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LIVERPOOL VS CHELSEA - Community shield build up here

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 11:50 am
by stmichael
first of all, can i say i'm not a fan of this game in general. i think it's run it's course and acts as somewhat of an inconvenience these days, especially when clubs have got champions league qualifiers pre season. however you can't really say that any game between us and the chavs is meaningless, given the rivalry that has developed between the two clubs over the past couple of seasons. infact you could say it's now the biggest grudge match in english football right now.

anyway, here's the team i'd go for barring injury.


          finnan       hyypia       carragher      riise

          pennant    gerrard       sissoko        gonzalez

                         bellamy       crouch

as far as i'm concerned, there's no such thing as a friendly against these ba$tards. winning would also put a marker down for the forthcoming season.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:05 pm
by account deleted by request
Its another one of those games with a lot to lose and not much to gain. IF liverpool lose, the doom and gloom will be emphasised and we will all feel cr*p and the players may lose confidence, if we win its basically a meaningless game that will have no bearing on the season.  I would be happy with your team StMichael but with Alonso instead of Momo. Momo is the most likely to get booked or sent off and its just not worth risking in a game like this.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:11 pm
by woof woof !
I'd go with much of St Micks choice but would replace Pennant or Gonzalez with Gerrard and keep a center mid combo of Sissoko and Alonso


                              finnan       hyypia       carragher      riise

         pennant or Gerrard          sissoko   alonso                gonzalez or Gerrard

                                           bellamy       crouch

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:11 pm
by CardinalRed
Can't wait to see Jermaine get the freedom of the open spaces at the Millennium... Crouchy's gotta start and I think he will, hope Robbie gets a run out pending the knee? Plus Xabi to show what passing is all about...


PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:16 pm
by Geo
i rekon rafa will go with a team similar to stmichaels, however would like to see garcia start the match, if not play a large role, maybe in the place of crouch who hasnt really caused many problems for chelski in the past, dont think you can drop pennant after the haifa game, although not to sure about gonzalez playing a whole game on the left. any news on when aurelio will be back out of intrest?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:19 pm
by dward
Geo wrote:any news on when aurelio will be back out of intrest?

the physio room says he'll be back 19th August

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:44 pm
by SouthCoastShankly
I can't see why we can't start to play a 3-5-2 with the players we have now.


          Carragher     Paletta     Hyypia

                    Sissoko     Alonso
         Pennant       Gerrard         Gonzales

                    Bellamy     Crouch

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:48 pm
by Alonso14
stmichael wrote:there's no such thing as a friendly against these ba$tards.


PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:11 pm
by H_K_LFC
I dont think playing Gerrard behind the front man is goign to work so either alonso,sissoko or Pennant will have to be dropped.


         finnan       Carragher       Hyypia      riise

         pennant    gerrard       sissoko        gonzalez

                        bellamy       crouch

Thats how i think we should line up on Sunday.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:19 pm
by The_Rock
Don't have a good feeling about this match (not that it is important in the 1st place)....

I can see chelsea winning 2 or 3 nil as we haven't hit any sort of form at the moment.......

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:04 pm
by stmichael
The_Rock wrote:Don't have a good feeling about this match (not that it is important in the 1st place)....

I can see chelsea winning 2 or 3 nil as we haven't hit any sort of form at the moment.......

The way I look at it, the only winners in this game is Manure, Arsenal and maybe Maccabi Haifa!

Psychologically we hold the aces already after the performance we gave in the Cup semi so no need on that score either. :nod

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:11 pm
by mattylfc
Hello everyone, been browsing the forum for some time now and am finally adding my input!

Definitely think we should play Crouch and Bellamy up front but have a feeling it may be Garcia as a second striker as he has done in the past.

Also think he may start Gonzalez on the bench again to ease him into it, hope he does start though as i want to have a good look at him and he wouldnt get a bigger test than this!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:24 pm
by Bad Bob
woof woof ! wrote:I'd go with much of St Micks choice but would replace Pennant or Gonzalez with Gerrard and keep a center mid combo of Sissoko and Alonso


                              finnan       hyypia       carragher      riise

         pennant or Gerrard          sissoko   alonso                gonzalez or Gerrard

                                           bellamy       crouch

I like the look of that line-up Woof and I'd be tempted to start Gerrard on the left ahead of Gonzalez.  I think Gonzo needs easing into the squad--even with last night's goal--and a cameo later in the game would be better than starting--especially if Chelsea decide to stick the boot in a bit.  Plus, Gerrard on the left will freak Jose out and probably having him playing some kooky formation to desperately try and match Rafa's tactical nous!  :D

For me, Alonso and Gerrard must play.  They've both been off the pace and are still short of full match fitness so they need the game to sharpen them up for Sheff United and MH.  I want Momo out there as well just to underscore how much better our "bargain bin" midfield is than there over-hyped gallacticos! :D

I also want to see us play 4-4-2.  No sitting back and clogging up the middle.  It's a friendly FFS so we won't lose ground in the table if we lose.  Let's be positive, play at a high tempo and hopefully knock Chelsea off their stride with some early goals.  If it doesn't work and they hit us on the counter, we can at least write off a loss as a result of taking a somewhat cavalier approach to a meaningless game in order to entertain the fans!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:29 pm
by flipmode
Come on you REDS!!!!!!!! Looking forward to Sunday....

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:33 pm
by ConnO'var
I say it's time we gave my favoured 5-3-2 a burl.......
Hmmmmm... wonder if either Pennant and Gonzalez can defend?  :D


            Carragher Hyypia Paletta
Penant                                      Gonzalez

            Gerrard   Momo   Alonso

                  Crouch   Fowler
