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Postby bunglemark2 » Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:24 pm

tonyeh wrote:
I hate to say that 'cos a new guy means new start (from scratch again), means no continuity...

Why? Chelsea scrapped Scolari, but they aren't "starting from scratch".

I'm not saying that a change of manager isn't without it's peril, but it's not like taking everyone one and shooting them.

The point being, that a new man means new tactics means undoing the current mindset means "I don't know what the fook I'm supposed to be doing in this new formation....".
Possible a few of the current batch thinking to themselves "I'm outta here..."
Course, if Lucas, Babel, Benayoun, Dossena, and sicknote Degen decided that, I'd send them a farewell card each :-)
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Postby tonyeh » Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:29 pm

bunglemark2 wrote:
tonyeh wrote:
I hate to say that 'cos a new guy means new start (from scratch again), means no continuity...

Why? Chelsea scrapped Scolari, but they aren't "starting from scratch".

I'm not saying that a change of manager isn't without it's peril, but it's not like taking everyone one and shooting them.

The point being, that a new man means new tactics means undoing the current mindset means "I don't know what the fook I'm supposed to be doing in this new formation....".
Possible a few of the current batch thinking to themselves "I'm outta here..."
Course, if Lucas, Babel, Benayoun, Dossena, and sicknote Degen decided that, I'd send them a farewell card each :-)

I don't know BM. I'm unsure about this mass exodus that some are saying will happen. I just can't see it (and I thnk a lot will depend on who comes in).

Also, new tactics (and a new formation) is just what Liverpool needs IMHO, because Benitez's leave a lot to be desired.

I agree with your farewell suggestions though. I wouldn't shed a tear for any of those mentioned.
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Postby bunglemark2 » Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:33 pm

Can't help but wonder out loud that this is a very deep and profound thread, Mick..
What gets me is the occasional vitriol and abuse hurled by one person at another - why ? I don't know anybody on this forum. As a very infrequent visitor to Anfield, it's probably never going to come to pass that I'll meet you face-to-face anyway. But even if that is the case, what's to be gained from calling you every name under the sun ?
I think most people are as disillusioned and disappointed right now, with something that seemed almost close enough to touch has been undone, the reasons many. Some are blaming the manager, perhaps unfairly, though personally I just don't get the man's logic, and I feel he certainly has a whole pile to answer for. But those who cast aspersions on the man, call hime every name under the sun, and call his "backers" every name under the sun....nah, I'll give that a miss
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Postby tonyeh » Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:49 pm

People mouth off insults, because the don't have an intelligent reply to offer for an argument they don't like/want to hear.

It's that simple.

You only have to look at some of the replies on here by some people to see that they just do not have a reasoned response for their position formed in their head.
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Postby Sabre » Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:56 pm

Interesting thread this. The topic of discussion is why people like me are angry. Perhaps after some rants and a few Owzat stats I'll know why I'm angry.

So we have just started the psychology thread, and we already have two mistakes, one, not asking the angry guys directly. Second, suggest that people get angry because a poster loses faith in the manager or disagrees.

Here's a scenario that may help to this deep psychology thread provided you grasp a remote concept of empathy.

Imagine the typical situation of Liverpool on top of the table, and an "anti" moaning because we won 1-0 instead of 3-0 and we changed 3 players to win the match. Ok, the "anti" will get abuse, but it's easier to get called cluéless and a twát, when you look at the table and see your club in first position. And thus, it's easier to keep calm. It's a hell of good consolation to see your club on top of the table.

Now imagine this situation, you dream of the league, you hate the mancs, you love Liverpool, and you see the archrival overtaking you and getting 7 points away. Then you come here, angry as fúck because of that, and all you see are insults to the manager and the team, and to top it off, you see someone noting the pros are missing and assuming their reasons to be missing and giving credit to those who are posting with a sarcasm touch here and there.

The situation is different. Because, when you look at the table you don't have the big consolation. I can assure you that if I look at the table, I see Liverpool on top, and I have 13 antis with Mick leading the march calling me clueless, I would be laughing. It's not who disagrees you and how, it's the situation of the team, and occasional lack of respect to the manager with insults.

Now of course, you can debate why people like me are angry. You could even wield your English with more or less dexterity to suggest with a periphrasis or a roundabout expression that the pros are people who do not take disagreements with the same good will as the antis -- of course you don't pretend that, you genuinelly are interested on why the people are angry, of course, of course-- . It could even take 6 pages the discussion.

But the answer is much more human and simple than the one you suggest. The truth is that it's actually much more easier to banter and accept the taking of píss when your team is well than where they're struggling. I can't believe you had never thought of that, but here you go.

So, in a nutshell, if you want to know why the people are angry, ask them.

If you think that the people are angry because people lose faith in the manager, get your facts right, you're not the only one to have lost a good amount of faith in the manager (i.e. Bad Bob, Connovar, Mistyred, Cool Hand Luke, Ciggy sometimes, Stu, Effes, Ace Ventura, the list is long). In that particular case of the other thread, I answered because I didn't like you assumed why the pros were not posting, not because you have lost faith in the manager, which in your case was lost long ago I'd say.

I've stated a lot of times the respect I have towards your posts and that's something that hasn't changed. I'll even go as far as saying I like you and that's difficult to say in Newkit without being told to get a room. But FFS Mick, surely you can understand that when the team are struggling people will be more sensitive to bantering? What's the english expression to say "The oven isn't for cakes this morning"? Surely you're on a better mood when the team win? Not talking about superfans here,but talking about very common and human reactions to club football.

If I had a go with everyone who had lost faith on the manager in the last 3 years, I'd have been banned several times already. No, that's not the problem, and no, I don't have my crosshair on you, you just assumed in the other thread why people like me were not posting, I'm angry as fúck due to the misfortunes of the club, and I'm simply more sensitive because of that.

It's dead simple really.

P.S. Forget this post, Tonieh's intelligent post is on the money. The thread was genuinelly intended to understand better why the pros are angry, a clever guy like Tonieh did get the point of the thread quickly, and he's got spot on. The pros are not clever enough.

Ah well.
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Postby redhayesy » Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:03 pm

stay,  & prove the doubters wrong!!
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Postby heimdall » Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:04 pm

The more untenable Rafa's position becomes the more the Rafalites tend towards abuse rather than even trying to concoct any coherent reasons for him remaining as manager. It is almost hilarious how they trot out the same tired arguments and scare tactics, it is actually getting a bit boring arguing with them, it's a bit like shooting fish in a barrel these days.
I have respect for posters like Sabre because he is a knowledgeable guy but his attitude lately has really sucked, personally I was really surprised and saddened when he was gloating about me getting banned. Many of the others who I argue.....err discuss with are completely ignorant and some are just plain vulgar, incapable of ever discussing football. That's not too say all the people on the anti side are good either but we are still in the minority, although I can sense a significant shift these last few weeks with even the staunchest pro rafalites starting to waver.
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Postby Bammo » Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:08 pm

I think the majority of people on these boards are sensible in their discussions. Like you Mick, I'd last about 3 posts on RAWK for various reasons (OOTer, don't get to many games etc) and I find here is a lot more reasoned.

Both pro and anti rafa posters normally have some intelligent points to be made and this normally leads some great debates and discussions on here. What has started to creep in recently is knee-jerk reactions that tend to polarise people and it then descends into childish name-calling. I'm probably on the pro-Rafa side but I can see that both sides make stupid statements in the wake of games that don't go our way.

Anti-Rafa: He's rubbish, he's never made a decent signing, he's tactically clueless, Mourinho would guarantee us winning every competition we even consider entering.....

Pro-Rafa: Everything good is Rafa's doing, every bad thing is media, G+H, Parry, players....He's never signed a 1st choice player, we play more attractive footy than arsenal....

and so it goes on. As someone who tends to lurk and only post occasionally, it gets frustrating that when I spend ages writing a tactical analysis it is lost amongst name-calling and sometimes even homophobia (as bad as racism in my opinion). It seems to be recently that a thread will start off normally, descend into polarised statements and name-calling, then 5 threads appear to replace it.

As has been said, we're all Liverpool fans, we all want the best for the club. We can all debate it like adults and enjoy it here (i'm beginning to sound like a hippy now, i blame you bigmick for starting me off :D). We won't all agree but then again nothing we say will be implemented by anyone at the football club anyway! Those who want catfights should get their own subforum :laugh:
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Postby loopyliverpool » Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:08 pm

Im not into any slagging of anyone. As a lifelong fan I want us, more than anything, to be playing attractive football and challenging for the championship at the end of the season. When things are going wrong and we play unattractive football and don't look like challenging for the title again (nineteen years) you have to question things and as much as I like the man, you have to question Benitez. As far as I am aware he picks the team and recruits the players. I feel this blind faith in him is incredible. One of the things with football is you can draw your opinions from performances... yesterday's was typical: dull and functional.
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Postby teamleader1 » Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:09 pm

As fast as fkn possible  :angry:
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Postby heimdall » Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:10 pm

And I thought my post was long  :D
Sabre you need to chilax dude, you are so damned defensive these days, not being funny but is it a Spanish thing that because we attack Rafa you feel offended or something becuase I never minded when people said Riise was sh1t, mainly because I was the ones saying it loudest :D , plus the fact that Riise is a complete t1t.
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Postby loopyliverpool » Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:12 pm

Go, with a shake of the hand.
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Postby tonyeh » Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:17 pm

Sabre wrote:...a clever guy like Tonieh did get the point of the thread quickly, and he's got spot on. The pros are not clever enough.

Ah well.

That's not really what I am saying Sabre. It's more along the lines of

"the people who hurl insults aren't intelligent enough to form a decent reply to an argument they don't want to hear".

Also, I don't buy into this "Pro" and "Anti" rubbish. People should call it as they see it and opinion's agreed with or disagreed with.
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Postby bigmick » Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:21 pm

There's a wee bit of overestimating my intelligence going on here, and for once it isn't being done by me. When I said to Lando yesterday, fair play for coming on and supporting the manager because at that time he was in the minority, I meant fair play to coming on at that time because he was in the minority. I didn't mean "where's Sabre since we are losing out in the title race", and I didn't mean "ooh aren't I clever because I said a while back we wouldn't win it". I meant it absolutely word for word what I said.

I've said numerous times over the last few weeks that if people are in favour of the job the manager is doing, they shouldn't be inclined to go against him simply because a couple of results go against us. There's always been more to it than that.  Also, I'm not talking about people reactions to "anti's" over these last few days, I'm talking about them over these last few years. Some people used to get absolutely infuriated to point of self combustion over the rotation debate for instance. Why? If you don't agree with me (which I know you don't) either explain why, don't bother or do whatever. Why though does my opinion or indeed anyone else's matter so much to people? That's what I mean and meant Sabre, and I have to say as well that my posts haven't been of the gloating type either. What have I got to gloat about? Because my team very likely isn't going to win the league? Nope, you've got me wrong there.

Here's a couple of clips from my unbelieveably negative and gloaty posts of the last couple of days:

"As for Agger, I like him and he'd be in my starting eleven. As you say he adds a lot from an offensive viewpoint as well as from a defensive one, and it's no surprise that Mourinho by all accounts is looking to recruit him to Inter. That said, we can only play two centre halves in most games, and the manager obviously rates Skyrtel and Carragher as his number one pairing so what can you do? I don't actually think we are defending too badly despite the stats, but a little bit like our attacking play it's just a few degrees off kilter, and at the level we're playing at it makes a huge difference."

That's in "the defence" thread where I say you can't really blame Pelligrino.

I stick up for Lucas here on his thread, and say we didn't play too bad:

"A bit harsh mate. I didn't think he was THAT bad to be honest. He was just Ok in a just Ok performance from the team. He won a few headers which always surprises me even though he does it each time he plays. He gamve it away a few times but then again so did most.

The reality is, we didn't actually play THAT bad I didn't think. We should have got the lead first half but didn't, and could have won it in the the end."

A bit of optimism during the match thread, the match which I got up at 3.0AM Monday morning to watch on a stream? No bother:

"Well I honestly think we can still win this. If we get one we'll get two." There was about 18 minutes to go and we were 1-0 down at the time, the forum was going into meltdown.

Anyways, I don't gloat when my team looks like they aren't going to win the league when I thought we had a chance of doing so. Got me wrong there mate :no
Last edited by bigmick on Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Reg » Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:30 pm

s@int wrote:go now

Isnt this what the Rafalooootion is all about?

:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

Where's Nan ??!!
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