Rafa support poll

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Benny The Noon » Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:47 pm

So because you come up with reasons that you still support Rafa and not trying to lump everything that goes wrong at his door you are happy ? im far from happy with this season but i still want him to stay and not going to blame him for everything that has gone wrong this season
Benny The Noon

Postby Ben Patrick » Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:48 pm

Benny The Noon wrote:So because you come up with reasons that you still support Rafa and not trying to lump everything that goes wrong at his door you are happy ? im far from happy with this season but i still want him to stay and not going to blame him for everything that has gone wrong this season

fair enough, counter the points i made above why i am not happy with why you still think he is the right man for the job.
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Postby Dundalk » Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:49 pm

Ben Patrick wrote:Without a shadow of a doubt go.

It only shows some fans underestimation of the club that they are happy with what we have had to watch this season.
Results have been disastrous and if it wasnt for other teams performing poorly we would be in an even worse position.
Watching us play is also painful at the moment and there appears no sign of any change in things under this manager.
The way we went out of the champions league was embarrasing, and Rafa is in danger of undoing alot of good work in one season.
The FA cup in two of the last 3 seasons we have lost at home to sides struggling to stay in the championship.
The treatment and then sale of a key player (Alonso) and then the subsequent failure to replace him with a credible alternative have ruined our season. As has his decision to play all season with two holding midfielders that offer little going forward and leaving us with Ngog up front on his own - a lad who should be fourth choice at a club like LFC.

We can talk about table and lamps and all that but at the end of the day thats the situation the manager of LFC is in, i hate it but he needs to do better with the players at his disposal.
We have massively underachieved and he has kept faith with a system that hasnt suited us at all and often played with 7 defensive players in the starting 11.

Time for a change, and if anyone still as actual faith in him and isnt behind him mainly because of the conflict with the owners then i am puzzled to say the least.

Good post

Agree with every word of it
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Postby Reg » Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:54 pm

Rafa has revolutionised the way the club operates, in terms of player fitness, training methods, the academy, database of thousands of players - he´s dragged us from the dark ages into the real world. Off the field we have caught up with or overtaken every other top club in europe.

I know he´s a stubborn gít, annoying etc.. but I´m not sure sacking him would be a positive move. Director of football and bring in a professional coach maybe, but to dismiss what he has achieved would be short sighted.
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Postby Benny The Noon » Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:58 pm

I have seen it all before what you have written Ben and understand that Rafa has to shoulder some blame for things that have happened this year but then again so do our overpaid players who at times have been woeful and shockingly below par and the season has been littered with individual errors from many players - it hasnt clicked this season and hasnt worked out , we have had players off form , under performing as well as missing important players throughout the season , confidence has been low and their has been some incorrect team selections and tactics but this season for me is a blip and one we can still recover from and move on and the best person at the helm for me to do that is Rafa .

Its what i believe and what i will stick with as well as believing thier isnt any viable other alternatives out there and i believe while i think he is putting the team and the fans first (which imo he always has) then for me he is the best man for the job .

Im pretty sure im not alone on this - im pretty sure i hear 40 odd thousand people singing his name during most matches and those 40 odd thousand on the whole still believe in him and trust him .

While i maybe in the minority in a bunch of 20 people on a forum im pretty confident that im in the majority in pretty much most of the liverpool support .

And that certainly want change because of what is said on a forum

I was brought up to stand by our players and manager while they are in charge off our club while they show the tradition the respect it deserves . For me Rafa knows that and he gets it and the club is in his heart and has been ever since he understood what it means to be part of Liverpool Football Club .

If you feel different then thats fine your entitled to that opinion but im certainly not going to stick around and be insulted and derided becuase of my beliefs i grew up with (not aimed at you yourself )
Benny The Noon

Postby Ben Patrick » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:01 pm

Reg wrote:Rafa has revolutionised the way the club operates, in terms of player fitness, training methods, the academy, database of thousands of players - he´s dragged us from the dark ages into the real world. Off the field we have caught up with or overtaken every other top club in europe.

I know he´s a stubborn gít, annoying etc.. but I´m not sure sacking him would be a positive move. Director of football and bring in a professional coach maybe, but to dismiss what he has achieved would be short sighted.

Nobody has dismissed what he has achieved.
He gave me the best night of my life - in football terms.
He has given us our reputation back in europe and has overseen wins in the nou camp, bernabeu and san siro.
Great performances.
But those wins highlight his limitations for me, they are all about being tough to play against, great organisation and hard work.
Thats not enough at times, when you are playing against inferior sides for one, and when you go a goal down against a good side. Dont get me wrong we have come back under him in some glorious games, but this season when we have conceded there has been a resignation on the players faces.
So many games are to me, who scores first wins, there is no go for broke mentality in him and due to that we have surrendered so many matches that other top sides wouldnt have.

I cant see him turning it around - and if we get fourth, which i think we will, that shouldnt mask what has been a disastrous season.
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Postby puroresu » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:03 pm

Nobody should have to witness the rubbish we have been playing for the last few months.  Rafa has to go.
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Postby Benny The Noon » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:13 pm

Do you mean one defeat in is it 12 games ? and collecting more points than the mancs last few months ??
Benny The Noon

Postby puroresu » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:23 pm

Benny The Noon wrote:Do you mean one defeat in is it 12 games ? and collecting more points than the mancs last few months ??

Playing no better football than Blackburn rovers.  If you did a poll on the worst games of the season we would be in a few of them. 

Out those 12 games how many games can u honestly say the team actually played well?
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Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:24 pm

Maybe they are not excuses ,but merely an attempt to stop the swell of expectation that was so prominent before the Season started ,surely its time to realize a Season in football is short lived soon we will be on the cusp of a new one ,maybe fans need to take heed of the caution Liverpool are now reflecting with their formations and tactics on the pitch ,fourth place is reachable but it  will not be achieved without the unity of the fans and not adopting a gung ho style of playing because there is little room for error,  Rafa is here until the end of this season that's an indefinable  truth ,so lets put this into perspective no-one and I do mean nobody could be happy with what has materialized this Season ,but a couple of fickle weeks back fans where complaining about our profligacy  in defence and the amount of goals we were conceding.... me included ,but that has now been rectified entirely and albeit from Arsenal our defence is once again miserly ,and I am sure that in the next few weeks our tactics will promote a more attacking ideal in keeping with the Reds playing style last Season

I expect us to achieve 4th place comfortably but that in no way demeans or dilutes my expectations for eventually having a team capable of winning everything once more ,so we can indeed  talk about Table lamps because right now our potency in  the procuring of such useful furniture is non existent ,and don't be surprised if you hear the fateful knock of the bailiffs anytime soon ,the simple fact we our challenging for 4th place is a veritable miracle given the season we our presently  enduring
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Postby Ben Patrick » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:27 pm

Benny The Noon wrote:Do you mean one defeat in is it 12 games ? and collecting more points than the mancs last few months ??

Oh come on mate. One defeat but he is talking about the performances.
The wolves away game was shocking, we create nothing and its little wonder with the team selections and the tactics employed.

On the subject of the manager support there is no way he has the support of 40,000 in the stadium. He gets his name sung because for me most fans are trying to keep things together.
I have said it before but the majority i know that go home and away want a change, they are not Rafa out though and will back him while he is the boss, like you said because its the Liverpool way.
But most can see that we are going backwards at an alarming rate and in danger of not even achieving top 4, when we had title ambitions at the start of the season.
The results and performances especially are unacceptable.

What i dont get is why everyone is of the opinion that we couldnt have another manager do a better job ?
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Postby Ben Patrick » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:30 pm

RED BEERGOGGLES wrote:Maybe they are not excuses ,but merely an attempt to stop the swell of expectation that was so prominent before the Season started ,surely its time to realize a Season in football is short lived soon we will be on the cusp of a new one ,maybe fans need to take heed of the caution Liverpool are now reflecting with their formations and tactics on the pitch ,fourth place is reachable but it  will not be achieved without the unity of the fans and not adopting a gung ho style of playing because there is little room for error,  Rafa is here until the end of this season that's an indefinable  truth ,so lets put this into perspective no-one and I do mean nobody could be happy with what has materialized this Season ,but a couple of fickle weeks back fans where complaining about our profligacy  in defence and the amount of goals we were conceding.... me included ,but that has now been rectified entirely and albeit from Arsenal our defence is once again miserly ,and I am sure that in the next few weeks our tactics will promote a more attacking ideal in keeping with the Reds playing style last Season

I expect us to achieve 4th place comfortably but that in no way demeans or dilutes my expectations for eventually having a team capable of winning everything once more ,so we can indeed  talk about Table lamps because right now our potency in  the procuring of such useful furniture is non existent ,and don't be surprised if you hear the fateful knock of the bailiffs anytime soon ,the simple fact we our challenging for 4th place is a veritable miracle given the season we our presently  enduring

our defence is miserly cos of the team we put out.
We have 3 centre backs most games and often a fullback in midfield as well as two holding players.

We are now hard to beat but also have no threat whatsoever.
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Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:33 pm

Ben Patrick wrote:our defence is miserly cos of the team we put out.
We have 3 centre backs most games and often a fullback in midfield as well as two holding players.

We are now hard to beat but also have no threat whatsoever.

Are you actually saying Rafa hasn't deployed these formations and tactics earlier in the season  when our fullbacks where constantly being over run ie Johnson  ???
Last edited by RED BEERGOGGLES on Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Benny The Noon » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:38 pm

Is it not results that count - Would take a crappy sh.ite scrapping rubbish one nil over a thrilling exciting 3-3 or 4-3 defeat every day of the week
Benny The Noon

Postby Ben Patrick » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:38 pm

Ben Patrick wrote:our defence is miserly cos of the team we put out.
We have 3 centre backs most games and often a fullback in midfield as well as two holding players.

We are now hard to beat but also have no threat whatsoever.

Are you actually saying Rafa hasn't deployed these formations and tactics earlier in the season  when our fullbacks where constantly being over run ie Johnson  ???

i dont get you.
Sabre looks like a big lezzer
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