Fans being ripped off

The Premiership - General Discussion

Postby Storm » Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:39 am

Does anyone agree with me that the amount fans have to pay to watch a game and the wages that the players and managers get is a rip off.

The game needs more regulations to control things, to try and preven the spiralling cost of players which means the fans will have to pay for in increased turnstile costs and television fees.

The game is for the fans and yet we get the poorest deal out of it and are expected to pay for it all.

Enuff is enuff is enuff :angry:
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Postby Redrunner » Sun Sep 26, 2004 9:48 am


This concerns me too and I can't understand why this isnt a big issue in the football world cos at the end of the day the fans have to pay for it somewhere along the line.

What other sport lets people who fiddle in it continue and almost give them idol status?

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Joined: Sat Sep 25, 2004 4:17 pm

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