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Tomkins joins .tv

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:16 pm
by A.B.
Paul Tomkins has become's newest columnist, and rightfuly so. He's written tons of great articles over the past year on RAWK, and it seems that he's sold quite a few copies of his book.

I'm looking forward to more great reads from PT.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:17 pm
by zarababe
defo a great addition, puts a lost of perspective to the situation facing the club. calm head defo Nice One. :)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:18 pm
by LFC #1
nice touch that, good on the lad. :)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:42 pm
by fivecups
Congratulations to him.

He's always worth a read. He's had a difficult time with illness.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 5:32 pm
by JBG
Tomkins posted on RAWK that he had previously approached the club about borrowing material and having his book sold in their shop. He got nowhere I believe, as apparently Granada have a firm grasp of the audio visual and book content in the shop.

Hopefully Tomkins will now be able to start selling his book in the Liverpool store. My own view is that while it is not as good as the hype makes out (what ever is?) and has a number of flaws (being poorly written in places and a bit biased and subjective) it is still a damn fine read and is definitely one of the best sports books around. Tomkins has still some way to go before he can be considered one of the real big hitters in the world of sports journalism, but hopefully he'll go from strength to strength now and fingers crossed, in 5 years time he'll be a regular columnist in a national newspaper.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 5:57 pm
by Red Red Tom
As an 18 year old with about £2.42, I haven't read his book yet, but I've always enjoyed his articles - and I'm sure I'll enjoy the book too.  I'm starting a new job tommorow and it'll be one of the first things I buy when I get paid.

The man obviously loves LFC, but he isn't afraid to say what he thinks, and won't accept anything less than he should when it comes to the way the club conducts itself off the pitch, or the performances on it.  The mark of a truely great supporter, and I'm glad I'll have more of his articles to read.

Did anyone else read what David Fairclough wrote for the site today?  He's another top bloke, and even though he didn't really say anything new (we're all supprised about the work permit), his columns promise to be an entertaining read too.

I just hope that they never invite a columnist from the s*n to write one of the media articles.


PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:03 pm
by yckatbjywtbiastkamb
JBG wrote:Tomkins posted on RAWK that he had previously approached the club about borrowing material and having his book sold in their shop. He got nowhere I believe, as apparently Granada have a firm grasp of the audio visual and book content in the shop.

Hopefully Tomkins will now be able to start selling his book in the Liverpool store. My own view is that while it is not as good as the hype makes out (what ever is?) and has a number of flaws (being poorly written in places and a bit biased and subjective) it is still a damn fine read and is definitely one of the best sports books around. Tomkins has still some way to go before he can be considered one of the real big hitters in the world of sports journalism, but hopefully he'll go from strength to strength now and fingers crossed, in 5 years time he'll be a regular columnist in a national newspaper.

i dont know where you get you reverence of sports journo`s from jbg, most of them write a load of :censored: and lies and more often than not their words can be described as an agenda more than a point of view, their columns are often prompted by how cosy they are to a certain manager or agent.
this lad tomkins writes as a fan and not because he knows terry venables or alex ferguson or whoever. i`d rather read real fans opinions like whats posted on here (no matter how wacko they seem) because whatever they say they say it out of their love for the club.
anyone can write " he needs to go to chelsea to further his career, its the best for both clubs" every sunday for a good few bob, there`s no art in that.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:20 pm
by XSD
This guy is excellent :D

Winning the Champions League is less like scaling Everest and more akin to climbing Nelson's Column without any equipment.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:51 pm
by antz
Well done St Mick :D

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:56 pm
by jonnymac1979
I have been reading Paul Tomkins pieces for around 18 months now.  I'm impressed with his work.  I also found an obscure Liverpool website from years ago when Tomkins was just starting out with his internet journalism and he was writing about the late 'nineties Houllier sides.  I have read all of these from start to finish.  Tomkins claims to have wrote about 500+ pieces on Liverpool during his time, I estimate I have read about one-fifth of these. 

And he's exceptionally good, he is always interesting and writes clearly.  Exactly the type of stuff you want to be reading.  He is deservedly a mini-celebrity on the internet these days with Liverpool fans.

I bought and read his book about two months back, it took me a few days to read and I was looking forward to it beforehand because you knew what you were getting with him.  I really look forward to his articles on RAWK through the week, so imagine a book-full worth of his writing.  How good would that be?

This is why I was probably a little deflated with the book.  As good as the book is, I just felt a little saturated by it and his writing.  It's probably my own fault as I have read most of his stuff I can get my eyes on.

It sounds a little negative what I just wrote above.  Don't get me wrong, it's as uplifting a book you would ever want to read on Liverpool Football Club.  It's more than well worth a read.  If you haven't got it, buy it, and I'm pleased for him that his views with get a global airing with his new position on the official site.

Edit:  I put early 'Nineties Houllier sides.  Changed it now.  :blush:  :blush:  :blush:

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 4:04 pm
by JBG
yckatbjywtbiastkamb wrote:
JBG wrote:Tomkins posted on RAWK that he had previously approached the club about borrowing material and having his book sold in their shop. He got nowhere I believe, as apparently Granada have a firm grasp of the audio visual and book content in the shop.

Hopefully Tomkins will now be able to start selling his book in the Liverpool store. My own view is that while it is not as good as the hype makes out (what ever is?) and has a number of flaws (being poorly written in places and a bit biased and subjective) it is still a damn fine read and is definitely one of the best sports books around. Tomkins has still some way to go before he can be considered one of the real big hitters in the world of sports journalism, but hopefully he'll go from strength to strength now and fingers crossed, in 5 years time he'll be a regular columnist in a national newspaper.

i dont know where you get you reverence of sports journo`s from jbg, most of them write a load of :censored: and lies and more often than not their words can be described as an agenda more than a point of view, their columns are often prompted by how cosy they are to a certain manager or agent.
this lad tomkins writes as a fan and not because he knows terry venables or alex ferguson or whoever. i`d rather read real fans opinions like whats posted on here (no matter how wacko they seem) because whatever they say they say it out of their love for the club.
anyone can write " he needs to go to chelsea to further his career, its the best for both clubs" every sunday for a good few bob, there`s no art in that.

Tom Humphries, who writes for the Irish Times, is an exceptional sports journalist, truly exceptional.

He has also submitted articles to the English and US broadsheets (as far as I am aware) and it was his interview with Roy Keane in 2002 in Siapan that led to the infamous blow up with Mick McCarthy.

Humphries can write about any sport, be it football, Gaelic Games, rugby, boxing, athletics, and his match reports are absolute gems. Go to the Irishtimes website and read his articles and you'll see that while Paul Tomkins is good, he has a long way to go to match the masters.