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The anti-kewell brigade - Can we dispell the myth of the final

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 11:20 pm
by 7_Kewell
I have just watched The Final for the first time since the night, and couldn't help but remember people going on about Kewell's celebrations.  People were claiming the guy was running around, doing gymnastics and had basically fiened his injury.

Well, i've just watched it again and can say that those people were talking utter :censored:!  After the match, Kewell was hopping most of the time, with one leg bent (obviously to protect his torn groin) and at best limping around!  When Dudek saved the last pen, he was one of the last guys to reach the group and his hopping/limping/injury was very obvious.

Let's not forget Carra was suffering with bad cramp towards the end (on the podium he was struggling to stand) yet he managed to jump up and down, kewell done the same, usally leaning on people.  So let's stop the slagging off, because the fact he had an operation 2 days later proves there was a problem.  A torn groin is a nasty injury and to be honest, even Carra wouldn't have been able to play through it!

i'm not defending his poor/lackluster performances (when fit) but it does get up my nose when people make stuff
up.  :angry:  :angry:

So let's see what a fully fit Harry Kewell can provide before we decide to write him off, shall we?

rant over

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 11:28 pm
by Dalglish
Fair comment 7_Kewell and a balanced post mate . Of course your a big fan of the lad 9hence your ID) but you manage to remain objective and balanced.

I think most if not all LFC fans hope for better things of Harry Kewell so lets hope that post op he makes a frwsh start in terms of the way he plays and the reception he gets off the fans.

In defence of the paying pblic who actually watch him wee in week out he gets a disproportinate amount of encouragement but i tend to agree with you that many fans loking for a villian are only too pleased to point the finger at Kewell.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 12:51 am
by mighty mo
if he wants to dispel the critism he has to improve ten fold because the fans patience is at breaking point,and if he is not one hundred percent then he has to be more honest because it is not helping himself ,the club and the supporters playing sixty seventy percent fit.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 1:09 am
by Dalglish
mighty mo wrote:if he wants to dispel the critism he has to improve ten fold because the fans patience is at breaking point,and if he is not one hundred percent then he has to be more honest because it is not helping himself ,the club and the supporters playing sixty seventy percent fit.

Another fair point Mo but Rafa picks him so has to take some of the responsibility surely ? :Oo:

But a new season brings new hope and maybe we will get to see the Harry Kewell we thought we had bought  :lookaround

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 1:42 am
by charwell
You can't dispel the myth that he is a waste of obvious talent, his attitude is all wrong and he is a hypochondriac. I expect an envelope through my door next telling me Mr Kewell is sueing me!!

Of course therefore my comments are all ALLEGEDLY! :help

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 1:49 am
by laza
Fair post 7Kewell, personally i somewhat fed up  by anti Kewell tirade that came after the final though it now seems to have subsided as its no longer the trendy subject
The lynch mob lets jump on slagging bandwagon mentality wasnt something i expected from Liverpool fans. Tthough i got taste of it after the league cup final with StevieG scoring his first goal for his new club drivel though to be fair there was some mitigation that most of that was kneejerk anger stemming from a disappointing loss.
Considering we were basking in the glow of  famous victory, the Kewell slagging justs seem to be a sad indication that modern fan always needs someone to have a go at someone, regardless of how well we are doing or the result of match
Ive certainly been very disappointed in Kewell's  efforts this season  and he has deserved qualified critisicm over his performance this season. Though hopefully his injury problems are behind him and we will see player we were hoping we were going to get two seasons ago.
Though im sure if he does produce, then certains fans will just forget their comments and find someone else in the squad  ooh look Nunez and start all over again

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 2:43 am
by babu
Look I am a big fan of Kewell, but that's possibly the australian side of me speaking up. I was also tired of the rants against Kewell. Not the sentiment, but the strong language used, there is no need to abuse him, but I agree that he has underperformed and deserved criticism.

This is a question not a statement - how many other players do you think being paid as much as kewell is being paid, and performing like him (injury aside) would have lasted this long?

It is the faith that his unmistakenly huge talent will come to the fore in a red shirt that has spared much more criticism. We are all living in hope. Kewell 7 comments are good, I also had a look at the video and was suprised to see him visibly hobbling, I didn't notice at the time. But it was a crunch game and kewell was dissapointing even before he was injured.

Come on kewell show us what you got !!!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 2:53 am
by azriahmad
I did not notice hsi celebrations at all and frankly, I was not bothered with him at all because he has been a total w@nker in the months leading to the final. He was utter sh!te in the final itself.

If the fans turned on him by showing their displeasure and booing him, it was 100% self-inflicted by waht we read in the press about his attitude and his very obvious tiny heart whenever he plays. Also, for a 60,000 per week player, he gave very little and showed very little when he played. Liverpool fans are a very patient lot and to get into a position of being villified by the fans speak a lot about Kewell's application of his trade at Liverpool.

Am I anti-Kewell? Hell, no.

Do I have a high opinion of him? Again, no.

Do I have any confidence in him being able to deliver the goods on a consistent basis? Again no, begause it has been based on his lack of effort, commitment and desire displayed when he plays for us.

What does Kewell have to do to win the fans over? For a start, pipe down and put yout head down and grow a much bigger heart when he gets to play. I am sure the fans will back him and cheer for him if he shows that he really wants to play for us with a full load of effort, passion and commitment. Liverpool fans have shown great compassion for players who are far more limited than Kewell in the past who play with pride, passion and commitment in the red shirt in the past.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:10 am
by woof woof !
7_Kewell wrote:i'm not defending his poor/lackluster performances (when fit) but it does get up my nose when people make stuff
up.  :angry:  :angry:

So let's see what a fully fit Harry Kewell can provide before we decide to write him off.

Anyone would think you're an Australian , and maybe horrified at the thought of having to buy another LFC shirt that hasn't got Bludger printed on the back .   :kungfu:

:D  Just winding you up mate , Kewell has come in for a lot of flak in this forum .Thats just a sign of the fans frustration ,we all know that  Harry was brilliant for Leeds ,every LFC fan was more than happy to see him come to us .
It's unfortunate that his "injury" was allowed to drag on and on and on and on ,and then on a bit more   :D  Not sure who is to blame for that but hopefully this season we'll see the best of Harry Kewell ,I'm sure thats what every fan wants ,but if he doesn't do it soon it will be bye bye Harry.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:51 am
by JBG
I'm no longer a fan of Kewell, but I couldn't believe it when people claimed that he bottled it in Istanbul and feigned an injury so as to come off.

I know he's not everyone's cup of tea but I can't believe that. It was the biggest game of his life and if anything, he probably hid the extent of his injuries in order to get picked, not the other way around.

I watched the game again last night and it is clear that after the Milan player's challenge, Kewell was in obvious pain. The guy hit him fairly hard.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:59 am
by Piewhack
I think those rumours of feigned injury in the final also stemmed from the comments that Tommy Smith made on the homecoming celebrations on SSN.  He was complaining about how Kewell seemed to be the fastest man on the pitch after we won the cup..
I didn'd hear him say it, but my mate did, and straight away he was slagging Kewell off just from Tommy's quotes.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:59 am
by Judge
he's fuc'king soft, fancy feigning fitness to get picked, that may have cost us dear (thank fu'ck it didnt). hey and did you see him run on the pitch at the end of the match, no fuc'king injury then....fuc'king wa'nker kewell :angry:

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 11:08 am
by Fernando Morientes > 19 <
Give the guy a rest. He will become good this season with all his injury problems now behind him.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 11:10 am
by Paul C
It's a fair comment about the final but that still does excuse him for the :censored: 2 years at Anfield!!!! I'm not being harsh on Kewell but stating a fact :angry:

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 11:16 am
by Judge
The Return of the Judge wrote:he's fuc'king soft, fancy feigning fitness to get picked, that may have cost us dear (thank fu'ck it didnt). hey and did you see him run on the pitch at the end of the match, no fuc'king injury then....fuc'king wa'nker kewell :angry:

there's nowt fair here paul.................he's a total co'ck