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Lua lua - Worth a look?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 6:14 pm
by solo si
I think Lua Lua would be a good buy for us. Under Rafas guidance, I think he could be superb. He has lightning pace, fantastic skill, ability to beat players and set up goals. He could be our Rooney. I think he just needs to play at a level which would forefill his potential and with Rafa at the helm, he could turn out to be a fantastic acquisition to the squad.
I think we could get him for £3-4m, and with his premiership experience under his belt, he will only get better.

What do you lot think?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 6:21 pm
by Garymac
I think yes, what about you??!!

Sorry but that simply had to be done

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 6:25 pm
by solo si

I'm glad that you agree! Let's see what the general consensus is?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 6:54 pm
by The Ace1983
No. Not worth a look. Not the right calibre of player for me. Tempremental, inconsistant, and quite frankly if he's not good enough for Newcastle, he's not good enough for LFC. Didn't he just get over a bout of Maleria? Rather bring back Heskey.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 7:07 pm
by Leonmc0708
Ive seen it all now, you think we should buy someone cus of one goal they scored ?

I presume you are young solo isi ?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 7:25 pm
by 7_Kewell
wasn't good enough for Newcastle and stuggles to cut the grade at way. :no

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 7:34 pm
by Mikz
I think hed be an absolutely brilliant signing,

  For Everton. :)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 7:38 pm
by mighty mo
he is :censored:,his goalscoring record in the premiership is very very poor,and not a player the european champions would ever sign,lock this thread mods

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 8:04 pm
by solo si
No, i am not a young lad ( 37 in fact) and I play football to a semi pro standard, so I have a rough idea what I am talking about. Lua Lua plays for one of the worst teams in the Premiership, what do you expect his goal scoring record to be? Peter Crouch plays for the European Champions and look at his goal scoring record!! Look at Rooneys goal scoring record in the league...p**s poor, but I bet you wouldn't mind having him in the team.

Remember Newcastle paid £2m for him when he was at Colchester and Bobby Robson admitted it was a mistake selling him. He's only 21 and I am not talking about a £20m player here. I think he would add a lot more than Luis Garcia does for example. Garcia is awful in the league especially away from home. Lua Lua is a strong athletic player, who is not knocked off the ball, has great pace and skill. He can play in a number of positions and with the right guidance, would be a great asset to the squad. Remember Cantona when he was at Leeds! Not that brilliant, but look what happened when he went to scum. He was the difference, because the manager saw his potential and turned him in to a world beater. Look what Rafa has done for Carra, Finnan and others. I just think he could turn a good player like Lua Lua in to an excellent player.

By the way what's this he wasn't good for Newcastle so he's not good enough for us rubbish! How many players could we say that about? 

It's just my opinion, but I can recognise a good player when I see one.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 8:31 pm
by 7_Kewell
By the way what's this he wasn't good for Newcastle so he's not good enough for us rubbish

not really.  I've seen him play for Colchester (a long time ago) and he's the same as he is now, a big fish in a small pond.  He look good in a poor team.....but as Newcastle showed, he vanishes when put on the big stage with a big team.  Portsmouth are going down and it's no mistake that Lua Lua is the their 'key' striker.  He's not good enough for Liverpool i think he's only scored 16 goals in 6 years!  As someone else said, maybe Everton, but not us.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:52 pm
by bigmick
As you say Si you are perfectly entitled to your opinion. Further, as you play semi-pro (a good achievement at 37 aswell) you are more fully qualified than most to voice it. Equally however, I am entitled to mine and I just can't see it mate. I think that not only is he not good enough for us, he is barely good enough for Potsmouth. In a nutshell I think he's very poor, a show-pony who expends more energy on his back-flip when he occasionally scores than he does in the course of a game. I have read some of your posts before and they seem to reasonable, so I can only assume that this is a bit of a blind spot. We all have 'em, mine is Robert Earnshaw.  :D

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:02 pm
by woof woof !
Garymac wrote:I think yes, what about you??!!

Sorry but that simply had to be done

I think three years ago maybe . What about you ?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:06 pm
by JohnBull
solo si wrote:I think Lua Lua would be a good buy for us.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:07 pm
by Reinas No.1 Fan
ohhhh no no no no!!!!!!!

even my nodding dog disagreed!!!!!

the guy is so off the ball he forgets to take his pills to stop him getting a life threatening condition while on international duty lol :D

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:33 pm
by solo si
Big Mick,

Thanks for your reply. As you say we all have them when it comes to, how shall I put it' wild cards' lets say. I appreciate what people are saying, but my concern is that he goes to a big club for little money and turns out to be a top class player. He is not on top of my favourite must have players, but I thought for a few million, Rafa could make him a real winner.

I feel that LFC don't have a great deal of cash available and we've spoken about Joaquin and Simao, but they are BIG money, without any Premiership experience. As I've said before, Rafa and the boys are really starting to click, but we need to invest in quality additions to the squad and that requires investment and with it money.

Anyway, I've waffled on enough, and thanks again for your comments everyone. That's what makes forums like this so interesting.

I'll be back with more posts soon...