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Postby parchpea » Tue May 13, 2008 4:20 pm

I should imagine every player that has moved to another club whilst under contract has been tapped up.

People talk in football and a conversation between players leads to words with managers and an approach and if thats tapping up then every club is guilty as charged.

No team wants to lose good players but the fact is football has a pecking order at every level of the game and frankly the higher up you are in the food chain the less likely it is you will lose an important player.
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Postby Sabre » Tue May 13, 2008 4:31 pm

You're still smaller than the Mancs and Chelsea, remember that.

:laugh: is this English humour or something?
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Postby Roger Red Hat » Tue May 13, 2008 4:55 pm

nope it's what we call   'bollox'  or sometimes 'bullsh!t'
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Postby Reg » Tue May 13, 2008 5:22 pm

Rafa called Coco a w@nker becuase he failed to sign players.

It hardly looks as though Barry is skipping up the M6 does it? Nor Bosingwa.  Rafa shoots from teh hip sometimes and I wonder if the repeated criticism of Coco is fully justified.

Meanwhile, Villa and Silva become available from Valencia so suggest Rafa and Coco get on easyJet PDQ and go buy players that will make a solid contribution next season.

Maybe we could throw in Xavi, Pennant, Riise, Crouchie and Phil Babb and they end up owing us money?! :laugh:
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Postby Toffeehater » Tue May 13, 2008 5:44 pm

We are too slow with our transfer , we should be signing players now , as as fast as chelsea
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Postby red37 » Tue May 13, 2008 6:06 pm

Its a possiblity that Rafa is awaiting the outcome of that bollox 6+5 ruling that Blatter wants to implement before showing his hand in the market.

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Postby Emerald Red » Tue May 13, 2008 6:22 pm

Barry is staying wrote:Not nice when other clubs try and tap up your best players, imagine how gutted you would be if Chelsea tapped up torres and Milan tapped up Gerrard. personally I hope you keep both of them. I have nothing against Liverpool, they've just :censored: me up by trying to steal Barry for peanuts. I heard it was £2million and Riise or Finnan.

You heard wrong.
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Postby Emerald Red » Tue May 13, 2008 6:24 pm

red37 wrote:Its a possiblity that Rafa is awaiting the outcome of that bollox 6+5 ruling that Blatter wants to implement before showing his hand in the market.

I read about this over at RAWK. Sepp Batter is mental if he thinks he can impose such a rule. The time to have done that would have been about 10 years ago. To try and enforce it today is lunacy. There'd be chaos in the transfer market.
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Postby JoeTerp » Tue May 13, 2008 6:36 pm

Emerald Red wrote:
red37 wrote:Its a possiblity that Rafa is awaiting the outcome of that bollox 6+5 ruling that Blatter wants to implement before showing his hand in the market.

I read about this over at RAWK. Sepp Batter is mental if he thinks he can impose such a rule. The time to have done that would have been about 10 years ago. To try and enforce it today is lunacy. There'd be chaos in the transfer market.

you would have to A anounce it a couple of years before impementing the rule, and most likely grandfather players into the current teams that they are on when the rule is implemented.
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Postby andy_g » Tue May 13, 2008 6:41 pm

can't believe that so many people are saying that barry (thats gareth barry, not number 9 barry) is worth no more than 10 million quid and then quite happily go on about the fact that we shouldn't let alonso go for a penny less than 15 million.

on current form barry is as good as xabi, take into account the fact that he's english and an england regular these days, plus the fact that owen hargreaves went for 18 million and established the current value for english international deep midfielders, then add in the factor that barry is a better player than hargreaves. if we get him for 10 million its a bargain in my opinion.

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Postby Emerald Red » Tue May 13, 2008 6:43 pm

JoeTerp wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
red37 wrote:Its a possiblity that Rafa is awaiting the outcome of that bollox 6+5 ruling that Blatter wants to implement before showing his hand in the market.

I read about this over at RAWK. Sepp Batter is mental if he thinks he can impose such a rule. The time to have done that would have been about 10 years ago. To try and enforce it today is lunacy. There'd be chaos in the transfer market.

you would have to A anounce it a couple of years before impementing the rule, and most likely grandfather players into the current teams that they are on when the rule is implemented.

That's being realistic,aye; but Blatter wants it passed for the coming season, hence why Rafa wants to wait.
Last edited by Emerald Red on Tue May 13, 2008 6:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Kash_Mountain » Tue May 13, 2008 7:12 pm

Barry is staying wrote:You're still smaller than the Mancs and Chelsea, remember that.

:D  :D  :D

Remember son, AV are the size of a pinprick, struggling to make it to the size of a grain of sand (or is it the other way round!!!).

We on the other hand are the size of two sun'.  Oh, have you seen the history books.................


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Postby puroresu » Tue May 13, 2008 7:40 pm

red37 wrote:Its a possiblity that Rafa is awaiting the outcome of that bollox 6+5 ruling that Blatter wants to implement before showing his hand in the market.

Never going to happen.  The EU would have to agree.  Even then players could go to the European Human Rights courts and argue they are being restricted the opportunity earn a living based on there nationality.

Just cos Utd payed over the odds for Hargreaves it doesnt mean Barry is worth that much.  It wasnt to long ago people were talking about Lennon being a £15 mil player.  Silly talk as his not that good.  Barry is decent and can do a job.  Would he make our team any better?  I dont think so.
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Postby JBG » Tue May 13, 2008 7:59 pm

Blatter's rule will never happen, it would need a change to the EU treaty, so its nigh on impossible.
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Postby The Manhattan Project » Tue May 13, 2008 8:17 pm

You're still smaller than the Mancs and Chelsea, remember that.

In terms of trophies won, actually we aren't. We are bigger than everyone else.

The point is that even IF you were right (which you aren't) about Liverpool being smaller than Manure and Chavski, we are all (plus Arsenal) a million times bigger than boring old Aston Villa.

Not nice when other clubs try and tap up your best players,

It's not "other clubs" tapping up your best players.

It's a "better club" enquiring about the possibility of a player being available for negotiations.

imagine how gutted you would be if Chelsea tapped up torres and Milan tapped up Gerrard.

We would laugh, because neither player would accept such a transfer.

personally I hope you keep both of them.

We will.

I have nothing against Liverpool, they've just (something) me up by trying to steal Barry for peanuts.

Business is business.

I heard it was £2million and Riise or Finnan.

You heard wrong.

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