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Not acceptable - Today's result & houllier's reaction

PostPosted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 10:50 pm
Given that we still have to play Man Utd and Arsenal away this season then if we still hope to qualify for the Champions League this season then we really have to win games like this one.
Leeds are bottom of the league , before today's game they only had 3 home wins and scored a meagre 13 goals. With off the pitch problems and a stand in manager they should have been there for the taking. After all the League table doesn't lie after a third of the season - they are the weakest side in the premiership.
We succeeded in turning a lead into a deficit with some poor defending. Baros did look sharp and took his goal really well - pity we cannot say the same about Owen. If you don't put away the majority of chances when your defence is not as strong as it once was then you will not win games. I give Leeds credit for their attitude and endeavour but we really should be winning games like this
And then we have the post match reaction of our wonderful leader. Yes he really enjoyed the game  , football was the winner today ! Maybe there is some truth in what he says but it his smug complacent manner which winds me up.
Basically his attitude says " Yes we f##ked up today but I don't give a f##k as I am untouchable ! I will come out with nice sounding platitudes about how good the game was , how hard Leeds tried... that way Moores and Parry will swallow this patronising bullsh#t ...and avoid me from having to answer questions about how we nearly 30 points behind Arsenal and a million miles away from winning anything of true substance under my management ! "

PostPosted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 11:22 pm
by The Manhattan Project
We can't even beat a team at the bottom of the FA Premiership and the board are looking to the UEFA Champion's League???

They must be deluded.

???  ???  ???

PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 1:00 am
by Dalglish
Mesage for The Baron ......"Why do you use every post on here to have a go at GH ? Listen Mate , we have heard you once on that particular thread so change the record and give us all a break ???  It's well documented what you think of Houllier, for the record Leeds are fighting for everything at the moment and got adecent result at OT last week if my memory serves me well. the start and end of any season sees teams playing above their ability. liverpool had 19 attempts at goal today playinG AWAY from home , isn't entertaiment and attacking tactics what you want ?

Walk on ..........

PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 1:49 am
by Red
Agreed, Leeds playing out of their socks at the moment, both teams wanted that win badly. Allan Smith made our defence looking shocking at times, was it his brilliance, or inept defence..abit of both. I enjoyed the game immensely, if there was a script, we would have scored in the 88th minute and won 3-2, sadly we did not.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 1:52 am
by Dalglish
Thanks red for the back up mate, I'm not saying GH should stay , just that the threads have got a bit one dimensioanal on here lately ???  Walk on .......

PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 2:21 am
by jonnymac1979
Smith ws excellent for Leeds today as was Viduka.  We still should have beat them though.  Our centre backs were shat though weren't they?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 7:43 am
by Starbridge42
The Baron: While I can understand your frustration I don't see how anyone can be blaming Houllier for the result.  Leeds played out of their skins, we played some glorious attacking football but just couldn't find the net often enough to take 3 points.  It was a wonderful game akin to our last derby against Everton.  It was a great game from both sides and football was indeed the winner. 

My post match mortem: Gerrard played wonderfully yet again, kewell seems to have found confidence after his goal against Levski Sofia and was in good form yesterday, Baros seems to be coming back well from injury and he scored a very good goal and almost had another if his header had been just three centimetres lower.  Owen seems to have lost his shooting boots but did play some good football at times with his passing, getting into space etc., the defence was a little weak but Kirkland did well enough. 
Effort: 9/10
Skills: 8/10
Result: 1/2

Lets hope we can put in as much effort in our next game.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 12:45 pm
by RedSi
Whilst I am ultimately in the GH out camp, I think that yesterday's performance was significantly better that the sh##e they served up against Levski. There was some decent passing and movement which again could not be said of 75% of this season's games.

Leeds simply had a very good game as they did against ManUre and Wolves.

The Pompey equaliser was a godsend though it has to be said, old Sir Bobby was choking on his words!!  :laugh:

PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 2:13 pm
by Owzat
Sad truth is Redsi that Wolves and Leeds fought hard against manu and came away with reward, we'll probably go to old trafford and come away with excuses for a disappointing result

PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 2:31 pm
by big al
There are lots of people who post a lot of sense here but what's the point.  While I agree with all the criticism of Houllier, Dalglish is right whats the ponit we are not going to change anything.

So on a positive note Milan Baros was very good yesterday infact he was a real tonic.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 4:14 pm
by The_Rock
THEBARON wrote:Given that we still have to play Man Utd and Arsenal away this season then if we still hope to qualify for the Champions League this season then we really have to win games like this one...............

i understand how u feel bro. Near the end of match, GH was laughing as if we are leading 6-0.... or something. I know his target is 4th place.... but playing like this does not give me hope that we will win the title in the near future.

I also really hope, they sell Owen. He is becoming a liability. I just can smell GH's excuse for Owen, if he does not start next season well. "Well, Owen had a Gruling Euro championship. I reckon he needs until X-Mas to get back his form"
........ :angry:  :angry:  :angry: ...... Pls go Owen. You were my Fav players after u destroyed Arsenal in the 2001 FA Cup...... but that memory is getting more and more distant.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 10:50 pm
by Owzat
big al wrote:There are lots of people who post a lot of sense here but what's the point.  While I agree with all the criticism of Houllier, Dalglish is right whats the ponit we are not going to change anything.

So on a positive note Milan Baros was very good yesterday infact he was a real tonic.

We could all bury our heads in the sand and believe like stu that everything is ok - what would be the point in that?

Baros needs an extended run in the side, something he hasn't really had yet

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 12:35 am
by Dalglish
Baros has been back 3 games, he played the second half against portsmouth , 88 minutes in the UEFA Cup tie and 80 mins against Leeds. When a player has had the kind of injury he has then you need to ease him back in and for me he has played a surprisingly lot more then i would have expected. On your other point, I'm not burying my head in the sand, i'm simply trying to seperate the game and the "Sack GH" campaign. i'm seeing the game (Leeds Away) for what it was, a cracking match against 2 committed teams. Why does everything have to do with whether we should or shouldn't sack houllier ?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 11:25 am
by shilton_red
The last two games have shown vast improvements in play even though Owen cant hit a barn door and the defence has been cr#p . Atleast weve passed the ball and gone out looking for goals , and got rid of this safety first football over passing the ball across the pitch crab style liike Butch Wilkins did . More one touch quick football is reqiured , a more attacking game . Wednesday will be the same we cannot soak up pressure , so we must releave the defence by attacking i think . If we can get one goal that should do it .We mustnt let them come onto us , and gain any confidence .

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 3:53 pm
by stmichael
the problem is that whenever we attack well we defend babdly and whenever we defend deep we don't show enough in attack. i thought we played well against leeds. individual errors of positioning by henchoz in particular cost us dear. alan smith is some player as well.