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My view from the paddock

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:03 pm
by Rafa D
Hi everyone,

   Went out yesterday reguardless of the result and only just got on the boards.

  Firstly, the "6 minutes for the 96" was absolutely brilliant. I was in the Paddock normally the quietest section in the ground but we had a great view of the Kop in full voice and it was inspiring. As per usual the Paddock sat down at the start of the game, but after one minute of a small section of us standing and singing, the whole paddock along with the rest of the ground stood up and clapped the Kop and joined in the chanting. My throat was killing at the end but the noise and the atmosphere inside anfield was electric and I feel we done the 96 proud. The fans were all top class and it made me proud to be a Liverpudlian.

   The place was rocking and it was just a shame about the result but to honest I am very happy with the outcome of the game as a whole as I dont think the protest could of gone any better.

  Well Done and Thank You!


* Also a bit gutted about the Golden Goal Competition - I had 36.20 and the winning time was 36.18 so I was 2 seconds off 2 grand  :(

* Did anyone see Pennant to the Arsenal fans? When he went to take a corner - they were singing something about "Pennant for the Arsenal" and he looked at them, grabbed his badge and held it up - they went nuts but fair play to him for that.

*As I was walking along the touchline at 90m mark, Bellamy was still warming up - I shouted

"Craig-  Craig"
He looked over and  like nodded his head.
I said " Next time , tell him to get you on earlier"
He rolled his eyes up and laughed and just shrugged his shoulders.

Well I am still a bit knackered so will reply to all other  threads later.



PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:05 pm
by dawson99
nice one rafa. ncie to see some heads still held high mate, we salute you :)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:05 pm
by coddy
Did craig turn round and say "I cant force him to because im off to Fulham next week?"  :laugh:

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:13 pm
by Igor Zidane
Well said Rafa lad, the result of the game was secondary imo yesterday, the most important thing was the message that was sent. Well done.