Stevies trial - found not guilty of affray

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby RUSHIE#9 » Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:21 pm

s@int wrote:I don't really see how you can use the "I believed he was about to hit me" as a defence or surely everyone involved in a dust up would use it.

Maybe I could try that defence on the Mods? I believed he was about to post an abusive post so I posted one in self defence :D

I can just see it next season, "Ref, I thought he was about to tackle me two footed so I acted in self defence and broke his leg first!!"   :D

The only thing that disappoints me about this whole business is that Stevie allowed himself to be dragged into this position. It must be hard as hell having people trying to be a big time charlie around you just cause you're a footballer but this whole mess could easily have been avoided.

Just hope that Stevie doesn't end up paying a heavy price at the end of it all.
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Postby GOAT » Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:29 pm

RUSHIE#9 wrote:
s@int wrote:I don't really see how you can use the "I believed he was about to hit me" as a defence or surely everyone involved in a dust up would use it.

Maybe I could try that defence on the Mods? I believed he was about to post an abusive post so I posted one in self defence :D

I can just see it next season, "Ref, I thought he was about to tackle me two footed so I acted in self defence and broke his leg first!!"   :D

The only thing that disappoints me about this whole business is that Stevie allowed himself to be dragged into this position. It must be hard as hell having people trying to be a big time charlie around you just cause you're a footballer but this whole mess could easily have been avoided.

Just hope that Stevie doesn't end up paying a heavy price at the end of it all.

Ah he's not an angel, everyone makes mistakes, especially with booze around
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Postby NANNY RED » Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:40 pm

s@int wrote:I don't really see how you can use the "I believed he was about to hit me" as a defence or surely everyone involved in a dust up would use it.

Maybe I could try that defence on the Mods? I believed he was about to post an abusive post so I posted one in self defence :D

ive been there Saint when it has been used, A few years ago my son used the same thing :laugh: :censored: true an all. He was sticking up for a mate whod had a few racial remarks shouted at him, The lad walked towards my lad with his hand behind his back an as they got nearer each other my lad sparked him, Then it all kicked off, My lad an his mates got charged with Affray , but my lad pleaded not guilty as he said he thought the other fella was gonna take a dig at him, The charge of affray got dropped an they charged him with common assault with lesser circumstanses, That he only hit the lad once, HE WAS FINED,

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Postby songxiaoz » Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:40 pm

CCTV my god!
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Postby destro » Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:29 pm

Been away for a few weeks but I  heard all over the radio about the so called boxing lesson Stevie gave out, after watching the C.C.T.V footage the ONLY reason I can give for why this has ended up in court is the he is a footballer ?

Is there more footage or is that it.

Stevies Lawyer AKA Colonel Jessep

                      Now are these really the
                      questions my client was called here to answer?
                      grainy C.C.T.V footgage ?  Please tell
                      me you've got something more,
                      Please tell me there's an ace up your
                      sleeve.  This world class footballer is on trial
                      for his livevelyhood. Please tell me you havent
                      pinned the hope of a conviction to a
                      betamax video tape.
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Postby Greavesie » Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:33 pm

s@int wrote:I don't really see how you can use the "I believed he was about to hit me" as a defence or surely everyone involved in a dust up would use it.

Maybe I could try that defence on the Mods? I believed he was about to post an abusive post so I posted one in self defence :D

yeh but is it right to have to wait for a potential attacker to have to spark you before you can do anything to prevent the attack (that will have already started)?

it all hinges on reasonable conduct in the circumstances given. Personally I think it would be ridiculous to have to wait to be attacked before attacking back. Even then its still a 'my word against yours' scenario

for example if someones shouting and threatening me with a brick in his hand its perfectly reasonable for me to anticipate this attack or be put under a sufficient threat to believe an attack is imminent (even though he might have no intention of hitting me). I should rightly be able to diffuse the situation by hitting him first. only the amount of force reasonable necessary tho. such as decking him and then walking away, not decking him, tying him up hitting him a few more  :D

I love criminal law so I could literally go on and on but I'll leave it there  :D
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Postby NANNY RED » Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:10 pm

You love criminal law eh Greavesie , then i suggest you hurry up an qualfify , because therll be murders on her once the season starts :laugh:
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Postby Redman in wales » Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:55 pm


Gerrard 'admitted three punches'

Liverpool footballer Steven Gerrard admitted throwing three punches during a row over music in a club, but said only one connected, a court has heard.

Police interviews with the player after the row were read out to a jury at Liverpool Crown Court.

The England midfielder told police he had been drinking but he said it was another man, Marcus McGee, who was initially arrogant and aggressive.

The footballer, who denies affray, told police he hit out in self-defence.

Mr Gerrard was in the Lounge Inn in Southport with friends in the early hours of 29 December last year to celebrate Liverpool's 5-1 win over Newcastle United.

In the police interviews the Liverpool captain said he had been drinking lager and enjoyed a "Jammy Donut shot" and said on a drunkenness scale of one to 10 he was about a seven.

Giving a different version of events from Mr McGee, he recalled the row, saying he was given permission by the bar's manageress to pick tracks on the stereo, but said Mr McGee would not let him.

The court heard Mr Gerrard said he wanted to sort the problem out - as he had on other occasions when he had been "mithered" - so went back to discuss the problem with him.

The footballer said he believed Mr McGee was going to attack him.

"He stood up quite aggressively out of his stool and I thought to myself 'I am not going to be able to sort this out in the way I wanted'," he told police.

"I thought he was going to give me a smack," he added.

"He was shouting back and I didn't know what he was saying but he started arguing and I thought he was going to hit me so that's why I threw a punch."

Mr Gerrard admitted throwing three punches but told the police only one connected.


so he's admitting throwing punches, and one connecting!

And his main defence is that he thought he was going to get beaten up, so acted in self defence - but it was doran who threw the first punch, well elbow - so how is it self defence if doran's infront of stevie, and the manc dj's down??
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Postby Fauxy » Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:38 am

:O  So he's defo gonna get charged for something, hopefully nothing bad.
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:16 am

Redman in wales wrote:so he's admitting throwing punches, and one connecting!

And his main defence is that he thought he was going to get beaten up, so acted in self defence - but it was doran who threw the first punch, well elbow - so how is it self defence if doran's infront of stevie, and the manc dj's down??

Hard to tell merely from the imagery mate - that's probably why he's pleaded NG on grounds of self-defence. It doesn't show the DJ clearly after he's struck by Doran i.e. the moments immediately preceding Stevie's intervention, and that's potentially very important because it may give some indication as to whether there is any threat to be perceived from Stevie's perspective (a person of reasonable firmness).

He argues that he felt threatened by McGee - by his aggressive demeanour - but if there isn't strong evidence to corroborate this account of the incident (or if there are compelling statements either way), the prosecution will struggle to substantiate their case, because the burden of proof lies with them. Going by what they've said thus far, they appear to be placing much emphasis on the CCTV evidence, and on that basis I really don't think they're likely to be able to prove that Gerrard was not acting in self defence.

Edit: Barman says he saw Gerrard pull McGee's shirt over his head before the alleged three uppercuts - not the best news.
See what Gerrard has to say tomorrow.
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Postby aCe' » Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:22 am

McGee told the court of the series of events that unfolded after he refused to hand over control of a CD player to Gerrard.

He is quoted by The Guardian as saying, "I would describe it as bad and rude.

"He was bad-mannered straight away. I acted in proportion to what his attitude was.

"When you see a famous person like that you do not think you are going to have a fight or trouble with them."

McGee then claimed that Gerrard tried to grab the card that controlled the CD player off him, but then walked away, only to return and say, "What the f*** is your problem?"

According to McGee, this is where the incident kicked off, as he continued, "I remember a barrage of punches coming in at my face but at that point I don't know who has done what.

"Having watched the CCTV it was quite obvious Steven Gerrard hit me a couple of times, maybe three times but I couldn't honestly say on the night. I didn't throw any punches.

"I wasn't acting aggressively, I didn't hit anyone at all."

Meanwhile, McGee's girlfriend, Gina Lond, offered her story, stating, "I saw an elbow going into Marcus's face.

"At that time I thought it was Steven's. Marcus was just getting punched and kicked by several people.

"He had blood on his face and he had a cut on his forehead."

McGee lost a tooth, suffered a cut to the forehead, and had to undergo hospital treatment following the incident. Six of Gerrard's co-defendants have already admitted to the charges.

Gerrard is expected to give evidence tomorrow.
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Postby lakes10 » Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:16 pm

Redman in wales wrote:bbc

Gerrard 'admitted three punches'

Liverpool footballer Steven Gerrard admitted throwing three punches during a row over music in a club, but said only one connected, a court has heard.

Police interviews with the player after the row were read out to a jury at Liverpool Crown Court.

The England midfielder told police he had been drinking but he said it was another man, Marcus McGee, who was initially arrogant and aggressive.

The footballer, who denies affray, told police he hit out in self-defence.

Mr Gerrard was in the Lounge Inn in Southport with friends in the early hours of 29 December last year to celebrate Liverpool's 5-1 win over Newcastle United.

In the police interviews the Liverpool captain said he had been drinking lager and enjoyed a "Jammy Donut shot" and said on a drunkenness scale of one to 10 he was about a seven.

Giving a different version of events from Mr McGee, he recalled the row, saying he was given permission by the bar's manageress to pick tracks on the stereo, but said Mr McGee would not let him.

The court heard Mr Gerrard said he wanted to sort the problem out - as he had on other occasions when he had been "mithered" - so went back to discuss the problem with him.

The footballer said he believed Mr McGee was going to attack him.

"He stood up quite aggressively out of his stool and I thought to myself 'I am not going to be able to sort this out in the way I wanted'," he told police.

"I thought he was going to give me a smack," he added.

"He was shouting back and I didn't know what he was saying but he started arguing and I thought he was going to hit me so that's why I threw a punch."

Mr Gerrard admitted throwing three punches but told the police only one connected.


so he's admitting throwing punches, and one connecting!

And his main defence is that he thought he was going to get beaten up, so acted in self defence - but it was doran who threw the first punch, well elbow - so how is it self defence if doran's infront of stevie, and the manc dj's down??

he was very silly to say Self Defence, the guy was alreadt hit and looked like he was going down.

yes he will get done for this.

yes there is a good chance he will go down for this.

with a bit of luck and as he has never done nothing liuke this before  he might getaway with work with kids and paying loads of money.
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Postby mistyred » Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:23 pm

Some idiot in my local shop this morning said to me "How comes you can't beat Thailand then" and then with a smug grin said "It's probably cos Gerrard's going to prison"..

At that i said to the smarmy Manc c'unt.

The only thing stupid was Gerrard missing with two punches.

I told the kn'ob end in a shop this morning i would have punched the Manc tw'at a thousand times in the face,
and with that lad in the shop shut up after that seeing as he's a manc aswell :laugh:
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Postby tubby » Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:24 pm

One minute Stevie is a 'seasoned professional boxer' but in reality he missed 2 punces. Muust have been funny to watch him swing though. :D

In any case he shouldn't have allowed himself to get into that situation in the first place. He will probably just get a fine and a slap on the wrist.
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Postby lakes10 » Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:29 pm

looks like we got the cctv wrong, Stevie has just said in court that he was the frist to punch?

"It was very difficult at the time to explain to police why I did throw that first punch.

"We were arguing and I told the police I felt that Marcus came towards me and that's why I raised my arms.

"I firmly believed Marcus came towards me to hit me."

the cctv dont show it that way
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