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Peter crouch - Settle an argument

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:45 pm
by longsiderkev
Just chatting to a mate who dosent rate Peter Crouch.  He says that he is a complete donkey and is not good enough for the Premiership.

I disagree, I feel that he is an important player for Liverpool and should definatly go to the World Cup.

But neither of us watch him week-in, week-out so what are your views on the big man?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:51 pm
by mikopool
In a word, Solid. When he gets the ball I am not concerned about whats going to happen, which I can't say about our other strikers, he holds the ball up well and creates room for other players. Unfortunately I don't think Sven Gone Eriksson will appreciate this. He doesn't bag enough goals to be the striker England need.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 8:00 pm
by longsiderkev
I think that people see people of Peter's build (lanky) as donkeys and also, with him being not the most prolific of strikers people think he is simply rubbish.

There are many factors to his game that I admire and I feel that he is a different option for England and I would be disappointed not to see him in the World Cup squad.  It not not a coincidence how many goals England have scored with Crouch on the pitch.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 8:03 pm
by crazyhorse
If fit Crouch will go to Germany IMO.

He is an added option and has the capability to change a game when we are the odd goal down.

I would like to see how some of the South American sides deal with him.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 8:22 pm
by azriahmad
Peter Crouch is not a donkey, the donkey is a 14 million waster called Cisse who does next to nothing when he is on the pitch for us.

Houllier should buy him off us for Lyon and give us a decent sum, even if it's nowhere near 14 million.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:08 pm
by Lando_Griffin
What's with the pic, longkev? ???

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:13 pm
by drummerphil
put it one way mr burnley would love him in your side............btw......have i mentioned how Traore would do a good job for you.......

oh one more thing Robbies back did you know :laugh:

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 10:18 pm
by longsiderkev
How about, we sign Traore, then loan him out to whoever we're playing every game.  That sounds good.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 10:21 pm
by Woollyback
longsiderkev wrote:How about, we sign Traore, then loan him out to whoever we're playing every game.  That sounds good.

now there's a plan :D

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 10:23 pm
by longsiderkev
:D  :p

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 11:01 pm
by looprevil
Crouch is a solid player.  Good at holding the ball up and has a suprising deft touch for a man his size.  I would love to see what he could do in Germany.  Some of the smaller defensive teams would have a lot of problems with him.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:54 am
by 115-1073096938
Good footballer, if anyone says otherwise they're talking out of their backside.

He's not world class but he's by no means poor.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 1:28 am
by Espionage
I dont see why he couldnt play a big role in the world cup for England. With the fire power that is around him he doesnt really need to.Owen poaching goals by getting into space that he creates, Crouch bringing Lampard and Gerrard forward witha few fince touches. Also with Beckham bending in some nice crosses i can see him being a real ariel threat.

Good Luck Crouch!!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 1:40 am
by Sabre
I think that people see people of Peter's build (lanky) as donkeys and also

Is it just me or this is a wind up?

I might buy that this people says he doesn't watch Crouch playing often, but I don't buy that he reveals us how he is. We all know. And he used donkey twice.


PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 9:04 am
by dawson99
stu_the_red wrote:Good footballer, if anyone says otherwise they're talking out of their backside.

He's not world class but he's by no means poor.

or u could say hes not poor but hes by no means world class. he adds a lot to the team but i personally like my strikers to score goals