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I'm going out on a limb here - Bold prediction

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:06 pm
by stmichael
Right guys. Yes it may only be one game into the league season but already I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a bold prediction.


There, I've said it.

I suppose the latter part of that statement depends a great deal on the team's success. For example, two seasons ago, I would have given the award to Stevie G, because he was OUTSTANDING for virtually the entire season. However looking back, the fact that he singlehandedly carried a poor side at times (and the fact that he doesn't play for a London club) worked against him. Players such as Smicer, Murphy et al just weren't up to it on a consistent basis when push came to shove.

We all know what then ensued over the next two summers. Gerrard's poor showing at Euro 2004 was clearly due to the speculation regarding his future and even when he did eventually decide to stay, the look on the guys face in the press conference told me that he still wasn't entirely happy. Go forward to that night in Istanbul, the "how can I leave now" comment, and the onsuing circus that followed over his new contract signing and we appeared to be back to square one. Whether you love the guy as a person or hate him for what he put us through, with everything put behind him now we have essentially got a new player.


I know Stevie could essentially go out and break his leg against Sunderland next week, but from what I've seen so far this season, the guy has upped his game another 20% and that is no mean feat considering how good he was anyway. The goals are obviously great. In the past, the one area of his game that I criticised was his goalscoring. He did score a few but they all tended to be cracking long range efforts. Last season he was joint top goalscorer with 13 and he already has seven this. However what has become more prevalent to me is the positions he is getting himself into now. He has developed a tendency to turn up in the box late unnoticed and but for wayward finishing he could already be in double figures for the season.

His movement off the ball is quite exceptional aswell. That's why I think he would thrive even more when Crouch plays because Crouch has the ability to hold the ball up and let others bomb on around him. The unearthing of Sissoko (who looks class by the way) will also benefit Stevie in the long term and give him a lesser share of defensive responsibility to do in games so he can attack more.

All in all, he looks a lot more disciplined in what he's trying to achieve on a football pitch. He's not trying Hollywood balls every five minutes. He's not running around like a headless chicken at times trying to do five people's jobs at once. He's showing signs of putting the final few pieces of the jigsaw togther in becoming what I said he could become, and that is THE BEST central midfielder in the world.

Lets just hope that the rest of the players step up to the plate aswell. I don't like us being labelled as a one man team because we have some fantastic players apart from Stevie, but having seen how he's started the season, if we'd lost him I can't help thinking we'd be in trouble this season. That's how well he's playing right now.

YNWA STEVIE G! :buttrock

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:10 pm
by zarababe
.. and here I thought you were gonna tip us for the League and CL double :(

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:10 pm
by drummerphil
be honest with you,now all the transfer :censored: is done with,he has indeed gone up 20 percent.....long may it continue

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:27 pm
by Dalglish
The lad's playing like we all know he can but without the "head games" going off in his head.

Judging from our performance yesterday we are going to be hard to beat especially in one off games i.e. Cup matches etc..

Gerrard was the beneficiary in a 5 man midfield that allows the free man to get forward at every opportunity and when you have an engine as powerful as SG's its ineviatbale that chances are going to come your way as he found out yesterday. On a different day he may well have bagged a  hatrick :)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:36 pm
by Garymac
Southgates comments yesterday summed up Stevies performance "He was Awesome, we have just been joking in the dressing room that at one point we thought he was getting on the end of his own crosses!" he was superb, a goal would have been the perfect performance, and we are by no means a one man team like some people mention its just the fact that he is so fuc*in good, he outclassed everyone on the pitch yesterday.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:42 pm
by Dalglish
Good point Gary , the Press love to label us as a one man team but yesterday Sissoko and Alonso did a lot of the hard work to allow Stevie to shine and get forward so much.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:45 pm
by Woollyback
St Mick I don't think you're going out on a limb at all, we all know what Stevie is capable of and without the nonsense going round his head he can just let his football do the talking. He was absolutely immense for us the season before last and there's no reason he can't be EVEN BETTER this season AND with a classier team around him and a better manager, he will be sensational this season. I just hope he can stay fit and keep his ego in the right place

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:53 pm
by El Nino_#9
i also think that gerrard will score 20+ goals in all competitions too, however i am not to sure he will get pfa player of the year award.
i do believe if sissoko plays the way he is playing right now all through out the season, he will have a good shout at the pfa young player of the year award.
i do get annoyed when we are perceived as a "one man team". i believe that everyone gives it there all most of the time, its just that stevie g is just in a league of his own!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:56 pm
by JC_81
I'll be interested to see if Gerrard outscores Lampard this season.  A certain Chelsea fan who frequents this forum claimed recently that Lampard is the best goalscoring midfielder in not just the premiership, but the world.  Bollox.  Gerrard is a better player than Lampard, and much like Lampard benefitted from playing in front of 2 more defensive-minded midfielders for much of last season, Gerrard will do the same this season.

Considering Gerrard is on 7 goals already, then injury permitting, he'll easily break the 20-goal mark.

I think the signings of Sissoko and Crouch were made specifically to enable Gerrard to be used in this more advanced role in particular games, especially away from home in the Prem.  What a player Sissoko looks, had it not been for Gerrard's superb performance yesterday, Sissoko would have been man of the match.  20 years of age and perfectly suited to the prem, he will be crucial in our away games with his ability to tackle and break up play

I'll make another bold prediction,  in a couple of years time, Sissoko will not be as good as Vieira, he will be better.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 11:07 pm
by Woollyback
Sissoko does indeed look immense, yesterday he was EVERYWHERE. He's so athletic and strong for a lad of 20, I'm relishing the thought of seeing him this season

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 11:35 pm
by Garymac
How good is sissoko going to be??? I mean he is 20 and already proved his tackling ability, determination, stamina, good short game, athletic, and he lasts 90 minutes no probs. Then include the fact he is learning his trade off Hamann (as good as any defensive midfielder over the last 5 seasons). Gerrard (the best Center mid in the world...Argubly) and Alonso (the best passer of the ball in the world). Sissoko is in the hands of some amazing center mids and also the best gaffer possible. Other teams around us might buy star players but in Rafa, he creates star players.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 12:00 am
by 66-1120597113
He is leading by example! A great true post there and Gerrard is god,but having a god is counterproductive! We as a team do not need a god ,we need a team full of confident players! Not ateam of pros lookin up 2 stevie gerrard and waiting to be iinspired,we need a team of winners like owen an gerrard by his side!
A team that believes that they can beat whoever getys put in front of them!! :p

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 12:01 am
by ivor_the_injun
After Stevie scored a couple of tidy goals in the early rounds of the CL last season, and then when Owen left, I remarked that Gerrard looked to me like a definite option to be played up front. Fine, so maybe Rafa took me too literally at times, but there is no question that the guy has goals in him storming in from midfield.

Here's an even more rash prediction - I predict that he'll have scored 15 in all competitions by Christmas. Let's face it, if we have a good CL run again, he could have 12-15 in that competition alone by the season's end. We looked a lot slicker going forward against Middlesbrough that we did at the beginning of last season, and as soon as all the new components click into place I can see him getting a lot more shooting practice this year.

The guy has messed us around this summer, but I think before too long there won't be a single Red around that won't have forgiven him. :D

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 12:18 am
by neil
stmichael wrote:Sissoko (who looks class by the way)

sissoko does not look class just yet, there appears to be potential but none more than say salif diou or whatever his name is.
Gerrard is nearly half way there already after 1 league game, so that limb your out on could well be quite stabilized.
Player of the year, possibly in a world cup season, more likely to receive European footballer of the year though, I mean, lets accept that our bizarre media(who seem to hold sway in these issues) are under the impression that there is a big 3......that does'nt include the Euro champions ! f.uckwits, no, make that cheeky f.uckwits .
I've gone off on one    :oh:

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 12:22 am
by El Nino_#9
neil wrote:
stmichael wrote:Sissoko (who looks class by the way)

sissoko does not look class just yet, there appears to be potential but none more than say salif diou or whatever his name is.

C'mon now mate, lets be serious here.
Sissoko has shown more potential in a few games than Diao has shown in his entire career at Liverpool so far! i truely believe that sissoko will be a success!