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Left backs

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 8:32 pm
:) Look at all the great Liverpool teams and you'll see great left backs - Gerry Byrne, Alec Linsday, Barney Rubble, Steve Staunton. At present we have Traore, possibly along with Bjorn Kvarme, the worst player ever to wear the Red of Liverpool. The problem all Liverpool fans at present is a tendancy to keep looking to the past - I'm guilty as charged, but when we have players like Traore then its about the best I can do because what is more annoying is Houllier not playing Riise - at least he can get goals and has a bit of skill about him.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 8:35 pm
by JBG
How many goals has Riise scored this season?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 12:07 am
by 115-1073096938
Shows how many games you've watched this season then. :)

Troare hasn't done badly when he's played this season. LLooking a better player. Riise on the other hand... well the less said the better.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 1:03 pm
by Scottbot
Riise is a good left back if you put him in a confident, attacking, fluid Liverpool team. In other words not this Liverpool team. Traore is a centre-back - always will be. He can run, block, anticipate + give the ball a good hoof. I doubt he will ever look confortable going forward.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 1:41 pm
by big al
Stu if someone makes a comment why is it always about the number of games he's been at.  Remember the year Houlier was in hospital and we won three trophies, would that mean he's a s##t manager after all. My point is that not everyone is lucky enough to go to matches on a weekly or even fortnightly basis, that dosent make their opinions any less valuable.  Some of us live too  far away, some have work, some can,t afford it and some might even be ill. there are lots of reasons fans don't get to games.  They're either fans or their not I'd appreciate it if there was a bitter more sensitivy.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 2:11 pm
by JBG
Yeah Stu has hang ups about this "fan" thing.

Just because someone goes to every game religiously doesn't automatically make them the ultimate authority on everything, although it does help!

Every hear the expression: "Can't see the wood for the trees?"

I agree with Stu about Riise though. That guy is turning out to be a big dissapointment.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 2:11 pm
by Owzat
I'm sure if you asked every fan who had been to more than a few games how many goals such and such a player had scored they would be stumped unless it happened to be Owen or maybe Kewell.

Stu - without cheating, how many goals have those players who've scored in the league this season got? What is Owen's running league tally?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 2:47 pm
by Cool Hand Luke
I think Troare is suplus to requirement at Liverpool. At left back we have Riise, Carragher, Vignal(When he comes back from loan), they are all comfortable left backs.

At centre back we have Hyypia, Henchoz, Biscan and Diao as emergency cover.

So what is the point of him, any way he is not good enough to play for liverpool.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 7:44 pm
by bpm1976
I think where ever he plays he looks very ordinary, cant pass, doesnt look comfortable on the ball is not really the way forward to establish Liverpool with the big 3, Man U, Arsenal and Chelsea, how sad is makes me to say we are not a top 3 club! But at this present time thats a fact lads.  He does seem to work hard when ive seen him play, but without ability, it doesnt really count for much. First Division player at best.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:41 pm
by 115-1073096938

I'm not a statto and have never claimed to be. I don't see the relivence of your question.

Big al.... right i don't care where someone lives mate.... thats nothing to do with me, my point is if you go to matches and watch 90 minutes of football you can see the problems clearly.

On tv and watching highlights and reading reports doesn't put you in as good position to judge.

If you speak to anyone with any football knowledge who attend matches on a regular basis you will find that there opinions on most of the players are all pretty much the same.

IE Riise has been sh##e since his first season barring the odd game.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:43 pm
by 115-1073096938
Has i'd rather see Traore than Diao any day. Biscan isn't a centre half and Traore is probably a better player.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:51 pm
by Owzat
stu_the_red wrote:Owzat.

I'm not a statto and have never claimed to be. I don't see the relivence of your question.

You made a comment to JBG "show's how many games you've watched this season" but claim YOU'RE not statto  ???  My point is we don't remember everything and JBG was simply questioning how many goals, if any, Riise has scored this season. My question was simply putting yours into perspective, we don't all remember how many goals have been scored this season or which players have and haven't scored this season. We're also not all lucky enough to be season ticket holders or go to all or most of the games

I've made my point, let's just leave it at that  :)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 8:09 am
Stu you talk s##t you do have an hang up on fans and number of matches. You can see just as clearly watching the reds live as you do at the ground.

Iagree Riise sh##e this season, confidence is his problem. Traore,Diao biscan diouf smicer murphy cheyrou heskey. One question would any of these get in the top 3 teams? Answer, NO.

They are s##t and will never be in a team that wins the premiership. We are fast becomming a third rate team and club we dont think big anymore.

Our problem lies solely at our backers, the board and that french f##k:angry: