Laptop techy help needed !

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Postby destro » Sun Nov 16, 2008 11:25 pm

J*o*n*D*o*e wrote:
JBG wrote:Its a common Windows stop message normally caused by either overly ambitious overclocking (causing system instability) or faulty ram.

You can run memtest from the boot menu by Pressing either F8 or F11 (depending on your machine) and then pressing Tab (it'll prompt you to do so) and this will show whether there's a fault with your memory. If you cannot get as far as memtest then its a definitely a hardware failure.

try this

Hardware failure it is then because F8 does nothing  :(
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Postby maypaxvobiscum » Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:39 pm

ive a problem with my acer now.....
none of my toolbars are appearing at the top of my browser. im using mozilla btw.
so i clicked on ''view'' and went to toolbars but i only saw a navigation toolbar and thats not it. my google, yahoo, facebook and some ad-ons from firefox are all missing. any clue how to fix it?
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Postby GYBS » Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:47 pm

reload firefox
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Postby maypaxvobiscum » Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:53 pm

it works when i install those toolbars and restart firefox. however when i close firefox...and open a new window, it isnt there anymore.

but thanks GYBS. my browser seems cranky.
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Postby destro » Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:42 am

OK its been a while I know but here is where I am up to.

I took my laptop ( yes its still broke :( ) to PC World and told them what the problem is, they said " thats no problem we can fix that for £60 leave it with us. Two days later they ring back " the processor is knackered, it will be £230 to replace it !!!

Here is my problem now, do I

A) Collect the laptop and refuse to pay the £60 as they haven't actually repaired it.

B) Collect the laptop pay the £60 because at least they have made an effort to repair it and told me what the fault is at last.

C) Collect it, pay them then walk down the road to the not very helpful PC World, smack the bloke round the head with it and tell him THEY supplied it THEY fix it or they replace it.

D) Buy the processor myself and get my "techy" mate to fit it.
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Postby Sabre » Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:26 am

In my country any repair that requires opening a computer costs 60€, so I guess that in England equals to 60 Pounds.

In order to check whether it's the processor normally what's done is trial and error. Check whether with another processor the system boots or not. You try different components based on your experience until you find the one that is faulty.

So that 60 Pounds may be expensive, but not mad. I'd pay those if I were you.

However, 230 Pounds for changing the processor seems too much for me. Once you know that's the problem changing it is not as long in terms of time as if you have to change the whole mainboard. It's a straight away repair, it would take 4 minutes. So, for opening the computer they'll ask 60, granted, but 230-60=170 Pounds, and that's probably too much for the processor I think you have.

Please confirm me what laptop model you had so that I know what's your exact processor, and the cost of that processor. I think your processor cost must be around 45 or 50 € tops, so any repair that is beyond 60+50=110 € would be inacceptable.

So I'd pay the 60€, buy the processor myself and ask the techy mate to install it. It won't be much of a problem for your mate, it won't take him more than 15 minutes.
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Postby Greavesie » Wed Feb 25, 2009 5:56 pm

I have a bit of a problem as well now. I downloaded the latest version of AVG on my laptop and did the scan and everything. When I turned the computer back on the task bar (start menu) had disappeared and I cant get the thing back again. I know the problem is something to do with that version of AVG cos the same things happened to my mate, any ideas anyone?
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Postby J*o*n*D*o*e » Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:53 pm

does it appear if you hover the mouse over it or has it gone completely even after a reboot

football on soon so wont be on till later.

if appears when you hover mouse over then right click goto properties and untick auto hide.

if its gone completely, click ctrl alt del, task manager should open

top left click on file and select new task, type explorer.exe and enter

if you have no luck explorer is probably corrupt so you might need to run system restore or even run windows recovery tool
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Postby Greavesie » Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:14 pm

J*o*n*D*o*e wrote:does it appear if you hover the mouse over it or has it gone completely even after a reboot

football on soon so wont be on till later.

if appears when you hover mouse over then right click goto properties and untick auto hide.

if its gone completely, click ctrl alt del, task manager should open

top left click on file and select new task, type explorer.exe and enter

if you have no luck explorer is probably corrupt so you might need to run system restore or even run windows recovery tool

Ive tried the explorer exe thing mate, no luck. Im gonna try and run windows recovery tool and see the result then. I can still navigate the computer using task manager but its a bit of a pain.
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Postby Greavesie » Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:49 pm

when I type explorer.exe it doesnt find anthing, could it be I don't have that file? If so how do i get it?
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Postby J*o*n*D*o*e » Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:47 pm

when you type it where mate, into search, if yes then it should be in c:windows
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Postby Greavesie » Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:34 am

when I try to find it on task manager

theres a file when I search through the documents manually but theres nothing in it to load up
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Postby J*o*n*D*o*e » Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:14 am

looks like the program has been deleted if there is no sign of it in C: windows

if you have an installation CD you can try this

open task manager

in new task type  sfc /scannow  (make sure you leave space between c and / )

it should find explorer.exe is missing and ask for the CD
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Postby Kharhaz » Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:18 am

The best advice I can give is scrap the laptop and invest in a PC. A couple of weeks ago I was asked to sort out a laptop, everything seemed to fail but I got a majority of it working again. And afterwards I agreed with myself. Laptops are rubbish. If one thing fails in them, especially hardware, you will be screwed. Price wise laptops are just not worth it. I have always hated laptops because they are simply pointless. Scrap the laptop, get a Gameboy and get more enjoyment that way !
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Postby J*o*n*D*o*e » Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:19 am

off to bed now so good luck with that

you could also try running recovery console in xp

when prompted run chkdsk/r

if your running vista not sure if the command is the same
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