Top clubs consider overseas games

The Premiership - General Discussion

Postby Rob Sallnow » Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:29 am

The Manhattan Project wrote:
It's not a crucial part of the season. It's January. No titles or relegation spots decided.[/b]

Depending on when in January it could be another kick in the teeth for the FA and League Cups.


I see the success of the famous teams' matches having to subsidise the likes of Wigan v Middleborough etc and it not beingas much of a success as first thought.
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Postby tommycockles » Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:33 am

i'm split as i think it's a good idea where if we don't do it the spanish/italian leagues will (and may still), also as much as people shout we're a global brand we aren't where we should be. If our commercial guys had worked on our success in the 80's or even as recent as Istanbul then we'd be a lot better off financially than we are now. We also wouldn't be in the we are now as G + H wouldn't have had the cash for us as we'd be worth a lot more than we are- it's a joke what they paid for us (or didn't pay as it turned out).

On the other hand our league should be completely fair, each team playing each other home and away and the team with the most points wins the league (in case you don't know the rules :D ). Having a draw where any team could get any other team isn't fair, what if we got Arsenal (and lost) and Man U got Everton ( :D ) and come the end of the year we lost the league by that margin- forget Hicks we'd all be down to soho square!

If there's a way they can do it to make it fair than i'd definitely be for it, but if they can't then i don't see it working.
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Postby NANNY RED » Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:37 am

The Manhattan Project wrote:
Meaning, those 3 points may have a significant outcome on our season, meaning, supporters who've forked out for every other game that season have to fly to another country to see their team play in what might be a crucial fixture.

Knowing Liverpool, it will probably be the fixture where our title challenge finally ends.

It's not a crucial part of the season. It's January. No titles or relegation spots decided.

The domestic fans have got 38 games at their disposal to attend.

One extra match is not unreasonable. No one will force those fans to travel to Hong Kong.

The thing is though Manhatton we will wanna go and support the team no matter where there playing because thats what we do.

Can you imagine though the policing of the games its bad enough when we play in Europe and thats just one team what about 2 teams 2 sets of fans from England .

Dont forget these games wont be friendlies they will be competetive league matches and fans will wanna travel no matter where so 2 rival sets of fans traveling to asia . Absolute joke
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Postby Rob Sallnow » Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:40 am

Make the League Cup Final a two legged affair...first leg overseas and second at Wembley!! :)
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Postby NANNY RED » Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:43 am

This lads got it spot on

Comment in the Daily post today

Roll up, roll up for the English football on tour
Comment by Frank Maley

ANYONE who thought English football could not possibly move any further away from its working class roots can think again.

Not content with allowing all manner of foreign businessmen to take control of its leading clubs the Premier League now reveal they want to transport their money-making mountain to foreign shores.

They want to shoehorn an extra international round of Premier League matches into an already congested season to be played in cities around the world. Roll up, roll up. The Premier League on tour, you might say.

Chances are the top clubs would not play each other. Oh no, they would never agree to the possibility of taking points off each other in the title race for a match which is all about putting more easy millions in bank accounts and notabout looking after the genuine supporter.

Do not be fooled.

This is not some pioneering initiative such as the one which saw Matt Busby take Manchester United into Europe in the 1950s and which has such poignant resonance this week.

It is a brazen plan by a league whose greed knows no bounds to get more snouts in the trough. To cash in on the burgeoning attraction of a league which is watched with fascination across the continents, which drives so much of the gambling fever in the Far East and which is rapidly becoming England’s most sought-after export. But ask yourself. What will playing in America do for the average Joe who finds it hard enough to take his 2.1 kids from Sunderland to London for a lunchtime kick-off?

The fact is the top echelon of English football no longer cares about real fans. It has not done so for years. It tolerates them so long as they pay through the nose for a seat. Now they might need a long-haul airline seat as well if they want to watch all their club’s matches
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Postby Ciggy » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:01 am

The only games that will be sold out will be with us and man U, it is really feckin pathetic, and that tw@t Hicks will be loving this.
There is no-one anywhere in the world at any stage who is any bigger or any better than this football club.

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Postby metalhead » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:24 am

Bad idea!!!

but it would be a dream come true for overseas fans.
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Postby Big Niall » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:29 am

Bad idea.

LFC represents the city of Liverpool and foreigners are simply guests. It is bad enough that locals miss out on tickets as foreigners spend more money when get to Anfield.

A football club loses its heart and soul if it loosens its links with its city.

Manure are the biggest draw (sad but true), LFC second, I don't think Arsenal or Chelsea have much of a following abroad and nobody else has any. The English game itself though might help sell games with the smaller clubs as English football has always been the most exciting, if not the best.
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Postby Dundalk » Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:25 pm

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Postby Dundalk » Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:42 pm

Alex isnt happy.

From Sky Sports..........

Sir Alex Ferguson has hit out at the Premier League after not being consulted over plans for an 'international round' of fixtures.

The landmark proposal would see every top-flight club play an additional fixture in a foreign city from the 2010/11 season.

Manchester United boss Ferguson would not give his view on the plan, but was clearly unimpressed by the timing of the Premier League's announcement.

Ferguson said: "What disappoints me is [United chief executive] David Gill phoned me and said 'keep this quiet, we are going to discuss it' and then it's all over the papers this morning.

"They can't keep their mouth shut down there.

"I think if they are going to do these things they should have been enquiring and having discussions with managers and players before they come out with all this stuff and make an issue of it.

"These issues should be discussed internally by clubs before they come to this position we are today but until I speak to David Gill again I have nothing more to say about it."
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Postby Reg » Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:45 pm

Such negativeness !!

If the PL wants to consolidate itself as THE global league then there are implications. One game a season is nowt and would bring in a reported 5 million quid to help pay for the stadium or into Rafa´s transfer kitty.

TV rights would be massive, the sponsers would cough up more and our overseas fan base and income would expand as well.

More importantly it would p!ss off the Italians, Spanish and hopefully bankrupt the germans.

If we dont do it, one of them will.  ???

Its a great opportunity and we should go for it.
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Postby LFC #1 » Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:32 pm

The Manhattan Project wrote:
s@int wrote:Yeah, what the fk does tradition and history matter when we can gain a couple of dollars. Maybe we should get the CL cup on eBAY, we might get a couple of hundred dollars for it. Then there's a nice statue of Shanks we could get a fair bit for as well.

We either go along with the plan, or we get left behind.

Playing a match abroad doesn't cause our history or tradition to disappear suddenly.

I'd rather get relegated and left behind than turn into a business instead of a football club. Traditions matter. More and more idiots are supporting 'big' football clubs every day who have no clue about what the club means.

The hardcore fan base of clubs is slowly being pushed further and further away by profit and greed.
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Postby LFC #1 » Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:36 pm

Just read this on RAOTL by BHB, one of the best posts I've read on the subject.

They mean they've milked us for all we're worth, struggling to find ways of getting even more money out of us, so moving onto a different target audience. Their income from the "English Market" is now steady and exploited. They've reached out into every section of society they can to bleed them dry - now they want to take the money from other countries as well, forget about those who's game it actually is back home.

These :censored: in suits at The Premier League make me sick. It's a business model to them. They disregard that it's actually a game, a national sport and a lifestyle for many people. Part of our lives from the minute we're brought into the world. They don't understand that and never will. They see it as an entertainment tool, and a business that provides people with that entertainment. Nothing more.

And the FA make my stomach turn even more for even discussing it with the Premier League.

The FA are meant to be the custodians (I hate that word now) of the game. Protecting it's roots and protecting the game. Yet they are willing to discuss the idea with The Premier League and seem to be actively encouraging it. So much for protecting the game you horrible :censored:.

But why won't anything be done about it? Why do The Premier League think they can just take our game away from us?

Because, as I posted on another thread....

We all moan about the policing and stewarding of football. We all get :censored: off when lads are thown out of the ground for standing up or swearing etc. Then we see a fan getting thrown out of the oppositions end and all cheer. Why?

And until every support in the country comes together and fights as one, we're never going to get anywhere. The FSF try, but hardly anyone joins them and supports them. I joined them a few months back, they've got around 200,000 members. But they should have 2 million. It should be a similar set up to the Liverpool Supporters Union and how that wants to be. Everyone that goes the game should be signed up.

Everyone has one vote, like a proper Union. Then when the Premier League come up with an idea like this, the Union poll their members. If we're against it, then we vote to strike. We boycott games and threaten the Premier League with ruining "their brand". All stand together. The game's :censored: all without us. It's the only way they'll ever listen. But until fans around the country stop with the "I'm alright Jack" attitude and actually pull together and get off their :censored:, nothing will ever change. Fact.

Look at Germany.

In the early 90's, when the all-seater ruling was being rolled out. The German fans opposed it. Strongly. They stuck together and told the German FA that if all-seater stadia were brought in over there, they'd stop going to the games. They pressured the German FA en-masse. They stuck together. And what happened?

The German FA and Government refused to introduce all-seater stadia, instead they introduced "safe standing" areas. Doing away with the old death trap style terraces, and replacing them with modern standing areas. They've not had one single problem or one single reported injury in those 14 years since they were introduced. It's worked. And they've now got the highest attendances in European football, the cheapest ticket prices and the vast majority of their football played on a Saturday afternoon. Any proposed changes from that - they all stand together and vote with their feet. The authorities have got no choice, they can't change it. The customer holds all the aces.

But over here, we're just too :censored: bone idle and want to look after ourselves and not each other.

And you all know it.[
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Postby Kukilon » Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:52 pm

metalhead wrote:Bad idea!!!

but it would be a dream come true for overseas fans.

I'm an "Overseas fan" and I hate the idea. A clear majority of the LFC supporter group in Sweden are strongly against it.
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Postby Big Niall » Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:11 pm

Kukilon wrote:
metalhead wrote:Bad idea!!!

but it would be a dream come true for overseas fans.

I'm an "Overseas fan" and I hate the idea. A clear majority of the LFC supporter group in Sweden are strongly against it.

I'm also an overseas fan and hate the idea.
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