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Spending russian drug money. - Aimar, crouch, upson & more!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 8:34 pm
by spiralstairs00
Got home, saw the news & thanked God that its over. Finally he admits what we've known for a season...He doesn't want to be here.
Finally we can move forward & think like a team, finally play like a team & finally now be reading from the same hymn sheet. Big players come & go through Anfields gates & Gerrard is the same as the rest of them. Managers on the other hand are a rarer thing around Melwood. Since Shanks there's only been six bosses at Liverpool & four of them won the league, two won the European cup & one of them........ Was Rafa Benitez!! Don't get me wrong Chelski are getting a fantastic beautiful footballer one of the best in his position in the world a one off(Maybe, watch Potter). But we'll be getting a foot up the ladder a sum of many many millions, that Benitez as we scribe our little thoughts will be putting to very good use. Aimar will be a target as is Upson who for me will be a great foil for captain Carra & his passion play. Crouch will join & maybe even Dirk Kuyt as well. All for less money than Gerard will cost Chelski! Next season there will be games when we think "I wish he was still here" but I promice they'll be games when us fans will be saying "Stevie who". The future's red, the future's LIVERPOOL. YNWA

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 8:59 pm
by ken_job
nice player is bigger than LFC, bottom line.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 11:37 pm
by supersub
my sentiments exactly....I won't be shedding any tears...My team still exists..I will be there every loyalty can't be compromised by money or shirt will always be Red...