Andy Carroll signs for West Ham

The Premiership - General Discussion

Postby maguskwt » Sun May 06, 2012 1:18 am

The thing is that teams like Chelsea, the Mancs and Arsenal probably would've struggled against Andy from the start... He should've started.
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Postby Kharhaz » Sun May 06, 2012 1:25 am

maguskwt » Sun May 06, 2012 1:18 am wrote:The thing is that teams like Chelsea, the Mancs and Arsenal probably would've struggled against Andy from the start... He should've started.

If in the future we learn this lesson, then so be it. I just hope we do.
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Postby Kenny Kan » Sun May 06, 2012 3:23 am

Carroll, gave us dignity.
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Postby Octsky » Sun May 06, 2012 3:47 am

Andy did well, the best game he had with us. but from 5 yards out, he shouldnt even give Cech a chance with the header. if a diminutive 5 '6 Messi has a header within 6 yards of goal, do you think it will be a certain goal? that is the question we have to ask. Andy is a big game player, and improved a lot, next season he will show us the consistency and shoot us to top 4. cant wait for next season.
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Postby devaney » Sun May 06, 2012 7:23 am

Kharhaz » Sat May 05, 2012 11:55 pm wrote:
metalhead » Sat May 05, 2012 7:30 pm wrote:
devaney » Sat May 05, 2012 6:28 pm wrote:Walk away with your head held high today Andy. You were a powerhouse in the last thirty minutes. Keep it up. The stuff around you has got to change in the summer. Spearing, Enrique, Henderson and Downing are all serious question marks?

You know it made me think if Carroll had better players around him he would do much better.

This is an argument a few of us have had since we signed him. He has been the scapegoat every time he doesn't score. Ever since Gerrard got back from injury he has lifted his performance as he is the one player who helps to create the chances. The players we have signed have been poor, Henderson has a had a stinker, Downing , well his stats speak for them self, Adam has been poor, Enrique started of brilliantly and has petered out as the season has gone on and Bellamy, considering he cost nothing, has done more than those who I have mentioned. But for me, for Carroll to be blamed, to be the brunt of every poor performance this club has had, is a joke. As the season ends, the one player who is playing like he gives a damn, like he cares about the shirt he is wearing, is Andy Carroll.

The rest of the players have to buck up, or get out.

Andy had a rocky start to say the least and at times has looked very poor and lacking in any sort of confidence. I found it difficult at times not to criticise the lad but have never sided with the doom mongers or the he can do no wrong fraternity. Somebody after the Newcastle game very intelligently stated that Andy found closure after that game. When he was taken off the shirt throwing demonstrated how upset he was and just how passionate he is.The last few games he has played have shown massive signs of improvement and Kenny now has to do some drastic work on our midfield in the summer and we don't necessarily need to spend a fortune to improve on what we have. Downing could be sold for £8/10m and I am convinced that there are many players out there that would not cost anymore and could do a far better job. Henderson is young and deserves another season but he simply should never have been first choice over Kuyt all season. Spearing and Shelvey simply are not good enough at this level.Bellamy can only offer so much and cannot be relied upon. Stevie is not the player he was and can no longer play two games a week regularly. Stevie's biggest problem though is that he constantly plays far too deep because he has got no confidence in several of the other midfield players.
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Postby devaney » Sun May 06, 2012 9:27 am

D___C » Sat May 05, 2012 9:33 pm wrote:Took his goal brilliantly... one of the few players in red who deserved a winners medal.

I'd love to hear the reason why Kenny didn't start him as i doubt there would be many of us who would have agreed to that decision (not just hindsight either).

Well done andy.

Your a fkg clown mate! Really can't be bothered debating anything with you. All I will say is that you have castigated this lad from day one and given him virtually no credit when he has performed well. And you actually expect any of us to believe he would have been your choice to play today! This lad is eventually going to make you look an even bigger pr.ick than you already are!
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Postby KennyisGod....still » Sun May 06, 2012 9:56 am

devaney » Sun May 06, 2012 8:27 am wrote:
D___C » Sat May 05, 2012 9:33 pm wrote:Took his goal brilliantly... one of the few players in red who deserved a winners medal.

I'd love to hear the reason why Kenny didn't start him as i doubt there would be many of us who would have agreed to that decision (not just hindsight either).

Well done andy.

Your a fkg clown mate! Really can't be bothered debating anything with you. All I will say is that you have castigated this lad from day one and given him virtually no credit when he has performed well. And you actually expect any of us to believe he would have been your choice to play today! This lad is eventually going to make you look an even bigger pr.ick than you already are!

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Postby RedAnt » Sun May 06, 2012 10:45 am

Great performance once more. Gutted that he didn't start.

On a side note, I hope D_c enjoys the ride on the bandwagon. Hold on tight! It's unstable.
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Postby Thommo's perm » Sun May 06, 2012 10:54 am

devaney » Sun May 06, 2012 8:27 am wrote:
D___C » Sat May 05, 2012 9:33 pm wrote:Took his goal brilliantly... one of the few players in red who deserved a winners medal.

I'd love to hear the reason why Kenny didn't start him as i doubt there would be many of us who would have agreed to that decision (not just hindsight either).

Well done andy.

Your a fkg clown mate! Really can't be bothered debating anything with you. All I will say is that you have castigated this lad from day one and given him virtually no credit when he has performed well. And you actually expect any of us to believe he would have been your choice to play today! This lad is eventually going to make you look an even bigger pr.ick than you already are!

I have seen people actually stating on here that kerry had a point in her slagging of Carrol. Well I hope you ball bags feel good that you sided with this pr'ick! And please dont give me the "Shes big enough to praise him when hes done well" line because she can fu'ck right off with her faint praise the hypocritical, two faced tw@t.
Kerry has absolutely slated the lad for a full season and now people can see what a slimy cu'nt she is. We dont need praise off someone like that and now that any slither of credibility has gone she should fu'ck right off back under the rock she came from.
Some of us have said consistently that Carroll was a class act and boy did he prove it yesterday. The lad was a monster and smashed the chelsea backline from the minute he came on. KK fu'cked up by not playing him from the start. Maybe he listeneded to Kerry the co'cksucker?
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Postby lakes10 » Sun May 06, 2012 11:08 am

well lets start to look at him this way.
he cost 35mil
he got the goal that put us in the final that gave us 1mil prize (ot just under)
they say each club should make about 7mil from sales of being in the final and tv stuff...well i think thats more near 6mil.
so he has made us 7mil.
he saved us from shame in the final...priceless

I think he has started to pay back the 35mil very well. in fact i think he has paid it off lol
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Postby RichardLFC1 » Sun May 06, 2012 11:13 am

Myself Red Ant RBG and a few others stuck by Andy whilst many criticised mainly one. Our support paid off yesterday and he improve much more next season.

Just hope my support of Hendo pays off aswell.

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Postby parchpea » Sun May 06, 2012 11:15 am

I dont blame Dalglish for not starting with Carroll as lets face it hes
been poor for the most part and we  stuck with the lads and system
that did alright at Norwich.

He was excellent when he came on that cannot be argued, and his goal
now is to do that every week and make it impossible for Dalglish to
leave him out of the side.

In may ways Carroll is the epitome of this Liverpool team, hot on his
day but for the most part missing in action.
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Postby Thommo's perm » Sun May 06, 2012 11:22 am

RichardLFC1 » Sun May 06, 2012 10:13 am wrote:Myself Red Ant RBG and a few others stuck by Andy whilst many criticised mainly one. Our support paid off yesterday and he improve much more next season.

Just hope my support of Hendo pays off aswell.

Err I think you should include me on that list?
I have fully supported Carroll and hs performance yesterday proved I was right
By the way your wish about Henderson is wasted. The lad brings nothing to the table and looks like he never will
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Postby RichardLFC1 » Sun May 06, 2012 11:33 am

Thommo your right you were a believer and I did say others aswell. With Hendo he has shown potential Blackburn game the best. He's 21 and being compared to Stevie. If you look at downings performances for his age and exoerience

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Postby lakes10 » Sun May 06, 2012 11:40 am

RichardLFC1 » Sun May 06, 2012 11:13 am wrote:Myself Red Ant RBG and a few others stuck by Andy whilst many criticised mainly one. Our support paid off yesterday and he improve much more next season.

Just hope my support of Hendo pays off aswell.

er i stuck with fact i was the one posting saying he has good feat aswell and to stop just sticking high balls into him and he needs a good run in the team.
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