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Houllier  still talking bollox

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 8:32 pm
So the master of spin is at it again.
After another inept performance and unacceptable result our master of misinformation is at it again.
Rather than do the honourable thing and quit he turns the attention onto the so called phone in fans.
"Any team missing 5 or 6 of their best players will notice it... I think the fans who come to watch will make that allowance - but as for those who ring the phone-ins. I doubt it "
So everyone who goes the game is prepared to accept performances and results like that ? It's strange but I thought I heard booing at half time and full time.
Perhaps f##k off Houllier translates to something else in French.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 8:34 pm
by mistyred

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 9:00 pm
by JBG
onlyoneunited wrote:Houlier is a great manager and should remain in charge of Shiverpool for the forseeable future, he is their best manager since Sourness!
What you thick scousers cant accept is that your football club is in a state of decline and has been since 1990, the last time you won the Championship.

Another moronic Man UTD fan giving his unwanted opinion.

If you actually read some of these forums and listened to Liverpool fans you will learn that we all accept that the club has been in chronic decline since 1990, you imbecile. :angry:

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 11:36 pm
by simic_ie
This i without a doubt the lowest feeling I have ever experieced in suporting Liverpool.I can't believe a club like Liverpool- who should be aiming for league titles- are in 9th position at Christmas. I'm too depressed to even write anymore.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 11:51 pm
The blame lies solely with GH. The team on sat was his alone. The man only has one system of play. He hates players who are expressive, Ginola,Anelka, Fowler,Mcmanaman, Berger, Litmanen need i go on. He apparently came to Anfield with an impressive CV, yet, he hasn't been unable to find one of his so-called gems yet! Cheyrou, don't make me laugh! He cant be credited with finding Gerrard, cos he was there before GH was. The academy doesn't look to be working, and that is because he has far too much input. Of the money he has spent, what can we say was a good buy, only Kewell, but a blind man could see he his class. He has to go, along with all the foreign duds and f##king Emily Heskey. The match at the weekend has to be the final straw. He goes on about the injuries, but are Carragher, Finnan and Baros really gonna make much difference, i doubt it. Owen and Gerrard have every right to go cos this is the worst it has been in my life time as a red fan. Im with the majority, we need Martin O'neill and he needs us.:(

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 6:24 pm
by Wendi Richter
First goal on the weekend was scored cos we screwed up our positioning on our own set piece, and left ourselves badly exposed. Unforgivable at this level.  Embarassing and not something that can be blamed on injuries.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:26 am
by vlady16.1
have hope-- if it is true that larson and hartson are looking to leave, that implies that mr o'neil is/will be available- i can't see his players bailing on him. it doesn't help the immediate therefore FIRE HOULLIER NOW!!!! and liberate us from the french terror ???