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Hyypia questions lack of effort - Tell 'em sami!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:31 pm
by Paul C
Hyypia hits out at lack of effort

Apr 25 2005

By Chris Bascombe, Liverpool Echo

Sami Hyypia

SAMI HYYPIA today delivered a damning verdict on the poor attitude which is wrecking Liverpool's chances of Champions League football next season.

The Anfield vice-captain blamed the latest abject defeat at Selhurst Park entirely on the lack of hunger in the visitors, declaring: "Crystal Palace wanted to win it more than us."

Liverpool can only finish in fourth if they win their remaining three games - including a trip to Arsenal - and if Everton collect just five of their last 12 points.

Hyypia accepts the chances of catching their neighbours are increasingly unlikely and pulled no punches in his explanation for another missed opportunity to reduce the gap.

"The game may have changed a bit when Milan Baros went off, but I thought they wanted the result more than us. It seemed they put in more tackles than us," said Hyypia.

"If you've seen the game, don't you agree with that? I was on the pitch. I saw what happened out there. I don't think enough of us were up for it.

"Sometimes it's like that and you need to get rid of this. There are many games this season where we've dropped points and it's been the same thing.

"Personally, I look at myself after every defeat and think what could I have done better? I expect every other player in the team does the same.

"It's not that I'm blaming other players. It's just that we all have a responsibility to look at ourselves individually because then the team will do better.

"We had a chance to get closer but we didn't take it. It's very frustrating. We have to still believe in ourselves. I'll never give up as long as there is a chance and I'm sure everyone else in the side feels the same. But it's going to be more difficult now."

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:35 pm
by MilitiaRusher
I thought he was one of those who lacked the desire and commitment...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:36 pm
by akumaface
Why didn't I see Gerard making the same kind of statement......???

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:37 pm
by Cool Hand Luke
To me Hyypia is a legend. Despite all his critics he is still a superb defender and one of our best players.

I agree with everything he said. Too many times this season we have been out fought, and that is a disgrace.

The bare minimum every player should give is 100% effort and desire to win. If you can't then p.i.s.s off to a lesser club like Barnsley.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:37 pm
by Nando
its about time the team itself rather than management staff took the stick for poor performances, not enought desire to wear the red shirt, we would do whatever it takes for 5 mins to step out on anfield in front of 45,000 fans and perform some players do it week in week out without justifying any reason for doing so, mellor had the desire, didnt have quality but had raw desire we need more of it, xabi alonso is more scouse than our established team members its abysmal

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:38 pm
by Cool Hand Luke
MilitiaRusher wrote:I thought he was one of those who lacked the desire and commitment...

You thought wrong.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:45 pm
by akumaface
Agreed Luke. To say Sami is the one who lack desire and commitment simply means he doesn't know what he is talking about. Maybe he is a Manure Fan or something. :angry:

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:55 pm
by MilitiaRusher
akumaface wrote:Agreed Luke. To say Sami is the one who lack desire and commitment simply means he doesn't know what he is talking about. Maybe he is a Manure Fan or something. :angry:

By the look of the Crystal Palace game, it was obvious Hyypia was poor. Ok fine i take back my statement regarding Hyypia's lack of commitment. But he will face difficulties in front of fast strikers from now. Just count the number of times Andrew Johnson slipped pass Hyypia.

How could i be a Manure fan? My avatar tells everything...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 5:04 pm
by Cool Hand Luke
MilitiaRusher wrote:
akumaface wrote:Agreed Luke. To say Sami is the one who lack desire and commitment simply means he doesn't know what he is talking about. Maybe he is a Manure Fan or something. :angry:

By the look of the Crystal Palace game, it was obvious Hyypia was poor. Ok fine i take back my statement regarding Hyypia's lack of commitment. But he will face difficulties in front of fast strikers from now. Just count the number of times Andrew Johnson slipped pass Hyypia.

How could i be a Manure fan? My avatar tells everything...

Pellegrino was the one that was getting skined by Johnson.

Anyway, the system is what really fu(ked us up on Satuarday.

Why use a wing back system if 99% of successful teams have used a back 4.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:05 pm
by adamnbarrett
Hate to say it but it's true and someone had to say it. Well in sami. The only way players like pellegrino are going to perform is by getting a kick up the ar$e.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:33 pm
by Paul C
Hyypia and Carra have been the most consistant for ages so I just don't understand why a winning formula is broken up, I agree that the system wasn't right on Saturday but we shouldn't be losing to teams like Crystal Palace and even worse we didn't create anything :(

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:39 pm
by A.B.
No matter what system we used it wouldn't had change the fact that our players weren't up for it.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:40 pm
by Red Indian
It appears that Benitez wants to justify buying Pellegrino by keeping him in the side.  I thought Hyppia was slow but Pellegrino's even slower.  Carra & Hyppia have been the best pairing by a mile and Hyppia has shown loyalty and put in some cracking performances of late, being vice captain i think he's fully justified in speaking out.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:41 pm
by A.B.
It doesn't matter if you're playing a 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 or a 3-5-2 formation, the players should be up for it which they weren't.

No matter what tactics or formations you use  in a game if your players have no desire,no determination,no persistancy then you will lose. The system wasn't our strongest but it wouldn't had changed much with the way our players were playing.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 4:30 am
by 66-1112520797
Sami Hyypia is a true pro and has every right to question the lack of effort shown on saturday i wish he would of done it earlier in the season .
And i wish the captin could come out and be as vocal as him (he to needs a kick up the ******) instead of writting us off in the CL and demanding he needs to win trophies.
Cara would be an excellent choice to have as captin he has all the attributes.
I hope this current state of form doesnt continue through to next season because we would end up like spurs and Newcastle .

The quality is their bar a couple its the mentality thats not that seems to be the missing ingredient.