Newkit awards 2009 - Oh yeah

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Postby ConnO'var » Sat Dec 26, 2009 3:15 pm

Newcomer of the Year.
Both Made in The UK and Ben Patrick for me.... but seeing as Ben is actually Ace Ventura, it'll have to be Made in the UK.

Mod Of The Year
I think it's too difficult to separate Badbob and Red37. Though to be fair, all of the mods have had their work cut-out this year with all the squabbling with seen.

Thread Of The Year
DD's Last Man Standing is the clear stand-out along with Effes' Gamblers Thread a close second. These 2 threads have the distinction of having no squabbling at all and provide welcome laughs.

Baddie Of The Year

Optimist Of The Year
Nanny Red.... no explanation required methinks.... she's always happy it seems.... despite the fact the her son's a bitter.... can't get more optimistic than that! :D

Pessimist Of The Year
Has to be Heimdall and Lakes10.... sorry lads.... :D

Please Come Back
Manhattan Project.... hands down.

Joker Of The Year
Judge.... No contest.

Football Poster Of The Year
Too many to single out just one. I would say the following posters all deserve honourable mention

Nanny Red

Newkitter Of The Year
Bigmick and [email]s@int.......[/email] Outstanding contributions as always.
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Postby woof woof ! » Sat Dec 26, 2009 11:30 pm

To be fair there are many members whose contribution albeit limited but nevertheless continued  deserve a special of round of applause, foot soldiers like Woolyback, CoolHand Luke, JBG and many many others who in truth helped lay the bedrock on which the forum was built.

Take a bow one and all    :buttrock

Right, now on to the nominations that actually count ( :D )

Newcomer of the Year

RedBeerGoggles - not exactley a newcomer, more of a newkit veteran who after too long an abscence has returned to the fold. Good poster .

Baddie of the Year

Theres' been so many , where do i begin ? ............, vote goes to Heimdall, nothing personal but the fella seemed to have the knack of turning any celebration into wake.

Mod of the Year

Well me obviously BUT as I can't vote for myself I'd have to say Bad Bob. When he's not up Beaver Creek he's  working in the Newkit trenches and actually conversing with the "mob" (service above and beyond the call of duty in my book).

Thread of the Year

I'll abstain on this one, like many of the teams performances I'm hard pressed to think of one thats been outstanding.

Please come Back

Hands down for me it's  The Manhatten Project,  his off the wall humour is sorely missed.

Joker of the Year

Andy G, not as dumb as he looks, always brings a smile to my dial.

Special Achievement Award

Number 9 (Barry). Possibly the only fella I've banned that hasn't whinged about it. Still loses it on occasion but has re-invented himself from the permanently p'issed regularly banned loose cannon that gave broadside after broadside to those that didn't march to the beat of his drum. Fervent supporter and a great laugh especially when his "robust" approach is taken with a pinch of salt.

Lifetime achievement award

When you look as good as this member does you have to wonder "why the f'uck is she spending so much time in here ? " I don't know the answer but certainly the most passionate and supportive member I've encountered during my six years in the forum, often p'issed (aren't we all ? ) wears her heart on her sleeve, calls a spade a spade as she see's it AND never slow to apologise when she sobers up  . Top Girl top member .

Finally, the Big One

The one , the only.................


Despite being forced to flee the leafy suburbs of Wimbledon after his down at the heel sawdust strewn wine bar was uncovered as a staging point for phone box promoted prozzies, this members managed to elude all law enforcement agencies with his skillful use of time consuming strategies when completing acknowledgement of his arrest warrant. What took our member a mere 3 hours to compose took the arresting officers 2 days (and several carafes of wine) to read and partially understand. By this time however our esteemed member had appropriately blagged his way onto a passing hot air ballon and through a combination of verbal hypnosis and magical cloud shifting persuaded the crew to set course for the antipodes.

After (even by his standards ) a seemingly interminable journey during which several crew members threw themselves overboard (rather than once again debate whether or not the tattoo on the inside of our member of the years thigh was a revolutionary tactical system or just the outline of a semi lob on he once had when he took his first communion) our member finally arrived at his chosen destination.

The rest is of course history. Progressing from fugitive to World Czar on the Mail Order Bride (and marital aids) stage. Our member never forgot his Newkit roots and although limited by his expanding business and police pursuit still somehow managed to find the odd 17 hours a day to keep in touch with those newkit mates he'd left behind.

God Bless You BIG MICK Newkitter of the year, this place wouldn't be the same without yer  :buttrock

ps when i say "this place wouldn't be the same without yer " thats not inferring it would be any better, it could of course presumably be even worse, on the other hand a lot could of course depend on who we "signed" to replace you and how quickly they could adjust to the pace of things in newkit.........................

(just realised i've got another several pages of this sh'ite but don't have your stamina !)

Congrats Big Mick, much to my surprise you got my vote.

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Postby Dundalk » Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:33 am

Newcomer of the year

Made in UK  - Its nice to see some new faces on here and it took me a while to find out that Ben Patrick was Ace but Made in the UK has been a good addition to the forum

Mod of the year

Bad Bob - Spends half the time on here in the fit birds zone (which thankfully he dosent moderate) but when he is out in the rest of the forum he looks after it pretty well

Thread of the year

There were a few good ones but Number 9s Favourite word thread was a bit mental and Effes Gamblers League is very good unlike by betting skills!!

Baddie of the Year

Heimdell - Sorry but there was only ever going to be one winner here - and he knows it!

Optimist of the year

Lando - If Rafa burnt down his house Lando would still stand  up for him. For the record im right behind him (but not in a gay way!)

Pessimist of the year

Heimdell - If Rafa burnt down his house Heimdell would make sure they reopened Guantanamo Bay for him

Please come back

Number 9 dosent spend as much time on here as he should. Bermenstein ruined the season by not starting match threads but if I could could get one man back it would be The Manhattan Project. Totally off the wall and some of his posts and match starting threads were classic.

Joker of the Year

Andy G - A lot of the time on the internet people say things like " I just spat coffee all over my keyboard I laughed that much" or "Im crying laughing". 99% of the time they are talking $hit. The other 1% they are reading one of Andy Gs posts

Football poster of the year

Big Mick - I always enjoy reading his posts and although I dont agree with his views concerning Rafa I still like hearing what he has to say. When we lose a game or have a bad game I always look for his posts to see his views. When he left for a while he was missed and i was glad to see him back

Newkitter of the year

Nanny Red - Great Passion for the club, great sense of humour, great levels of tolerance, great heart, great knowledge of football, great woman.

Arrived in 2007 and has been a breath of fresh air ever since. Can talk a good game when needed and is always up for a laugh

Mention also goes to Saint who when not about is sorely missed, really knows his stuff when it comes to talking about the club or football in general. Dosent seem to take life too seriously and is a top lad. Bav for his contribution to all parts of the forum and having a great passion for the club and of course Igor for his antics in the Last Man Standing!!

All the members on here who keep the forum going, we are not the biggest Liverpool forum on the net but we have some great members and despite the fact that the forum still looks like it was made for a dial up connection its still a good place to find out the latest going ons with the club and its always good for a laugh

Special mention goes to Scott Parker, not a member on here but but we had some fun with him :D
Last edited by Dundalk on Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Judge » Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:01 am

bigmick wrote: Joker of the year Judgie. Close one this. Barry has had the funniest line of the year for me with the Hughes having photos of him doing bycicle Kicks on the dressing room walls (you had to be there, it was funnier when he said it). S@int and andy G's dry wit one-liners make me laugh regularly, Benny the Noon has become a joint leader with DD at posting up hilarious pictures, but for overall inanity on a grand scale it's the Judge. The way he switches from wanton Buffoonery to sage like seriousness on climate change or more recently football at the drop of a hat kills me.

that is so true dildo man, but dawson is biased
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