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Olympiacos vs liverpool - Player ratings? who played good/bad/o.k?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 9:18 pm
by El Nino_#9
Here are my player ratings for tonights game-

carson- o.k, maybe should have done better with the second goal.
medjani- poor, what is this guys best position? centre or right back? i say neither!
hyypia- a bit poor, was all over the place at times.
josemi- poor, didn't look like he knew what he was doing at times!
whitbread- poor, gave away an uneccessary penalty.
warnock- good, i rate this fellow. i think he should play instead of djimi. great assist.
carra- o.k, did good at first, then got a bit sloppy near the end.
zenden- o.k, gave the ball away a bit to often for my liking. good link up play with warnock though.
gerrard-average, didn't do much at all for me.
hamman-average, didn't do much either!
potter-average, didn't do much wrong. nor right either!
le tallec- poor, gave the away the ball to much.
sissoko- good, he was keen to win every ball. good passing. however needs to take it easy with the tackling!
alonso- CLASS, changed the game for me IMO, his passing was yet again astounding. my MOTM.
riise-o.k, good link up play with garcia...but usually led to nothing.
garcia- o.k, scored a good goal. however gave ball way to much and should have scored before hand.
cisse-average, he had no decent service...therefore no chances to score.
nando-good, scored a well taken goal. a few good touches. needs to stop trying to take on people....he has no PACE!
crouch-o.k, he didn't really get decent service either, although was involved in the first goal.
baros-good, made brilliant runs and two good finishes.HOWEVER...needs to look up when dribbling the ball to look for easier options!

What are your ratings like?

Man Of The Match- XABI ALONSO  :bowdown

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 9:23 pm
by adamnbarrett
no need to start a new thread on something you've already wrote in the match thread (waste of bandwith)

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 9:31 pm
by banana
Best players

(the hole defence basically)