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Gerrard to sign new contract before 25th of may! - £100k a week

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 11:29 am
by malone
Gerrards new deal

By David Maddock
STEVEN Gerrard will offer Liverpool the perfect Champions League boost by agreeing a new £5m-a-year contract before the May 25 final.

The midfielder has already suggested he will stay at Anfield beyond the summer after being impressed by the progress made under new boss Rafael Benitez this season. And now he will back up his bold words with decisive action when his agent meets chief executive Rick Parry to put in motion the process that will see him sign a new four-year deal worth £80,000 a week, rising to £100,000.

It was the perfect lift for Liverpool who saw their conventional route into the Champions League closed. Their 3-1 defeat at Arsenal means they cannot catch Everton for fourth place.

While the blue half of Merseyside was celebrating what is a miraculous achievement, the red half was offered some news that will act as a distinct consolation, in Gerrard’s decision.

And last night there was further news behind the scenes at UEFA that will also offer massive cheer to the Anfield faithful, after sources suggested they WILL be given a place in the Champions League next season – if they win this month’s final.

Europe’s governing body has indicated they will talk seriously about the possibility of allowing Liverpool in as a fifth English team when they meet for their Executive Committee meeting in Manchester on June 18 and 19.

It is understood massive pressure from the Champions League sponsorship partners, and also from television companies, who pump multi-millions into UEFA’s coffers, has swung a decision in Liverpool’s favour.

The executive board will take the decision if Liverpool beat Milan in Istanbul to place them as champions of Europe as the No.1 seed in next season’s competition, with automatic entry into the group stages.

And that would mean Arsenal, Manchester United and Everton would all play in the qualifying rounds.

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 11:33 am
by Pablo_Escobar
Man, a 100K squid a week :O

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 11:40 am
by Erica
I think Gerrard has to stay in our team. Buying another player of his skills would be far more expensive than the money you have to give him to stay. Ciao

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 11:53 am
by LiverpoolMadman
Good news !!!

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:19 pm
by Leonmc0708
The thread title is however very misleading. He will be offered a new contract, but he wont even look at it before the final.

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:22 pm
by Roger Red Hat
Judging by some of his more recent performances I wouldn't pay him £100 a week. He's gonna have to book his ideas up to justify the huge salary.

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:24 pm
by 115-1073096938
Walked around again yesterday with a chip on his shoulder.

He can't handle the fact Alonso is a better player.

Gerrard is clearly becoming bad for team morale.

He doesn't want to play for the club no more.

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:26 pm
by maximus
stu_the_red wrote:Walked around again yesterday with a chip on his shoulder.

He can't handle the fact Alonso is a better player.

Gerrard is clearly becoming bad for team morale.

He doesn't want to play for the club no more.


Did you not think Gerrard was outstanding in the second half of the game yesterday?

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:32 pm
by The Canadian Red Army
Leonmc0708 wrote:The thread title is however very misleading. He will be offered a new contract, but he wont even look at it before the final.

he has said it himself that his mind will be on football until after istanbul. Just shows that parry is making a good effort to take a stake for liverpools future.

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:36 pm
by stmichael
stu_the_red wrote:He can't handle the fact Alonso is a better player.

better at what exactly? ???

While many were quick to proclaim Xabi better than Gerrard I have to say that while his passing ability and football intelligence is second to none, if he cannot get into space to recieve the ball, or go past a man to create space for himself then he is easily nullified. The bigger problem in my opinion is that if his passing isn't up to scratch then he becomes a passenger in games.

He lacks Gerrards pace, drive, tackling and most of all goal threat. If he is to become a more orthodox holding midfielder then that is fine but the defensive side of his game needs to be worked on. In europe the opposition will allow him more time and space to pick a pass but in the premiership he will have to work harder and find an alternative to the hollywood passes, especially against the top 3.

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:43 pm
by Leonmc0708
stu_the_red wrote:Walked around again yesterday with a chip on his shoulder.

He can't handle the fact Alonso is a better player.

Gerrard is clearly becoming bad for team morale.

He doesn't want to play for the club no more.

Stu sometimes I think you are a bit too passionate, sometimes I think you are misguided and sometimes I think you are a total idiot.

Today, with this comment you are an idiot.

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:49 pm
by 115-1073096938
better at what exactly? 

While many were quick to proclaim Xabi better than Gerrard I have to say that while his passing ability and football intelligence is second to none, if he cannot get into space to recieve the ball, or go past a man to create space for himself then he is easily nullified. The bigger problem in my opinion is that if his passing isn't up to scratch then he becomes a passenger in games.

He lacks Gerrards pace, drive, tackling and most of all goal threat. If he is to become a more orthodox holding midfielder then that is fine but the defensive side of his game needs to be worked on. In europe the opposition will allow him more time and space to pick a pass but in the premiership he will have to work harder and find an alternative to the hollywood passes, especially against the top 3.

Mick? You're normally one off the more sensible posters on here but i can't quite believe what i'm reading here.

The lads touch ALWAYS creates space for himself, when does he ever turn into trouble like Traore, or have a dodgey touch? He knows when to take it, where to take and how to take it which always creates the space for him. He positions his body and takes the touch at the right time to create space, if the space isn't there he's positioned correctly to release the ball to a team mate. Which 9 out 10 times is what happens.

He is more than up for the physical side of the game aswell.

We all know about his passing, but for you sit there and critisise his defensive ability shocks me. His reading of the game and positional play are simply top class. He's easily as good as Hamann in this department, the way he played against Juventus where he marked PAVEL NEDVED out of the game highlights this. He intercepts ALOT and makes ALOT of tackles.

He is also better for team spirit than Gerrard. Gerrard sulks to much and walks around the pitch alot. He's got a serious chip on his shoulder, he tried to have a go at Xabi yesterday in the first half when Gerrard was the one who made the initial mistake. He also moans at Garcia to much and trys to do to much himself because he's "the man".

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:49 pm
by 115-1073096938
Leon, in the second half he improved ALOT. Watch the first half again. Nuff said.

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:54 pm
by Leonmc0708
stu_the_red wrote:Leon, in the second half he improved ALOT. Watch the first half again. Nuff said.

so you are basing your whole appraisal of Stevie G and his future on one half of a game of football?


PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 1:00 pm
by Pablo_Escobar
stu_the_red wrote:
He is also better for team spirit than Gerrard. Gerrard sulks to much and walks around the pitch alot. He's got a serious chip on his shoulder, he tried to have a go at Xabi yesterday in the first half when Gerrard was the one who made the initial mistake. He also moans at Garcia to much and trys to do to much himself because he's "the man". 

I disagree.
No offense to Xabi - he's a top player, and I respect what he has done to L'pool, for example mentioned already Juventus game, but .....
Gerrard is an icon of how midfielder should play. Why do think he's so respected all over the world. It's because of his sherr quality. His shots are breathtaking, and if not for him L'pool wouldn't do so good this season. As I see it, Stevie by the fact that we've reached the CL final knows that he can go far by staying RED. He doesn't have a chip on his shoulder, just trying to get the lads together just as the real leader and playmaker would do.