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Reds to play on hillsborough anniversary - Your thoughts.....

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 3:35 pm
by Rafa D
Reds to Play

What are your thoughts on this? I personally believe that we shouldn't play on this day. All the players should go to the service. It has been moved forward to 5.15pm as many fans wouldn't want to be there at 3.06pm.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:02 pm

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:07 pm
by kidder
RAFABENITEZ wrote:Disgrace.

sumed up in 1 word

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:56 pm
by Ace Ventura
Its not the best way to show respect but the club have supposedly explored every way of getting round it and cant.
I'm sure the club and the players dont need any reminding of how important the day is, and will be paying there respects in an appropriate way.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:58 pm
by 48-1119859832
I think it's a disgrace that we can't move the fixture, however it will be more disgraceful if we don't have a minutes silence for those 96 people who died.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:38 pm
by H_K_LFC
0asis wrote:I think it's a disgrace that we can't move the fixture, however it will be more disgraceful if we don't have a minutes silence for those 96 people who died.

Of course they'll be a minutes silence

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:46 pm
by SouthCoastShankly
0asis wrote:I think it's a disgrace that we can't move the fixture, however it will be more disgraceful if we don't have a minutes silence for those 96 people who died.

Move it to where?? Have you seen the fixture list for april? 6 League games, possible Champions league matches, possible FA Cup semi-final. We could end up playing a minimum of 11 games in four weeks.

Its unfortunate that our fixture list is so heavy but i'm confident the club have explored every way of getting the game changed. Also its lucky that Blackburn have cooperated cos they could of been gits and said no to the rearraged time, then you've got an awful situation of 3pm KO.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:00 pm
by adamnbarrett
SouthCoastShankly wrote:
0asis wrote:I think it's a disgrace that we can't move the fixture, however it will be more disgraceful if we don't have a minutes silence for those 96 people who died.

Move it to where?? Have you seen the fixture list for april? 6 League games, possible Champions league matches, possible FA Cup semi-final. We could end up playing a minimum of 11 games in four weeks.

Its unfortunate that our fixture list is so heavy but i'm confident the club have explored every way of getting the game changed. Also its lucky that Blackburn have cooperated cos they could of been gits and said no to the rearraged time, then you've got an awful situation of 3pm KO.

Yes but I think the 96 are more important than the amount of games we have to play.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:11 pm
by SouthCoastShankly
I not saying that the 96 aren't important but what do you do? The season is a week shorter and April is ridiculously packed

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:29 pm
by adamnbarrett
SouthCoastShankly wrote:I not saying that the 96 aren't important but what do you do? The season is a week shorter and April is ridiculously packed

I understand your point but other things do take priority.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:45 pm
by gato_busta
Im sure the club did everything possible to avoid it but couldn't. I just expect a respectful minute of silence, a clean game and a victory for Liverpool.


PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:58 pm
gato_busta wrote:Im sure the club did everything possible to avoid it but couldn't. I just expect a respectful minute of silence, a clean game and a victory for Liverpool.


We were offered good friday to play the game...

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 7:49 pm
by H_K_LFC
Most people wouldnt want to play on the day but what better way to show our respect for the 96 than a liverpool victory dedicated to them.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 8:39 pm

An open letter to the shareholders of Liverpool Football Club:

Dear shareholder,

1.   Why are Liverpool Football Club playing a football match on 15th April 2006, the seventeenth anniversary of the Hillsborough Disaster?

2.   Why did Liverpool FC not inform the Premier League that they would be unwilling to play on this date prior to the fixture program being released?

3.   Why did Liverpool FC not apply to the Premier League and ask them for permission to rearrange the fixture?

4.   Why did Blackburn not receive any correspondence from Liverpool about rearranging the fixture until very recently? It was farcical to see that Blackburn were willing to rearrange but had not received a request from Liverpool. Had Sky television chosen to screen the fixture live on good Friday would the club have then accepted a rearranged date?

5.   Is Sky Television’s money more important to hierarchy at Liverpool Football Club than Hillsborough?

6.   Why has the Chief Executive of Liverpool Football Club not responded to the numerous letters he has received on this issue?

7.   Bradford City Football Club have come out and publicly announced that they will never play on the 11th May, the date that marks the anniversary of the Bradford Fire. Why have Liverpool FCN never shown the same respect for the memory of the victims of Hillsborough that Bradford have?

8.   Neither Blackburn nor the Premier League have any objections the game being rearranged to Good Friday, why do Liverpool?

9.   Why has the club chosen a half-hearted compromise to a situation which requires a clear and concise statement from the club a statement that requires no further clarification: “Out of respect for the victims of  the Hillsborough Disaster Liverpool Football Club will never again play on 15th April, the date that marks the anniversary of the disaster.”

10.   Why did it take the football club seven months to make a decision to even query the time and date of the fixture?

11.   Have the club even written to Sheffield Wednesday FC to question the wisdom of playing a football match at the Hillsborough stadium at 3pm on 15th April 2006?

12.    The 15th April is a day that many Liverpool fans will never ever forget and they should be allowed to pay their respects to the victims of Hillsborough on this date. Many, many Liverpool fans feel that this date is sacrosanct in the calendar, why do the hierarchy of Liverpool Football Club not appreciate this and why have they chosen to play a fixture which could easily have been accommodated elsewhere in the calendar on 15th April 2006?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 9:02 pm
by adamnbarrett
I think that the club should organise an end of/pre-season friendly with someone every season to commemorate all those who died on that horrible day, just like Liverpool and Juventus did this year they organised 'the game of friendship' which was contested between our youth teams.
