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Postby aCe' » Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:55 pm

JBG wrote:
aCe' wrote:
JBG wrote:Er, there's irrefutable evidence that there is global warming, the vast majority of the scientific community agree that there will be a 2 degree mean temperature increase globally by the end of this century, the "only" debate is whether the increase will be greater than two degrees and whether or not it can be combatted.

Sorry man but what you’re saying is just BS to me...

The whole debate isn’t about whether temperatures are actually increasing or not... doesn’t take a scientist to figure out they are...

The debate is mainly about human activity leading to alarming increases in temperatures.... which is basically where the argument falls to pieces..

THERE IS NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE OR EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE that suggests that human activity (co2 or the other gases- emissions) are causing the increases in temperature... in the contrary... some of the hottest years in the planets history came long before CO2 emissions were even significant...

Furthermore, the increases in temperature over the last decade or so haven’t been anywhere near as drastic as some seem to suggest... in fact if you look at the history of changes in the planet’s temperature you'll see that its merely a continuation of the trend.... if anything... going by that... we'll soon be noticing DECREASES in temperature and eventually have an ice age sometime soon because that’s the way things go...

You seem like an old fella.. Surely you were around some 20 or 30 years ago when all the talk was about global cooling ? guess what.. they were using the same arguments they are now... and guess what.. most of the people talking about global warming today were talking about global cooling not so long ago...

what’s the difference?... the potential of making more money ... politics ... rent seeking.... the rich get richer and the fools think they’re saving the planet

Er, you're not particulaly well informed here, are you?

There have been numerous "hot" and "cold" phases in the earth's past. Hot and cold phases in the past have been terminable for the majority of large mammal spieces: the science behind that is overwhelming and accepted for at least 50 years. Previous hot and cold periods in the earth's history have been caused by catasrophic global events such as enormous and multiple volcano eruptions emitting trillions of tons of dust and sulphur into the atmosphere and asteroid impacts.

A two degree mean increase this century is a 2 degree average across the planet, which means someplaces will get hotter than others. Even a two degree increase would place an extraordinary burden on ecosystems, agriculture and water supplies across the world and many areas, such as Australia, China, India, Pakistan and the Middle East which are at breaking point already, simply won't cope.

Two degrees increase is the UN's body on climate control's own forecast and this is based on the consensus of the majority of the world's climate ccontrol scientists. However, this figure has been lambasted by a large minority of distinguished global warming scientists - principle among them James Lovelock - who say that it is a gross underestimate and that we are now beyond the point of no return where we are paying for damage caused to the environment made in the 19th century and that it is now largely pointless trying to stop it as it is already happening.

I agree that we are "slaves" to the planet: in the long run the planet will survive but it will do so by changing to a warmer state which may last tens of thousands of years before reverting back to a cold period again: it has done so in the past and will do so again. Whether mankind will survive in its current form - 6 billion people on the planet - is whats really the issue of debate.

As for the ozone layer problems: it didn't go away. Conveniently for mankind the hole in the ozone made its way down to Antartica and is slowly shrinking due to a massive reduction in CFC use over the past 30 years.

As for acid rain, er, it hasn't gone away. Just ask people in India and China.

I agree wholeheartedly with your point on the nonsense of green politics, however. Recycling won't make any difference, nor will wind turbines and eco fuel, which is merely a short term way for some people to get rich. The real solution for the energy crisis this century will have to be nuclear fuel.

Sorry man but yet again... you seem to be missing the point!
I'm not arguing that the temperatures in the planet aren’t increasing... I’m not arguing that IF temperatures increase by X degrees we still wouldn’t be in serious :censored:... all I’m saying is that the claim of manmade pollutants being responsible for the global warming nonsense is very hard to prove and indeed very easy to refute... empirical evidence suggests that there is NO correlation between increasing temperatures and increasing CO2 emissions... Basically, the same science that you are going to use to try to convince me that global warming is imminent, ill shamelessly use to prove to you that what you're saying is absolute nonsense... 
You go on about 2 degree increases in temperature... how did the scientists and environmentalists come up with that? Is it as widely agreed on as you seem to suggest ? the answer is simply no... Its guesswork using over simplistic models and simulations and if the history of climate change teaches us anything it has to be that such simulations and over simplistic models quite simply do not depict what happens in reality... The whole “catastrophic global events” thing doesn’t hold much water with me either... happened a few times and if anything disturbed the trend rather than set it... ill say it again nice and slow, the trend predicts increases in temperature (as we are seeing now), and it also predicts that if anything, the temperatures are going to start decreasing and if we are to be worried about anything we should be worried about getting another ice age not about the earth warming up a coupla degrees.. THIS IS WHAT JUDGE HAS BEEN GOING ON ABOUT I ASSUME...The ramifications of an ice age (sharp and sudden decreases in temperature) would far exceed anything being talked about now with regards of global warming...
Ill just go over the other things you mentioned... hopefully you’ll know a thing or two about what im saying here...

Acid rain ... ever heard of NAPAP... national acid precipitation assessment program ? anyways... ill sum it up for ya... 10year U.S government study to assess the impact of acid deposition and suggest strategies for control... 10 years and half a billion dollars later what did they come up with ? that the whole acid rain thing was simply BS... acid lakes were because of naturalistic effects and the effects of the actual acid deposition were minimal .. Politicians tried to shut Krug and the NAPAP people up to try and justify the massive spending with regards to acid rain in the clean air act... but still, it all faded away due to overwhelming evidence that led perceptions of acid rain down a different road...
Ill give you a couple more things to think about.. look up Stephen Schneider if you don’t know him... he’s one of the leaders when it comes to the whole global warming nonsense... Him and Ponte were talking about global cooling 30 years ago.. Ponte went on to say that :”the cooling has already killed hundreds of thousands of people in poor nations.. if it continues and no strong measures are taken to deal with it, the cooling will cause world famine, world chaos, and probably world war, and this could all come by the year 2000”.... sounds familiar ?
One more thing... forget about catastrophic events or manmade pollutants or the interglacial stuff... want real explanations that are hard to refute and argue against... look up “milankovitch cycles”on Wikipedia or somewhere.... ;)
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Postby aCe' » Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:03 pm

heres a wikipedia link ... dont know if it helps much but its pretty interesting if you get to know more about it..
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Postby Reg » Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:18 pm

Jaysus aCe, you´d think someone that clever would be able to tell us who´ll win the league this year as well !
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Postby aCe' » Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:45 pm

Reg wrote:Jaysus aCe, you´d think someone that clever would be able to tell us who´ll win the league this year as well !

doesnt take a scientist to figure that one out either  :down:

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Postby JoeTerp » Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:50 pm

I just get so mad when politicians talk about taxing Carbon emmisions and "creating a market" for Cap and Trade.  There are already people cornering in on this :censored: market ready to make billions, and are willing to grease politicians as much as they can in order to get what they want. Its so easy to say politically that "we want to tax the polluters" CO2 is not a pollutant!
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Postby aCe' » Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:15 pm

JoeTerp wrote:I just get so mad when politicians talk about taxing Carbon emmisions and "creating a market" for Cap and Trade.  There are already people cornering in on this :censored: market ready to make billions, and are willing to grease politicians as much as they can in order to get what they want. Its so easy to say politically that "we want to tax the polluters" CO2 is not a pollutant!


I’m all for improving air quality and all that but once you start taxing people for no reason simply because some seem to think that something may or may not happen in the future ... it gets a little silly.... CO2 is not a pollutant, and if you wanna go down that road you might as well start taxing cows and trees for farting and existing !

Just to clear things up, i’m taking about regional pollution.. regional pollutants.. nothing to do with global pollutants and global climate change (thats where CO2 apparently comes into account)... If people in the U.S are taxed per CO2 volume emitted and people in the U.K aren’t, are we really addressing the issue here ?

Recycling is another thing I can’t get my head around... surely if it was efficient and made sense people would make the rational choice of recycling instead of wasting their own resources... thing is... studies and all that show that recycling is NOT efficient... at all levels .. Even from an environmental perspective, in many cases recycling causes more pollution per unit produced that manufacturing the product from scratch... it also costs more when all variable costs and sunk costs and all that are taken into account... why on earth are some politicians still talking about making recycling mandatory ? Surely at some point that would/should be seen as an evasion of property and basic rights!

Back to you point though Joe, transferrable marketable permits for other forms of pollution imo are way more efficient than the old school command and control methods (emission charges, subsidies, deposit-refund, simple taxation...etc)... they minimize the total abatement costs and free market ensures that the most efficient outcome transpires...

Efficiency vs. Equity ?
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Postby JoeTerp » Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:49 pm

I agree with most of your points about recycling except with aluminum. It is actually worth recycling Aluminum cans.  I also think we need to continue researching ways to make recycling more efficient. Its also essential for western countries to try and move away from importing oil for geopolitical reasons.  And then there are countless examples of local environmental issues that I think need to start taking a higher priority, i.e. cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay and issues with over fishing/ over crabbing in it.
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Postby Sabre » Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:55 pm

all I’m saying is that the claim of manmade pollutants being responsible for the global warming nonsense is very hard to prove and indeed very easy to refute... empirical evidence suggests that there is NO correlation between increasing temperatures and increasing CO2 emissions...

The empirical evidence I've been presented suggest the opposite.

Also, the CO2 is one little part of the problem. We have thrown chemicals to the planet all these years, and that polution is there, in the place you least expect. I will try to find what exact chemical product it was, but there are some pollution that until 10 years ago we weren't even able to detect, now they can detect it they have taken a sample of artic ice, and there it is. CO2 is just one of the products we've thrown.

Anyway, if a conference I listened to in the summer was right, we won't die because of the climate change, we'll die because we're going to deplete the resources of the planet first. Estimations calculate that if the human population keeps growing at the same rate, in less that 40 years we'll have a war for water. The world is seen as unending resource source, but it has it's limits. And apparently we're getting close to it.
Last edited by Sabre on Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby JoeTerp » Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:26 pm

there is a correlation between co2 and global temp BUT its temperature that drives co2 not the other way around
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Postby Sabre » Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:32 pm

JoeTerp wrote:there is a correlation between co2 and global temp BUT its temperature that drives co2 not the other way around

says who, mate.

There's a lot of scientific discussion and evidence and we could check our sources (and those should be more solid than wikipedia)

I do think there are cycles, and nobody denies that, but it's been proven (for what I'veread and listened) human's impact in the current global warming. I've heard the other part of the debate too, but unfortunately they didn't convince me (unfortunately because future is brighter if they convinced me).
Last edited by Sabre on Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby aCe' » Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:56 pm

Sabre wrote:
JoeTerp wrote:there is a correlation between co2 and global temp BUT its temperature that drives co2 not the other way around

says who, mate.

There's a lot of scientific discussion and evidence and we could check our sources (and those should be more solid than wikipedia)

I do think there are cycles, and nobody denies that, but it's been proven (for what I'veread and listened) human's impact in the current global warming. I've heard the other part of the debate too, but unfortunately they didn't convince me (unfortunately because future is brighter if they convinced me).

sorry mate but there is only correlation between them if you pick the data sets you want and match them up with the dates you want.. has selective science written all over it...

if you look at both trends seperately.. then put them together in an objective way.. you'll find that overall there is no reason to believe that correlation exists between CO2 emissions and global temperatures... we'r talking about 100s of years here.. with some of the all time high temps coming long before the CO2 emissions even began to sky rocket... even in the past few decades you had huge increases in CO2 emissions corresponding to big decreases in global temperatures...

anyways im sure if anyone looks into the data sets without someone pointing out things for them they'll get a much better idea of whats going on... thats all i can say really... iv heard both sides of the argument and im attending a climate change seminar in a couple of days by someone who has been a huge advocate of global policy towards global warming.. should be interesting...
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Postby Big Niall » Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:02 pm

we all know that the earth's climate naturally changes over time, however doesn't all the evidence prove that the climate has changed faster since the industrial revolution than it ever did before hand?
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Postby Big Niall » Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:06 pm

as for conspiracy theories

I think 9/11 was used an excuse to go war with Iraq in a war for oil. i also think that over time the government will try and implement more draconian laws to ''protect us'' from terrorism. remember they wanted i.d. cards. they also wanted all your dna details to help fight crime.

don't forget gordon brown used anti-terrorism laws to freeze those bank accounts in Iceland (no jokes about freezing Iceland please :D )

I am only using UK government as example as most people here are from UK, I could use nearly every government.
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Postby aCe' » Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:07 pm

Big Niall wrote:we all know that the earth's climate naturally changes over time, however doesn't all the evidence prove that the climate has changed faster since the industrial revolution than it ever did before hand?

if you are talking about change as in DELTA as in the slope of change... then the answer to your surprise would be NO...
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Postby aCe' » Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:28 pm

Sabre wrote:
all I’m saying is that the claim of manmade pollutants being responsible for the global warming nonsense is very hard to prove and indeed very easy to refute... empirical evidence suggests that there is NO correlation between increasing temperatures and increasing CO2 emissions...

The empirical evidence I've been presented suggest the opposite.

Also, the CO2 is one little part of the problem. We have thrown chemicals to the planet all these years, and that polution is there, in the place you least expect. I will try to find what exact chemical product it was, but there are some pollution that until 10 years ago we weren't even able to detect, now they can detect it they have taken a sample of artic ice, and there it is. CO2 is just one of the products we've thrown.

Anyway, if a conference I listened to in the summer was right, we won't die because of the climate change, we'll die because we're going to deplete the resources of the planet first. Estimations calculate that if the human population keeps growing at the same rate, in less that 40 years we'll have a war for water. The world is seen as unending resource source, but it has it's limits. And apparently we're getting close to it.

i think i missed this post.. im short on time so ill keep it brief..

resources are increasing not decreasing... almost all of them... for different reasons... even green lands and if ya dont believe me look it up... water isnt going to run out anytime soon and same with oil.. i expect us to find alternatives before we run out... by the time it would be cheaper and more efficient to do so... probably nuclear...

as for the other part abouot pollution... i think ur talking about pollution and not climate change here.. two very different things but i see how u'd get confused.. all part of the plan i guess.. anyways as i said somewhere around here.. im all for reducing pollution..especially at regional and local levels... ALOT is already being done about this though worldwide.. air standards are drastically improving and as JOE said it would be much better for most governing bodies to try and focus on local pollution first because its the stuff that has the bigger effect on the people and thats easier to address... less confusion about the whole thing as well...
CO2 is not a pollutant... chemicals and some of the other gases are... theyr usually taxed in different ways

and the whole population thing is a worry i agree... but not because of scarcity... more to do with sustainability but even that is becoming more questionable by the day now...
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