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Mixing up the jigsaw pieces

PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:57 am
by The Red Baron
I know we all have our own views on team selection and there are always a few suprises in our starting 11,could our strength in depth work against us.Is there a danger of changing things for changes sake

When I saw the line up for the Charity sheild,I was far from happy.Rafa once again proved me wrong.Then again at Sheffield changes were made.I realise we have a game of vital importance this week,and rotation is now an accepted part of our game.Its early days but is there a danger of tinkering too much.
  This is not ment as criticism of our manager,just a general question.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:58 am
by dward
There's already a rotation thread here

PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:02 pm
by The Red Baron
sorry chaps Ididnt see that,please accept my humble apologise.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:44 pm
by account deleted by request
I agree that wholesale team changes arnt a good idea but a rotation policy is vital if we are to have a successful season. The rotation systems flaws were highlighted against Sheff U. Against Sheff U I think Benitez would have made adjustments to the team at half time by bringing Pennant and Crouch on replacing Zenden and Fowler/Bellamy but for the injuries. The problem was ,that after the injuries,we then had 5 or 6 squad/new players in the team ie Kromkamp, Agger, Zenden, Aurelio, Gonzales, Bellamy and as we had only one substitution left he had to be careful when he made it. We probably scored just as he was finally considering putting Crouch or Pennant on. The only thing I really found strange was Alonso wasn't on the bench/playing (maybe injured?)
           IMO the unfortunate circumstance of having this game sandwiched between midweek internationals and a vital game against Haifa was allowed to influence the team selection. The injuries and some poor individual performances just made things even worse.
         To me rotation is not making wholesale changes to the team. it is making one or two changes when someone needs a rest/loss of form/tactical. As someone else mentioned in another thread if we had beaten Haifa 3 or 4-0 in the first leg, we would have seen a different team out against Sheff U.