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Xabi and gerrard - Cant play toghether

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 8:42 pm
Ok so perhaps im being a bit harsh but i think the time is now to sell gerrard. I was on the Kop on sat like i always am, and i think Alonso is the best passer of the ball in the prem, maybe the world. I think his style of play clashes with gerrards, he is more continental, alot calmer and has better vision. Stevie is more rough and tumble, and i thought he only came to life when Alonso tired and got subbed. I think there may be a clash of styles, and if i had to pick one to keep, Alonso would win any day. He controls the tempo alot better, and Stevie couldnt play his best under Alonso`s control. Perhaps Stevie would find it difficult to play his best at Chelsea aswell, as Lampard runs the show there, so maybe if he leaves he ought to look to spain? But im not fussed where he goes, i think we need to take the money as he dosnt seem to have the same desire of old, especially when the Matador Alonso is in town.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 8:46 pm
by 115-1073096938
Already a thread on it and you're talking garbage.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 10:15 pm
by gerrard_steven
nar personally i thought because alonso has such a range of passing gerrard jus does the more simpler things becuz when alonso wasnt playing gerrard would be pinging 50 yard balls around the pitch but now dosent have 2 as alosno is jus as good if not a better passer, he still is as effective just does not seem it i think they complement each other personally

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 10:20 pm
by woof woof !
Maybe I'm not understanding your point , are you saying "Fu'ck off Gerrard ,we only need ONE class player in our midfield  "  ?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 10:42 pm
by yckatbjywtbiastkamb
woof woof ! wrote:Maybe I'm not understanding your point , are you saying "Fu'ck off Gerrard ,we only need ONE class player in our midfield  "  ?

yeah, maybe he doesnt remember the arsenal game at home where alonso and gerrard dovetailed perfectly, not to mention the chelsea game and the west brom away - in fact all the games when gerrard and alonso actually had a few games together to gel.
saturday was the first time they`d played together for three months.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 10:47 pm
by woof woof !
yckatbjywtbiastkamb wrote:
woof woof ! wrote:Maybe I'm not understanding your point , are you saying "Fu'ck off Gerrard ,we only need ONE class player in our midfield  "  ?

yeah, maybe he doesnt remember the arsenal game at home where alonso and gerrard dovetailed perfectly, not to mention the chelsea game and the west brom away - in fact all the games when gerrard and alonso actually had a few games together to gel.
saturday was the first time they`d played together for three months.

Well said .
We rest our case .                            :D

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 10:54 pm
by Ciggy
woof woof ! wrote:Maybe I'm not understanding your point , are you saying "Fu'ck off Gerrard ,we only need ONE class player in our midfield  "  ?

I havent even read it, the titles enough :D

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 11:13 pm
by welshred
:D   its a wind up right   ???

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 2:11 am
by Lando_Griffin
Which team do you support? In stevie and Alonso we have THE best centre-midfield in europe. Only a complete tart would want to break that up. (Or a Chelsea fan). Alonso is better at passing, and is the calmer of the two. In the prem we need some fire aswell. Alonso can calm things when needed, and Stevie can roast the b***ards when we're playing Man U and the like. I'd say it was a perfect mix. G has the bite, Alonso the finesse. Plus with Alonso, G can play further up the field and start t**ting the goals in again. Up the 'pool!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:16 am
by wet echo
stu_the_red wrote:Already a thread on it and you're talking garbage.

stu,i think a more crtitcal debate could be used,if you dont agree why not break his point down

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:31 am
by bigmick
As always, time will tell. FWIW, the notion that Gerrard and Alonso may not be the absolute dream ticket that we all hope for has occured to me a couple of times. The key is probably Gerrard and the way he goes about making the partnership work.
Alonso really only plays the one way. His passing range and maturity in posession has been honed in La Liga where retention of the football is everything. He also has a tactical awareness by all accounts way beyond his years. He is by definition a holding midfielder by nature. Bizarrely it is HE not Gerrard that I would be breaking the bank to sign if I was Mourinho. It would appear to me that him and Lampard would be an unbelieveable combo'.
Stevie is a little different. Years of carrying a mediocre team on his back has meant that he has been able to get away with profligate passing and occasional casual indifference as more often than not, he has pulled us out of the myre. To play with Alonso though, he has to give up his midfield general role and rely on his unparalelled power and athleticism to provide the combo with greatness. It can be done but requires a swallowing of pride and ego.
Of course Gerrard, on a seperate point is THE player that Manure need to turn them around. Ferguson knows this better than most and I've said it before, they will break the bank to sign him when the time comes.
My suspicion is that Xabi will have a new partner next season and that then, we will have the best midfield combo' in the Prem.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 10:54 am
by taff
Rush and Dalglish didnt look very good in their first ten odd games together

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 11:20 am
by gerrard_steven
people who r saying gerrard can go now we have got gerarrd are a complete joke, alonso isnt 1 tenth of gerrard, obviously alonso is a class act but is limited to what he can do, gerrard has everything to his game and therfore can cope with alonso doing all the passing etc are you seriously telling me you would sooner have alonso over gerrard, to me your jsut saying this as you feel gerarrds already gone and are trying to find a reason for him 2 go because your a resigned to the fact he is. end od the day we will never have a better central mid than gerarrd perhaps eva now if he leaves so y sell him?!?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 11:21 am
by gerrard_steven

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 11:51 am
by jymbojetset
gerrard_steven wrote:gerrard has everything to his game ....

Apart from ability to score penalties!!

BUt saying that, why break up what back in December was developing into the best midfield partnership in premiership.