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What about bruno

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 8:52 am
by truered
I really think that we do have a very good team just the system that we play is soo messed up that the players cant utilise their skills.we have one if not the best teams in the league is just the manger doesnt seem to know where to position the players.Bruno is a very good exam he hasnt played many games for us but i must say that he is a talent but been played out of position.i know that if he is told to fill the man in the hold postion then we could be banging goals like nothing like i said he touch is really good though he is never going to be a winger if he can be given a Role in the hole like the one that Zidane has at real of the way that scholes used to play then we would be ok upfront.tell me what u think

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 10:08 am
by big al
Truered Cheyrou was an outstanding talent before he came to us.  Your right about Houlier not knowing where to play him but that begs the question Why buy a player who you don't no where he's going to play. Mnay people here brought up on Liverpool appreciatre the system that Shankly set up. Players were purchased by successive managers to fit that system. Sounessthought he knew better, Roy Evans brought it back without the playing staff and Houlier through it out the window.  We have good players yes, question is do we have a good team?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 4:15 am
by Red
Without jumping on any "Cheyrou is now my hero and future Zidane" bandwagon. Im hopefully waiting for him to play to his potential over a long period of time for the Reds despite any negative influence Houlier may have.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 2:16 pm
by Owzat
Should we go all out to find a position for Cheyrou or should we stick with players who fit our chosen formation?