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Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Rafa D » Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:05 pm

Hello all,

Been very busy with work, so I'll keep it brief.

I went last night and I was gutted when I left at full time. At the start of the match I have worries simply because we had no Torres. And as the match went on my feelings of doubt intensified.

And frankly thats not good enough.

I spoke to my mate at the game when it was 1-1 and pointed out 2 to 3 years ago we would of had Crouch and Bellamy on the bench and now we had Babel and Voronin. It hurt.

I realised early on in this season we were not equipped for a title race but now I am seriously worried about the future of the manager, the clubs normal top 4 place and the finances of our great club.

I will tell you now, we will not be going through to the 2nd round of the Champions League. We are simply not bonding as a team and we do not have the squad in place to deal with it.

As most on here know I am a big fan of Rafa Benitez. I think he done an excellent job in 2005 when we could of slipped into mediorcritiy. However times they are a changing, and this year he has took a title challenging side and made it look top 6 at the very best. No consistency. No form and most worryingly of all, no heart. The team simply doesn't care in my opinion.

I am not saying to sack him after 4 defeats but I can't see things getting much better and it pains me to see it.

Yossi coming off last night was the worst booing I have heard for many a year. The only other time I have heard booing is when Morientes came on for Fowler against Fulham 2007 ish and that was very weak in comparision to last night. It hurt. It still hurts. I love this club and I love this manager but its not working out and something has to give.
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Postby tubby » Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:08 pm

Good to see you back Rafa Dodd.
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Postby Ben Patrick » Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:28 pm

Good to see ye back doddy lad even if it has took this to bring you back.

I am also seriously worried.

Like some have said in other threads our first team if all where fit would be great and a match for anyone.
Thats not possible though, and the squad is woefully thin.

All of the criticisms are hard to defend.

The squad players he signed, players may be injured but the ones coming in Rafa bought.
If they are not good enough the buck has to stop with him.
Like Dawson said the massive squad overhauls every summer is concerning.
I may be getting this wrong but didnt we last year sell both Bellamy and Crouch (2 decent players) for around 20 million and bring in Keane for the same amount ?
Surely that weakens the squad immediately.
The team selections and substitutions have been poor as well.
Yes we may have injuries but still some things have been baffling, the Aurellio centre midfield against Fiorentina is what started the rot imo.
Then we leave the same players on the pitch until the usual 65 minute.

There have been plenty of times in the past when i have thought a change of manager would be better and Rafa has come back fighting.
I dont see it this time, not from the manager or the players.
There was a look of resignation on Rafa's face last night.
And also on Stevie's on the bench when Voronin took his trackie top off.

The fight has gone, the spirit has gone, and despite what mascherano has said the dressing room could well be gone.

Disallusion appears to be have swallowed the players and i am not sure we have the players (fit at the moment) to swing the pundulum back in a positive way.

Our season could be over by the end of November.
That for our club is unthinkable.
Despite Rafa's hands being tied at times we deserve better and he is not untouchable.
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Postby Sabre » Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:32 pm

Been very busy with work, so I'll keep it brief.

Hope as a result you're rich. I'm happy you're back, even if you don't trust the manager any more!! :D

Glad you're back  :)
Last edited by Sabre on Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Dazzer » Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:58 pm

welcome  back fella who ever you are ... with your wise words like...
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Postby Madmax » Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:00 pm

WB  doddy
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Postby Woollyback » Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:02 pm

welcome back doddy mate. i couldn't agree more - i've been a supporter of benitez through thick & thin but he should've moved the game on by now. ok we've got some class in johnson and the sale of alonso was as inevitable as it was unavoidable, but we're a poorer squad than we were last season and the season before. october is very early to sack a manager, but benitez will rightly be a worried man if we lose on sunday
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Postby Dazzer » Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:10 pm

Woollyback wrote:welcome back doddy mate. i couldn't agree more - i've been a supporter of benitez through thick & thin but he should've moved the game on by now. ok we've got some class in johnson and the sale of alonso was as inevitable as it was unavoidable, but we're a poorer squad than we were last season and the season before. october is very early to sack a manager, but benitez will rightly be a worried man if we lose on sunday

I agree with you agreeing with his post but disagree with sunday result even if we win I still think its time for him to go.I just don't think it cleaver to sack him before a big game like this match with mancs.I think we end up getting a few wins lose in france and go out of CL so all in all play mancs then let rafa go and give new manager a whole season to work with players.  :nod
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Postby THEBARON » Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:18 pm

Maybe it is time for a change - maybe not ?

But if Rafa were to go who would be a credible and available alternative?

With these 2 american clowns in charge and extremely limited funds available who would take up the challenge?
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Postby Woollyback » Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:18 pm

what is lamp?
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Postby Woollyback » Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:19 pm

THEBARON wrote:Maybe it is time for a change - maybe not ?

But if Rafa were to go who would be a credible and available alternative?

With these 2 american clowns in charge and extremely limited funds available who would take up the challenge?

jurgen f***kin klinnsman  :no
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Postby THEBARON » Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:22 pm

The mere fact that those 2 muppets considered him highlights the problems we have!

They have limited knowledge of football as it is- if they did remove Rafa one wonders who they would put on their short list

John Barnes?
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Postby THEBARON » Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:23 pm

Maybe Stevie Nicol ....he has done ok over the pond
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Postby Woollyback » Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:27 pm

THEBARON wrote:The mere fact that those 2 muppets considered him highlights the problems we have!

They have limited knowledge of football as it is- if they did remove Rafa one wonders who they would put on their short list

John Barnes?

nah he wouldn't pass the credit checks

i haven't a clue who i'd have in to replace him, and i'm yet to decide whether i want him to stay or go but what i do know is this has been a depressing season so far. let's hope benitez doesn't get wrapped up in his own stubbornness like houllier did.i think he needs to accept that things just aren't right and take decisive action to put things right. starting with shoving lucas on top of a bonfire in a couple of weeks
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Postby THEBARON » Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:35 pm

Yes -  i agree.
The stubborn nature of Benitez can be both a strength and a weakness.
He has had to be resilient in his dealings with the american :censored: but at the same time his uncompromising attitude on certain matters is his downfall
- his alleged coldness to players
- his loyalty to Lucas
- his loyalty to Kuyt
- his predictable substitutions
- his rotation methods

I can remember watching a game on Sky in his second season and Tyler commented
"this is the way we do things here" when the inevitable 65th minute substitution happened.
It is great to have a set structure and a planned way of doing things.
But is there a Plan b when it goes tits up?
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