Locking and cleaning up threads

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Postby Judge » Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:06 pm

Greavesie wrote:
maypaxvobiscum wrote:Judge loves liverpool. ban him! , but im gay everyone:D

bit harsh that isn't it mate on judge, but true about you  :D

agreed  :D
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Postby Greavesie » Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:06 pm

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'Bout the glory, round the Fields of Anfield Road

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Postby maypaxvobiscum » Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:10 pm

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Postby Judge » Mon Mar 09, 2009 5:20 pm

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Postby Bad Bob » Mon Mar 09, 2009 5:23 pm

Judge wrote:i'd made it quite clear in my original thread it was for the WHOLE of the first round. You changed all that with your comments - heyho we move on

I changed all that with my comments?  ??? I was well aware that you intended your thread to cover both legs from the off, mate.  My point is that we tried that last year at this time and people complained that one big thread was too unwieldy and it would be better to have two distinct threads for each leg of the tie.  I agree with that perspective and ergo I locked your thread.  It needs saying though--it had nothing to do with you personally.  I would follow precisely the same course of action regardless of who started the original thread.

Now, this time, for fun, let's actually move on instead of coming back to previous posts and editing them, hmm?
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Postby Judge » Mon Mar 09, 2009 5:26 pm

Bad Bob wrote:
Judge wrote:i'd made it quite clear in my original thread it was for the WHOLE of the first round. You changed all that with your comments - heyho we move on

Now, this time, for fun, let's actually move on instead of coming back to previous posts and editing them, hmm?
btw, i drink guiness and frequent the blue oyster club

ok, no editing :D
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Postby redbeergoggles » Mon Mar 09, 2009 5:58 pm

just been posting a reply to the thread Judge bumped ,and after drafting a response at how Honolulu Bob was comedy gold on this forum ,it was locked before I could post, slightly annoying in the extreme .
I mean whats wrong in bumping a post from some comic maestros  such as Honolulu Bob or indeed Dom or Cheesecakery ,wouldnt it serve as a reminder to the days this forum was a fun place ,its not as if its littered with classic posts now is it ?
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Postby redbeergoggles » Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:09 pm

Im not saying that certain threads ,that run close to serious verbal assaults should not be locked thats common sense ,Its just a warning from mods before they lock a particular thread ,would stop me wasting my time posting  :(
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Postby Judge » Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:17 pm

redbeergoggles wrote:just been posting a reply to the thread Judge bumped ,and after drafting a response at how Honolulu Bob was comedy gold on this forum ,it was locked before I could post, slightly annoying in the extreme .
I mean whats wrong in bumping a post from some comic maestros  such as Honolulu Bob or indeed Dom or Cheesecakery ,wouldnt it serve as a reminder to the days this forum was a fun place ,its not as if its littered with classic posts now is it ?

that was my point mate - honolulu bob etc were classic comedy genius. agreed, those days were much better.

in fact people were starting to post fun stuff up.

never mind, got a card for my efforts.

its not a problem tho
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Postby LegBarnes » Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:51 pm

Bad Bob wrote:
Judge wrote:But you cannot expect folk not to say somethings, as that is their opinion, whether right or wrong.

I certainly expect a reaction to every decision I take on here, mate...that's from long experience. :D  So, no, I didn't expect any different from you.  But a reaction that crops up in multiple threads day after day after day?  I decided not to comment the first dozen times you brought it up but since you're still reacting, I have to ask: haven't you vented enough?

As for...
if you deal with it in a sensitive and sensible way, that is much better - dont you think??

Forgive, me but I thought this seemed pretty sensitive and sensible:

Sorry Judge but I'm invoking a one-thread per match policy.  Too many grumbles last year when we experimented with a single thread for both legs of the tie.  I'm going to lock this now and request that we actually focus on the game rather than on the politics of thread making.  :)

An apology, an explanation and a gentle reminder that we didn't really need any more things like:

Judge wrote:a thread not started by bernestein has produced a victory - thanks to me :D

a great win, so great in fact that we have another thread on it ?

Sorry, mate, but I don't see much wrong with what I've done or how I've handled it. ???

I didn't wanna say much in here but only that there is alot of gudges held around here and you can almost tell by teh topic title if cr&p is gonna kick off in thread.

I would only ask people to drop the grudges as they really add nothing to forum and only make it unpleasant place for every one else viewing them.

It will only put of new members joining if they see threads full of bickering which can't be good for any forum.

As for locking threads in some cases I feel it can calm every down like match threads , but as far as it being used all the time I fear it will only get peoples backs up so using it imo could maybe be a last resort kinda thing maybe ?
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Postby Sabre » Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:08 pm

redbeergoggles wrote:just been posting a reply to the thread Judge bumped ,and after drafting a response at how Honolulu Bob was comedy gold on this forum ,it was locked before I could post, slightly annoying in the extreme .
I mean whats wrong in bumping a post from some comic maestros  such as Honolulu Bob or indeed Dom or Cheesecakery ,wouldnt it serve as a reminder to the days this forum was a fun place ,its not as if its littered with classic posts now is it ?

Once upon a time, in the times in which you still had a ZX Spectrum as a personal computer, and before the WWW and Mosaic was even a project, downloading new threads through a modem or uni connection was expensive. Thus, you didn't want to download irrelevant threads nor old ones. It made sense.

These days, in which we have plenty of bandwidth and 90% of the things we download to our computer are shíte anyway, it's not a powerful reason.

The rule of not bumping old threads come from that. From there, that rule evolved, and the rule tried to keep the discussion clean and not confusing people. So these days it depends on the interpretation of the mods (of different forums)

In that particular case of Judge, which was a harmless píss take or joke I wouldn't care (1). If the thread was meant to bring a dead discussion that brought troubles, or meant to ridicule someone, then yes, I'd lock it.

But per se, nothing wrong with bumping threads. Perhaps the rules of the forum should be reviewed from time to time to adapt to new problems.

(1) It all depends of the context, and the mods are aware of it better than me. It's a matter of interpretation.
Last edited by Sabre on Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby woof woof ! » Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:33 pm

redbeergoggles wrote:just been posting a reply to the thread Judge bumped ,and after drafting a response at how Honolulu Bob was comedy gold on this forum ,it was locked before I could post, slightly annoying in the extreme .
I mean whats wrong in bumping a post from some comic maestros  such as Honolulu Bob or indeed Dom or Cheesecakery ,wouldnt it serve as a reminder to the days this forum was a fun place ,its not as if its littered with classic posts now is it ?


Don't know how that stellar thread laid dead and buried for over four years, ignored by you and others .  :down: .

:idea , On the bright side maybe you could create a forum of your own ?


Just an idea, maybe not a good one but at least you've got your name up in lights .

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Postby redbeergoggles » Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:50 pm

I never bumped that thread fella ,and ive got no dispute with you ,but seen as you have utilised this as an attack on me, then I will gladly bring my cards to the table .
Why is it such contempt is shown by you , when a poster has the audacity to confront your views you take it personally ,this is not the real world fella its virtual, its a release a place to go to air our views ,but guess what not everyone will agree, that much is obvious ..
As for my name up in lights I think I could have  proffered more time ,if I genuinely wanted to impose myself on this forum ....
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Postby GOAT_2.0 » Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:59 pm

This place is awesome.
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Postby redbeergoggles » Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:08 pm

Isnt it just ,and guess what ? it gets easier if you conform to sycophants our us  :D
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