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Liverpool players are 3rd rate - The team

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:19 pm
by jeff capes
this team has to punch above its weight to succeed. when i watch liverpool it looks like a load of effort for the side to succeed,and when ever they take their foot of the pedal just a little bit it goes all wrong.

alonso goals scoring record before coming to liverpool was about 1 in 14 so i don't expext him to start banging in goals even though he has the ability to. finally people are seeing that sisoko is not ready for the prem he lacks strength,power,heading ability, passing ability, shooting ability and has to be 1 of the slowest black guys i have ever seen. but apart from these minor faults he is the new patrick veira.

chelsea players are not playing above their natural ability so when they lose after going on a long run its no big deal, which is why they return to winning ways quickly.

teams like arsenal and liverpool are filled with players like traore and segan which means once the team lose after going on long run they return to their normal state which is not very good, unlike chelsea's players who are very good.

its like going for a jog , usually you can't run past a certain point but every now and then you can run a bit further. hopefully as time past you can run further but there is no certainty. liverpool has players who could do something but then again they might not.
i think its time to bring in some big guns instead of messing around with these beginners.benitez talked about having options when linked with figo so where is this option.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:26 pm
by Lionheart
Not even worth responding too.

"Ohhh, I used to be indecisive but now I'm not sure!!!" ???

What a load of :censored:.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:27 pm
by desperado0831
jeff capes wrote:finally people are seeing that sisoko is not ready for the prem he lacks strength,power,heading ability, passing ability, shooting ability and has to be 1 of the slowest black guys i have ever seen. but apart from these minor faults he is the new patrick veira.

You're really a newbie. Sissoko is the hardest player in our team countless our captain.

Your post makes yourself shame.

Seize your post.   :buttrock

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:31 pm
by supersub
jeff capes talks a load of waffle

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:31 pm
by babu
dude, what the fuck ?

we are 3rd.

your statement 'once the team lose after going on long run they return to their normal state which is not very good'

That makes no sense at all. If our long run was, a wining run (which it was) how can you say that once we lose, we return to normal. surely based on that, our normal is the long run of winning. The only way that statement makes sense to me, is when the season is over and our losing streak overtakes our winning streak.

Honestly think you should have a little sleep, then think about what you posted.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:31 pm
by laza
Fair weather fans are 4th rate

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:33 pm
by babu
ps desparado,

your signature is very distracting. :D

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:34 pm
by Lionheart
I think he's more of a Chelsea fan... :angry:

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:35 pm
by Lionheart
babu wrote:ps desparado,

your signature is very distracting. :D

Yeah, I start to salivate...can't figure out why!!!  :laugh:   :laugh:   :laugh:   :laugh:

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:38 pm
by desperado0831
My pleasure :D :D :D :D :D

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:40 pm
by Lionheart
desperado0831 wrote:My pleasure :D :D :D :D :D

Well if it's YOUR pleasure, then lucky you!!!  :D

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:42 pm
by matt74
geoff capes you have really confused me...

should sissoko be faster because he is black ???

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:43 pm
by drummerphil
desperado0831 wrote:My pleasure :D :D :D :D :D

i think its a bit much though,kids come on here and there is no respect for members like ciggy and zara.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:44 pm
by hawkmoon269
desperado0831 wrote:My pleasure :D :D :D :D :D

And a bad case of razor rash, to boot!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:47 pm
by desperado0831
drummerphil wrote:
desperado0831 wrote:My pleasure :D :D :D :D :D

i think its a bit much though,kids come on here and there is no respect for members like ciggy and zara.

I never meant that.  :down: