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The great istanbul offer - Mark ii

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2005 11:02 am
by Leonmc0708
Dear Corporate Member

With Chelsea FC playing in the Champions League Final in Istanbul on 25 May 2005 we are in the process of planning a corporate trip. We are trying to establish the interest in such a trip and are inviting you to pre-register and therefore arrangements can then be made based on those numbers. Apologies if you have already received this email.

We would appreciate if you could respond to this email to advise:
You do not wish to travel to Istanbul OR
You intend to travel to Istanbul but will make your own arrangements
You are interested in our corporate trip and the number of places you
require ( May we remind you that you are permitted to book 1 place
per corporate seat held)
Based on this information you give us we will either not contact you again or will be in touch with the details of the package.

Our package will take the usual format of a 2 night trip with the cost likely to be higher than Munich and Barcelona due to the longer flight and higher hotel costs and as a guideline will be in the region of £1500 + corporate match ticket.

We cannot assist with any match ticket only enquiries - this is via Corporate Sales at Chelsea FC.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards

Chelsea Village Travel
Football Department
01737 646 430

Get on the phone people.

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2005 11:11 am
by Leonmc0708
Just called and some snotty bitch was none too pleased.

I have recorded a message which I am going to put onto our phone system and set up a canvas with just their number on, so it will keep calling their number roughly every sixty seconds and they will hear in my poshest accent "Hi got the e-mail, wondering if the trip was still on ? No, oh right so your not going to Istanbul then ? We are. Wer'e the gretest team in europe and we are going to Istanbul (REPEAT TO FADE)"


PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2005 12:29 pm
by Woollyback

proper bo!! :buttrock

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2005 12:31 pm
by xd3vilx
I Need That Trip...I Am Too Lazy To Book My Hotel And Airtickets..LoL...Sure Got Many Want Refund...