

It is a visit which until relatively recently seemed it would be unlikely to happen as Gerrit Kuyt has been battling stomach cancer.

But in recent weeks his condition has improved markedly following a major operation to remove part of his stomach and his oesophagus.

"It has been difficult but things are looking much better now," says Kuyt, who credits his father with being the driving force behind his career.

"He is doing well and at the moment he is clear of cancer. He goes back to hospital at the end of the month and hopefully there will be more good news.

"He came over before Christmas and he has been to Liverpool's last five home games. It was great to have him over for Christmas because it was our first one in a new country and it was made even more special because we spent it with him."

With his father's health improving, his wife expecting their second child and the goals continuing to flow for Liverpool, life could hardly be better for Dirk Kuyt.

Now all he wants is for others to share in his own good fortune.

Top fella good decent hard working real gem he is, I am made up he came here.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:45 pm
by adamnbarrett
Top bloke. I think it's brilliant to see footballers actually giving rather than complaining that their wages don't match other players. Just shows what type of person he is.

Well done Dirk

PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:50 pm
by 83-1165214211
Quite simply the mans a good human being and what he's doing is fantastic.

Hats off.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:06 am
by Scottbot
He has impressed from day one, both as a player and a person. Extremely professional, humble, works his :censored: off and has already struck up a tremendous rapport with the fans. I'm surprised to read he has taken a bit of criticism on these boards and think we all forget he (like Gonzalez and Aurelio) is also new to the prem yet is already playing like he's been here for years. He will get better and it will be intersting to see how could he can be if DIC stump up the cash for a special player to partner him up front next season.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:34 am
by red37
Good lad Dirk  :;):  hope it all goes according to plan. Top fella!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:34 am
by Lando_Griffin
His level of decency is astounding.

Top man.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 3:34 am
by matrix
all this has blown me away...  dirk kuyt what a wonerful guy...  :cool:

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 3:41 am
by red_guy
Kind and hardworking man..... and he's a Liverpool player....
Top bloke indeed. :)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 3:58 am
by RedBlood
he's a top player and a top bloke im proud to say he plays for us

fancy him to get 20goals this season in all competitions

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 7:02 am
by redsince2001
a true red....... thats a LIVERPOOL player !!! a role model for others .... and he's so humble...great lad, carry on ur good work. YNWA

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 7:10 am
by The Manhattan Project
Tremendous role model.

The guy has been excellent since we signed him.

Always working hard. Good man.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:21 am
by FRfanatic
Top bloke.

Will score 20 + next season.

Dirk ; Regards from FR fans, still miss you


PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:11 pm
by crouchaldinho
outstanding - he makes a complete mockery of so-called 'stars' like 'Cashley' Cole and the like ("£45,000 a week, he's taking the :censored:!")

Its definately refreshing to see such a decent attitude from a footballer, looking at what he can give rather than being out for all he can get.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:14 pm
by red37
crouchaldinho wrote:outstanding - he makes a complete mockery of so-called 'stars' like 'Cashley' Cole and the like ("£45,000 a week, he's taking the :censored:!")

Its definately refreshing to see such a decent attitude from a footballer, looking at what he can give rather than being out for all he can get.

well said mate...although a dying breed  :glare:

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:29 pm
by Redman in wales
can't say anymore than has already been said

top bloke. great footballer. puts 110% into every game.
