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Jimmy bullard - 5million would do it!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 10:58 pm
by 115-1073096938
The lad who plays for Wigan.

Right sided midfielder and a damn good one. Watched him the other day against the Mancs and he was the second best player on the pitch behind Rooney.

Seems to have a bit of everything, puts in great crosses, good skill, good passer, good brain, works hard and in general has a good alround game.

You could see by his movement, the way he knew when to drop off and when to make a run, he always has space (the first thing a good player always has) rarely gives the ball away and spots good passes.

He wouldn't cost the earth and i think he'd fit into our system perfectly. Anyone who's seen him play share your thoughts?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:10 pm
by El Nino_#9
i dont think wigan would sell. he seems to be a key player for wigan.
how old is he anyway?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:27 pm
by JC_81
There are a few of those Wigan players that have looked the business this season.  The 2 full backs, Baines and Chimbonda also look very good.  However I'm not really sure about buying any of them. 

You have to wonder why no one has looked at these players before now, most of them have been kicking around for a while.

In my opinion Paul Jewell has created a very good team spirit there and they are also very well organised, they play for each other.  The good start they've had pushed on by the adrenaline from getting promoted has set them up for a good season.  You have to wonder though if a lot of their players are playing well above themselves at the moment, rather than genuinely being quality players.

They'll undoubtedly stay up now and if this time next year they're still looking the business then maybe a few of their players would be worth a look.  My gut feeling though is that none of them are Liverpool standard and they would struggle in any other premiership team outside of the Wigan bubble that's just waiting to burst.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:13 am
by banana
No way Stu. No f@cking way. We are only after world class players, and you come up with a really poor suggestion. The player you mention is not a typical winger. He has little flair, no pace, not a good crosser and he is of limited experience. I have agreed with some of your post recently but this is a new low stu. I suppose it could be a joke? Well you got me fooled there, for a while that is.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:47 am
by 115-1073096938
john craig wrote:There are a few of those Wigan players that have looked the business this season.  The 2 full backs, Baines and Chimbonda also look very good.  However I'm not really sure about buying any of them. 

You have to wonder why no one has looked at these players before now, most of them have been kicking around for a while.

In my opinion Paul Jewell has created a very good team spirit there and they are also very well organised, they play for each other.  The good start they've had pushed on by the adrenaline from getting promoted has set them up for a good season.  You have to wonder though if a lot of their players are playing well above themselves at the moment, rather than genuinely being quality players.

They'll undoubtedly stay up now and if this time next year they're still looking the business then maybe a few of their players would be worth a look.  My gut feeling though is that none of them are Liverpool standard and they would struggle in any other premiership team outside of the Wigan bubble that's just waiting to burst.

The problem is these days mate no-one knows a player when they see one. They all want pace, or a great passer or a great tackler, or a 6ft centre half or a pacey dribbler.

Its all bollox mate. No-one wants a footballer.

You watch football and you can see who's a good player simply by seeing how much time on the ball they have, how well they read situations, how clever there touch is and how much upstairs there is.

I watch players like Bullard and i see a lad who's three or four classes ahead of everyone in the Wigan team. He has a bit of everything. Yet people like Banana and scouts won't look at him because he's not got electric pace or Zidane like skill and balance. When in all reality they don't really understand the game. People say you need certain attributes to do stuff and create a great team. To an extent you do. But if you have a great player they will adapt. John Barnes for example, a pacey winger with good strength. Lost his pace, turned into an intelligent midfielder who never conceeds possession. You saw other attributes of his game.

The problem is these days theres players out there who are FOOTBALLERS. Not atheletes, not hard men. FOOTBALLERS.

Joey Barton... He's a better player than anyone in the middle at Arsenal, Man Utd (now at least) and most other sides.

Yet the likes of Fabregas are rated above him.

Says it all. Predictable reaction from Banana who doesn't watch Bullard play, its typical of the stigma attached to playing for a smaller club. The likes of Ashton and Bullard would improve our team immensely. Ashton is one of the best centre forwards in the country but won't ever get that kind or respect, Bullard is one of the better right sided players in the country, he'd be excellent alongside Gerrard and Alonso, he'd adapt, not only that, he'd improve himself because he'd be playing with much better players.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 3:06 am
by vlady16.1
stu   you are a genious -- i've watched a few wigan games and this guy is great -- real ugly, not a pure athelete but he knows how to play -- would be a definite asset and would bleed red for the team -- not many of these guys left

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 3:12 am
by Dalglish
I've got Bullard and Chumbawumba in my fantasy football team and their raking in the pts for me :D I

I've got to say there isn't a lot wrong with Bullard from what i've seen so far although he may not adjust to life at LFC cos its a big step up in terms of expectation and prestige. LFC have made an habit of bringing in "Good" players from other clubs who have failed to fulfil their potential at Anfield.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 3:33 am
by Lando_Griffin
stu_the_red wrote:
john craig wrote:There are a few of those Wigan players that have looked the business this season.  The 2 full backs, Baines and Chimbonda also look very good.  However I'm not really sure about buying any of them. 

You have to wonder why no one has looked at these players before now, most of them have been kicking around for a while.

In my opinion Paul Jewell has created a very good team spirit there and they are also very well organised, they play for each other.  The good start they've had pushed on by the adrenaline from getting promoted has set them up for a good season.  You have to wonder though if a lot of their players are playing well above themselves at the moment, rather than genuinely being quality players.

They'll undoubtedly stay up now and if this time next year they're still looking the business then maybe a few of their players would be worth a look.  My gut feeling though is that none of them are Liverpool standard and they would struggle in any other premiership team outside of the Wigan bubble that's just waiting to burst.

The problem is these days mate no-one knows a player when they see one. They all want pace, or a great passer or a great tackler, or a 6ft centre half or a pacey dribbler.

Its all bollox mate. No-one wants a footballer.

You watch football and you can see who's a good player simply by seeing how much time on the ball they have, how well they read situations, how clever there touch is and how much upstairs there is.

I watch players like Bullard and i see a lad who's three or four classes ahead of everyone in the Wigan team. He has a bit of everything. Yet people like Banana and scouts won't look at him because he's not got electric pace or Zidane like skill and balance. When in all reality they don't really understand the game. People say you need certain attributes to do stuff and create a great team. To an extent you do. But if you have a great player they will adapt. John Barnes for example, a pacey winger with good strength. Lost his pace, turned into an intelligent midfielder who never conceeds possession. You saw other attributes of his game.

The problem is these days theres players out there who are FOOTBALLERS. Not atheletes, not hard men. FOOTBALLERS.

Joey Barton... He's a better player than anyone in the middle at Arsenal, Man Utd (now at least) and most other sides.

Yet the likes of Fabregas are rated above him.

Says it all. Predictable reaction from Banana who doesn't watch Bullard play, its typical of the stigma attached to playing for a smaller club. The likes of Ashton and Bullard would improve our team immensely. Ashton is one of the best centre forwards in the country but won't ever get that kind or respect, Bullard is one of the better right sided players in the country, he'd be excellent alongside Gerrard and Alonso, he'd adapt, not only that, he'd improve himself because he'd be playing with much better players.

Why don't you apply for a job at Anfield as head scout stu?
You'd be good at it by all accounts.  :Oo:

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 3:41 am
by tel
You've got to be joking

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 9:49 am
by banana
Stu. You are looking to build a top 10 side. I'm looking for a championship winning side. That's the difference between us. Bullard, Barton and Ashton (and players of similar abilities)could well play in a top 10 side. But to win big throphies you need players like Vieira, Alonso, Shevshenko. That is the quality we are looking for.

I can see that the Bullard lad is a decent footballer. But I also see limitations in his game that will make it impossible for him to take the next step. That is becoming an international player and a player in a top club (barcelona, Inter, Man U, Liverpool, Bayern Munich etc.)

I honestly thought this was a joke. But it seems it ain't, or is it?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 9:55 am
by wee_boi888
Did you say better than Cesc Febregas, Stu?

You are crazy!!!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:34 am
by Leonmc0708
stu_the_red wrote:The lad who plays for Wigan.

Right sided midfielder and a damn good one. Watched him the other day against the Mancs and he was the second best player on the pitch behind Rooney.

Seems to have a bit of everything, puts in great crosses, good skill, good passer, good brain, works hard and in general has a good alround game.

You could see by his movement, the way he knew when to drop off and when to make a run, he always has space (the first thing a good player always has) rarely gives the ball away and spots good passes.

He wouldn't cost the earth and i think he'd fit into our system perfectly. Anyone who's seen him play share your thoughts?

you talk some shi.te Stu lad but this takes the biscuit.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:59 am
by JBG
The Bullard rumour to Liverpool has being doing the rounds for a couple of months, so Stu cannot take credit for "scouting" him. :D

Bullard is actually a good player, despite having the worst haircut this side of Robbie Savage and spending almost all of his career in the lower leagues.

6 months ago I would have laughed myself wet, but the signing of Crouch has been a big success (say what you will, but Crouch has played consistently well for us and will get better), and if Peter Crouch can do it, why can't Bullard?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:13 am
by bigmick
He is a good player is Bullard of that there is no doubt to anybody who has seen the bloke play. As John Craig pointed out, he is not alone in a good Wigan team expertly put together by PJ. I personally wouldn't be inclined to go for him, but neither would I dismiss him either.
If I was going to raid Wigan, then Chimbonga or Damien Francis would be the ones for me, unfortunately they both play in positions which are currently covered.
On the question of Crouch and his undoubted success sofar, it is heartening to see that British based players from smaller clubs can still make the step-up. Of course it was never in any doubt at all really to those with any sense.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:20 am
by redmikey
i class bullard up ther with david dunn , davey thompson , barton , even mcfadden (sorry but the blue nose can play) as player shining in lesser teams because they have all got british heart to put with the pace of the prem. put them a la liga or seria a and they would look like lost sheep.