R u a chav?

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Postby mistyred » Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:32 pm

Number 9 wrote:
Big Niall wrote:tatoos should be in the questionaire, and wearing baseball caps, thinking tabloids have the news in them, was wearing a chain (if you're male) in there?, when dressed up you're still wearing runners,  your watch is massive with fake diamonds or gold/silver, you think costa del anything is glamourous, you buy wine in a box, you wear a hood when its not raining, your windows of the car are blacked out, you think the bigger the spoiler the better the car, you have a picture of dogs playing pool/golf/cards etc,

Feck all wrong with tattoos if they look good and are tasteful!!

Obviously if you have a home done one on your fore arm saying Mum+Dad its chavy!But there are some great tats out there done by good artists!!

Some people just dont like them full stop which is a matter of opinion,but good tats dont make a person a chav....Chavs dont have good tats though!

For example your initials on your neck just under the ear is chavy as chavy can be!! :D

I'm getting a Maori chest arm and over the shoulder tattoo done soon, you should see it Barry it's feckin beautiful when it's
done i'll post a pick.

Mines getting done bye a tattoo artist who own the Black Pearl, in his salon he has a picture with him and Kat Von Dee(She's feckin Hot) he knows his stuff mate.
Last edited by mistyred on Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Glen Quagmire » Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:50 pm

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Postby Glen Quagmire » Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:53 pm

You still would though....

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Postby Number 9 » Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:02 pm

mistyred wrote:
Number 9 wrote:
Big Niall wrote:tatoos should be in the questionaire, and wearing baseball caps, thinking tabloids have the news in them, was wearing a chain (if you're male) in there?, when dressed up you're still wearing runners,  your watch is massive with fake diamonds or gold/silver, you think costa del anything is glamourous, you buy wine in a box, you wear a hood when its not raining, your windows of the car are blacked out, you think the bigger the spoiler the better the car, you have a picture of dogs playing pool/golf/cards etc,

Feck all wrong with tattoos if they look good and are tasteful!!

Obviously if you have a home done one on your fore arm saying Mum+Dad its chavy!But there are some great tats out there done by good artists!!

Some people just dont like them full stop which is a matter of opinion,but good tats dont make a person a chav....Chavs dont have good tats though!

For example your initials on your neck just under the ear is chavy as chavy can be!! :D

I'm getting a Maori chest arm and over the shoulder tattoo done soon, you should see it Barry it's feckin beautiful when it's
done i'll post a pick.

Mines getting done bye a tattoo artist who own the Black Pearl, in his salon he has a picture with him and Kat Von Dee(She's feckin Hot) he knows his stuff mate.

Sounds good mate..and TBH they look fuc'king far better on you black dudes than us white boys(the tribal stuff i mean)

I was meant to go on Monday to get more done to my arm but lack of ££ had to put it off!!Gonna get it all into a half sleeve..nothing on me forearm though..not for me!!
I like tats but not were they are visible in your day to day business if you get me?
Look forward  to the opick..tell him to stay the fuc'k off your elbow if hes going down that far!!
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Postby mistyred » Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:45 pm

Barry he's gonna go half sleeve but not on my elbow, yes he said the ink
will look good with my skin colour.

I got about 13 tats now i remember when i had one
:D  seems like forever ago now.

And know what you mean by day to day i think, i remember
as a teenager i always got collared because of the tattoo on my arm  :no
Last edited by mistyred on Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Number 9 » Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:50 pm

mistyred wrote:Barry he's gonna go half sleeve but not on my elbow, yes he said the ink
will look good with my skin colour.

I got about 13 tats now i remember when i had one
:D  seems like forever ago now.

Just stay away from the elbow,my mate had a full sleeve done and chickened the elbow for ages!He had a big white ring with nothing and we wound him up something rotten,so he went and got it done the other night..had to take 6 breaks and has been off work since!! :laugh:

But it was detailed stuff not spiders webs or nothing like

Says he cant move his arm!! :laugh:
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Postby maypaxvobiscum » Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:17 pm

11% :)
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Postby Owzat » Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:24 am

Greavesie wrote:19% - not a bad result

some of the questions are bit obscure and not what I would consider to be a 'chav' stereotype

Same here, 19%. Some questions were a bit ambiguous, and obscure as you say, and there's nothing to stop you saying no to most (assuming the more yes, the more "chav")

Shopping at co-op etc : I bought food from there many many years ago and only ever when that was a convenient shop to grab something to eat/drink. I certainly don't do my shopping there.

I did call my grandmother "nan", only because that is what we were brought up to call her. All my other grandparents died before she did, most before I was born or very young, and I think we may even have called one "nan" and the other "gran" to distinguish the two. Some grannies don't want to be called "gran", what you call her hardly makes you chav or non-chav
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Postby Owzat » Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:26 am

Big Niall wrote:tatoos should be in the questionaire,

If you apply to work for the police they have a section where you have to disclose any tattoos you have, where they are and the nature of them eg BNP, swastikas etc.
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Postby Big Niall » Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:55 pm

I guess tatoos are just one of those things - I really really hate them but each to their own.Plus I cannot think of any posh people that have tatoos so I defo think they are working class.

I think it was mistyred who said that he was getting Maori tatoos- do you have maorie roots - I'd feel weird getting them being fair haired and blue eyed and pasty white. I've watched "once were warriors" so I reckon I can bluff being maori.
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Postby tubby » Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:00 pm

It's surprising even when they go out to raves they dress chavy. Image

I remember one Raindance I went to there were lads running around in trackies and England tops. :laugh: BTW I'm not a chav, I was into hard dance a while back though...:D
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Postby Number 9 » Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:09 am

maypaxvobiscum wrote:99% :)

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Postby Number 9 » Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:13 am

Big Niall wrote:I guess tatoos are just one of those things - I really really hate them but each to their own.Plus I cannot think of any posh people that have tatoos so I defo think they are working class.

I think it was mistyred who said that he was getting Maori tatoos- do you have maorie roots - I'd feel weird getting them being fair haired and blue eyed and pasty white. I've watched "once were warriors" so I reckon I can bluff being maori.

Yeah Misty has roots in the outback!
Do you really need me to explain? :D
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Postby Kharhaz » Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:57 am

Not one person has picked up the main point of what makes a chav a chav, the title of this thread ! The number one rule in chavness, is that sober or drunk, you cannot spell the simple words like "Are" and "you"  ! In the chav world, if you are pressed you can put it down to Dyslexia. Its unfair to those who do suffer from Dyslexia, but its more common these days, especially amongst chavs. What makes a chav, Clueless, Dumb, and just plain ignorant. Its this last part which makes a majority of us part chav. :D
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Postby Owz@t » Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:06 am

Big Niall wrote:I guess tatoos are just one of those things - I really really hate them but each to their own.Plus I cannot think of any posh people that have tatoos so I defo think they are working class.

I think it was mistyred who said that he was getting Maori tatoos- do you have maorie roots - I'd feel weird getting them being fair haired and blue eyed and pasty white. I've watched "once were warriors" so I reckon I can bluff being maori.

I can't stand people's fetish for studs and rings etc everywhere, stud in the nose, rings through the eyebrow, pierced tongue, through their cu'ntflaps etc. It does nothing for most of their appearances.

I know a number of people a bit older than me who regret having tattoos, as they get older and the skin starts getting looser and saggy.
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