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The rumour thread - Mods please answer

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:15 pm
by Paul C
Right, whats the siutation with rumours, I was under the impression they should go in the rumour their which is a stick at the top of the page, when people post rumours in the main general forum and people tell them it should be in the rumour thread they start getting sh1tty.  I was under the impression that the rumour thread was to stop the forum from being congested with loads of threads talking about "my mate says Owen in at Anfield", etc.

Mods please explain  ???

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:16 pm
by LFC #1
here we go, this is gonna be carnage :D

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:18 pm
by bigmick
I think the original idea of a rumour thread is a good one. I also think too many silly things get posted on here. Having said all that, as long as the poster is trying to make a sensible point and not just posting smileys, I don't think it's necessary to jump on guys every time and tell them to post somewhere else. It's only fun after all and people would do well to remember that putting others down does no good to anybody.
As an add on, probably a new rumour thread each week would be a good idea at the moment. Somebody who is infrequent vistor to the forum would be forgiven for being reluctant to read through 80 pages of rumours just to confirm that the rumour the bloke down the pub told him hasn't been posted ppreviously.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:23 pm
by stmichael
i'm considering asking lfc with regards to having an "lfc transfer rumours" part of the forum under lfc discussion. i think this would be better for all concerned in that all rumours would then be separate from all other general lfc chat.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:26 pm
by red37
it is OPEN DISCUSSION not OPEN WARFARE remember that.....

the problem lies in the 'many twists and turns and SUB rumours' an original post can eventually generate. and NOBODY should be made to feel abused/prejudiced against or belittled whatsoever.  whatever their age and apparant 'mental capacity' .just because they errantly reply ( and by the way it IS confusing for ALL. due to the sheer amount of contributions made) to the discussion.

maybe some restructuring is needed?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:30 pm
by LFC #1
stmichael wrote:i'm considering asking lfc with regards to having an "lfc transfer rumours" part of the forum under lfc discussion. i think this would be better for all concerned in that all rumours would then be separate from all other general lfc chat.

best way to do it for me, I'm all for it.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:35 pm
by JC_81
LFC #1 wrote:
stmichael wrote:i'm considering asking lfc with regards to having an "lfc transfer rumours" part of the forum under lfc discussion. i think this would be better for all concerned in that all rumours would then be separate from all other general lfc chat.

best way to do it for me, I'm all for it.

Yep, go for it

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:40 pm
by red37
it would beat having the need for a " forum members boxing ring" alongside an 'advanced members only' "knife sharpening room" !!!      :D

seriously tho. the new season is here therefore

NEW structure plz!   :buttrock

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:41 pm
by oOShrimpyOo
ok i think ive made valid points that ive posted in another thred which ive copied below:

""ok other than rumours what else is there to be talked about???
until a game is played at the weekend or a player gets injured or recovers from injury, theres nothing much else to talk about. So these new topics on rumours in my opinion is good for the forum, and they attract alot of interest otherwise they wouldnt accumulate as many views or replies as they do. its also good and sometimes comforting to hear others views and opinions on particular rumours, and starting a new topic on such is the best way to gathers these thoughts.""

as regards to the above statement this forum would be dead without rumours, and without rumours the forum would indeed get repetitive and boring.

""oh yeah the rumour thread is a great place for people to express their opinions and views on any particular rumour. lets be realistic here mate, youl be halfway through a post and a completely different rumour would have been just doesnt work. thats why some people consider starting a fresh thread on particular rumours. and as we've seen alot of the other threads start to go off topic, theres about 2 pages of the cisse rumour in the "liverpool just made an offer for owen" thread. like i said people like to hear others thoughts on rumours and in some instances for comfort on their own opinions, for example if there was a rumour about us buying david james back my thoughts would be 'omfg i dont want that :censored: back here' and would like to hear the same views as my own from other people. im sure some people on this forum wake up in the morning and think "im going to run through all the topics this morning to check if anyones posted in the wrong place"  :censored:off be realistic ffs.""

as regards to that statement it justifies why sometimes it is good to start a new topic for a particular rumour, beneficial for the forum and for the people who visit. lets face it the majority of rumour topics get the most views and most replies and some people find it interesting.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:41 pm
by Afroman
Why not just leave it as it is the transfer window ends in two weeks then there will be no more rumours

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:44 pm
by oOShrimpyOo
i agree a new struture would be a good idea, titled "Rumour discussion" or something along them lines...

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:46 pm
by bigmick
It's a fair point Shrimpster. There is a definate limit to how long you can keep the discussion going about a 0-0 at Middlesborough. Once you've done the "Sissoko, could be a top buy" and "Stevie G. What a player" theres not much else to say really. You throw in a couple of two pagers on "Morientes, is he any good?" and "Zenden. Whats the point?" that's it really.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:46 pm
by red37

Why not just leave it as it is the transfer window ends in two weeks then there will be no more rumours

that IS probably the logical thing to do 'ere afroman.......
the only thing is...............someone will then start one relevant to JANUARY!!   in september!    :D

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:18 pm
by Paul C
I come in peace :D

I wasn't being a coont, I just wanted the question asked :;):

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:26 pm
by Ciggy
Paul C wrote:I come in peace :D

I wasn't being a coont, I just wanted the question asked :;):

:D Is that a rumour Paul you where being a koont  :D