Portsmouth v liverpool - 7/2/09  17:30

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Postby Number 9 » Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:24 pm

Rafa should just tell Nando he's not going and thats it!
FFS the lad is still not 100% you can see it in his play...If he goes there and something (please no) happens again im declaring war on Spain!
Sabre will be the first to die! :D
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Postby GOAT_2.0 » Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:25 pm

Toffeehater wrote:season over , game over . :censored: ZONAL MARKING !

Bloody fool  :laugh:
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Postby Bad Bob » Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:35 pm

bigmick wrote:Turned out to be a good thread in the end, one of the better match ones.

The excitement is great, and as long as you win the match it's much more exciting to come back from 2-1 down with four minutes to go and win it with a header 90 seconds from time than it is to go there and win 2-0. Even I can see that, and yes I enjoyed the moment just like everyone else did. To the fella a couple of pages back who quoted a post of mine when I was in the middle of a disagreement and asked why I couldn't just enjoy it without long posts all the time, he ought to read back further. Fifteen seconds after the game finished, I posted "Tactical genius :laugh: :laugh: :D ". I can't post any shorter than two words, although to some sometimes I can think of shorter words :laugh: .

But anyway, the excitement was great, and though lacking in real quality from a football sense it has to be said it was a brilliant game. Absolutely magnetic on the eyes, and about as far removed from the turgid Wigan Away as you could possibly get. I commented in the rotation thread that it was really hard to pick formations and stuff, simply because the game was so broken up, "crazy" in Rafa's words of previous weeks. There is part of me that wishes we could play like that more often in all honesty (not with the bonkers team selection obviously) but with the same intensity. It kind of seems to suit us. Like kids who are given the chance to not wear uniforms for the day, it seems to bring our personality out more. Suddenly we seem more passionate, more connected with proceedings.

Sometimes our attacking play can look as well drilled as our defensive play, and as a consequence we seem to have a reluctance to go "off the cuff", to try something, to commit into an area where we haven't been previously or you couldn't pick. Our obsession with "control" can translate into predictability, and as against Everton it's no good "controlling" the game if you don't make a chance. Not for the first time this season when we have been deep, deep in the sh!te (and it doesn't come much deeper than 2-1 down to a relegation team with 4 minutes to go when you're going for the title), we've thrown the shackles off and produced something. I'm coming around to the idea that this kind of cup-tie, freestyle mode actually works in our favour to some extent and I'd like to see us use it more. Gerrard is made for that game, the high tempo, Roy of the Rovers stuff and even Kuyt's particular "gifts" lend themselves perfectly to it. It's just a thought but I like us when we really go for it, and not just because it's exciting to watch.

The last thing which needs to be said about the team selection is that bonkers or not, now we've won it while giving Alonso, Kuyt and Torres a rest, it is a bit of a result it has to be said. I wouldn't have risked losing the game so readily in order to achieve this, but no matter we did risk it, it was very fecking close to backfiring but we came through. The Manc result again shows how big a risk it was, even a draw would probably have seen the engraver sharpening his tolls for the 2008-2009 winners slot around the side of the Premiership trophy. It was a huge result, they don't come much bigger. Onwards and upwards, and of course, get in there   :;):

Agree about the off the cuff remark.  There was a point there, midway through the first half, where I think we had 4-5 red shirts in or near the box as a cross was about to come in.  I saw Agger and Skrtel deep in enemy territory on a few occasions, Dossena and Arbeloa bombing forward with gay abandon and, of course, Aurelio doing a cameo as an advanced playmaking midfielder for much of the first half.  It was almost like a pick-up match, with people having a lark at playing novel positions.  Against a better team I've no doubt we would have been punished for it but it was still a breath of fresh air to watch.  Apparently Rafa was going mental on the touchline though--Setanta said he was barking orders at the left flank all half and kicked his chair in disgust at one point.  Another "crazy" game indeed! :D
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Postby aCe' » Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:51 pm

made a few posts in this thread during and after the game.. all credit to Kuyt who was brilliant out there and did what was needed ...

back to the game though, i though Aurelio had an excellent game and looked very good picking out players down the flanks and through the middle... man of the match for me..

the team selection was awful to say the least... towards the end of the 1st half both sets of players were playing some of the worst football i've seen in ages ... N'gog is never Liverpool quality and Babel needs a couple of sessions of yoga or something...

interesting match.. interesting team selection... still in a good position in the league but hopefully Rafa would have learned his lesson from the pompy game and decides to put out a stronger side for our next match...
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Postby bigmick » Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:04 pm

Igor Zidane wrote:Top post mick . Us off the cuff ,, would you adam and eve it mate . :D

As I said earlier Igor, we was like them two blokes off Love Actually was it, or Bridget Jones or whatever (Colin Firth and Hugh Grant anyway) rolling around in the gutter and getting our best shirts dirty but all the while failing to land any meaningful blows :D
Last edited by bigmick on Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Masch79 » Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:39 pm

First of all I am not just saying this because we won - I have been really puzzled by some of Rafa's decisions lately but when I saw the line up yesterday I honestly thought what else can he do?
Torres looked absolutely n@ckered last Wednedsday night & is still on the way back from injury.
Alonso is apparently carrying a knock.
Kuyt runs his b0ll0cks off for 90 mins almost every match.
Riera, perhaps least in need of a rest but has still played a lot of games in succession.

It was a close shave but essentially all we did was put a weaker than usual side out and made the necessary changes to win the game and if the Manc b@stards had done the same their fans and the media would be crowing about "you can never write off Utd", "strength in depth", "red nose is a genius" etc etc.

I agree it was a gamble, but if it's a gamble that stopped Xabi, Nando, Kuyt or Riera from missing a month through injury then surely it was worth it? This is not just Rafa making random choices is it, he has a whole team of experts telling him the condition of each player. People say that it wouldn't have worked against a better side but they knew we were playing Portsmouth who had only won 2 of their last 15 and can't defend for sh1t. If we were playing a better team then maybe 1 or 2 of the stars would have played - imo a calculated risk that paid off (just! :) ) and could prove to be the difference between us still fighting for the title in May / falling away in March.

We hear complaints that Rafa is a negative manager but yesterday he set up with both wingbacks, Aurelio from the middle and 3 front men all getting forward. I know that many of us are but let's all give credit where it's due.

I'm glad Kuyt, Benny, Aurelio etc have been getting some support because I thought they were all really good yesterday. Babel agreed needs more games to find form but he has suffered because Riera has been so good, FFS King Kenny described Babel as a 'menace' so surely he can't be written off this season when he has had fewer chances to find form than last.

I am sure as hell that the players will not win the title this season if they don't believe in themselves, but the way they never give up a game and have fought back more than once this season makes me think that they believe in themselves more than some fans do. FFS let's get behind them, stop over reacting and being over critical and give the lads every chance to do what we all long for........

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Postby GYBS » Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:44 pm

bigmick wrote:
dawson99 wrote:The selection was awful, but it worked,

It's an intersting one this. Did the selection "work"? If we eventually won the game, does it by definition mean the selection "worked", or is there more to it than that? We were 2-1 down to Portsmouth after 86 minutes and got an equaliser and a winner within the last four minutes, courtesy of two substitutes who would feature in our strongest eleven but who weren't selected. We brought Alonso on to try and get something going (ditto the first eleven bit) as we'd fallen behind.

We did though eventually win the game. Does that mean the selection worked? If we lost any games then, does that mean the selection was wrong? It's definately an interesting one.

I think the selection certainly worked in the sense it made the game more interesting, but I'm not totally sure that's what we were actually trying to achieve.

i think the selection worked up intil the ball got to the strikers mate - them being either young and inexperienced or lack of confidence didnt help them but overall thought we controlled most of the game .
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Postby GYBS » Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:46 pm


GET THE FECK IN THERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby NANNY RED » Mon Feb 09, 2009 12:30 am

Masch79 wrote:First of all I am not just saying this because we won - I have been really puzzled by some of Rafa's decisions lately but when I saw the line up yesterday I honestly thought what else can he do?
Torres looked absolutely n@ckered last Wednedsday night & is still on the way back from injury.
Alonso is apparently carrying a knock.
Kuyt runs his b0ll0cks off for 90 mins almost every match.
Riera, perhaps least in need of a rest but has still played a lot of games in succession.

It was a close shave but essentially all we did was put a weaker than usual side out and made the necessary changes to win the game and if the Manc b@stards had done the same their fans and the media would be crowing about "you can never write off Utd", "strength in depth", "red nose is a genius" etc etc.

I agree it was a gamble, but if it's a gamble that stopped Xabi, Nando, Kuyt or Riera from missing a month through injury then surely it was worth it? This is not just Rafa making random choices is it, he has a whole team of experts telling him the condition of each player. People say that it wouldn't have worked against a better side but they knew we were playing Portsmouth who had only won 2 of their last 15 and can't defend for sh1t. If we were playing a better team then maybe 1 or 2 of the stars would have played - imo a calculated risk that paid off (just! :) ) and could prove to be the difference between us still fighting for the title in May / falling away in March.

We hear complaints that Rafa is a negative manager but yesterday he set up with both wingbacks, Aurelio from the middle and 3 front men all getting forward. I know that many of us are but let's all give credit where it's due.

I'm glad Kuyt, Benny, Aurelio etc have been getting some support because I thought they were all really good yesterday. Babel agreed needs more games to find form but he has suffered because Riera has been so good, FFS King Kenny described Babel as a 'menace' so surely he can't be written off this season when he has had fewer chances to find form than last.

I am sure as hell that the players will not win the title this season if they don't believe in themselves, but the way they never give up a game and have fought back more than once this season makes me think that they believe in themselves more than some fans do. FFS let's get behind them, stop over reacting and being over critical and give the lads every chance to do what we all long for........


Crackin post that :nod
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Postby Owzat » Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:09 am

Looks like Adams has paid the price


Adams set to make Portsmouth exit

Portsmouth are to announce on Monday that they have parted company with boss Tony Adams after just over three months in charge, BBC Sport understands.

Portsmouth have won just two of their 16 Premier League matches since Adams, 42, took charge back on 28 October.

On Saturday, Pompey were beaten at home by Liverpool despite leading 2-1 with just five minutes to go.

Prior to that loss - the seventh in eight games - Adams had insisted he had the backing of the club chiefs.

Portsmouth are currently 16th in the table, one point above the relegation zone, with 14 games to play.

Adams was appointed at the end of October when Harry Redknapp, who guided Pompey to FA Cup glory last season, decided to take the Tottenham job.

The former Arsenal and England captain was named as Redknapp's number two in 2006, after an ill-fated spell in charge of Wycombe and coaching jobs in the Netherlands with Feyenoord and Utrecht.

At Wycombe, the Gunners legend won only 12 of his 53 games in charge, losing 20.

Beats me why they chose him other than he was there to choose and it was an easy option. But like previous 2ics who failed, mostly ex-whiskeynose 2ics, I think some just simply aren't good enough to go it alone.
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Postby Judge » Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:23 am

does anyone know if five live said anything about the match. come on lakes :D
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Postby GYBS » Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:55 am

NANNY RED wrote:
Masch79 wrote:First of all I am not just saying this because we won - I have been really puzzled by some of Rafa's decisions lately but when I saw the line up yesterday I honestly thought what else can he do?
Torres looked absolutely n@ckered last Wednedsday night & is still on the way back from injury.
Alonso is apparently carrying a knock.
Kuyt runs his b0ll0cks off for 90 mins almost every match.
Riera, perhaps least in need of a rest but has still played a lot of games in succession.

It was a close shave but essentially all we did was put a weaker than usual side out and made the necessary changes to win the game and if the Manc b@stards had done the same their fans and the media would be crowing about "you can never write off Utd", "strength in depth", "red nose is a genius" etc etc.

I agree it was a gamble, but if it's a gamble that stopped Xabi, Nando, Kuyt or Riera from missing a month through injury then surely it was worth it? This is not just Rafa making random choices is it, he has a whole team of experts telling him the condition of each player. People say that it wouldn't have worked against a better side but they knew we were playing Portsmouth who had only won 2 of their last 15 and can't defend for sh1t. If we were playing a better team then maybe 1 or 2 of the stars would have played - imo a calculated risk that paid off (just! :) ) and could prove to be the difference between us still fighting for the title in May / falling away in March.

We hear complaints that Rafa is a negative manager but yesterday he set up with both wingbacks, Aurelio from the middle and 3 front men all getting forward. I know that many of us are but let's all give credit where it's due.

I'm glad Kuyt, Benny, Aurelio etc have been getting some support because I thought they were all really good yesterday. Babel agreed needs more games to find form but he has suffered because Riera has been so good, FFS King Kenny described Babel as a 'menace' so surely he can't be written off this season when he has had fewer chances to find form than last.

I am sure as hell that the players will not win the title this season if they don't believe in themselves, but the way they never give up a game and have fought back more than once this season makes me think that they believe in themselves more than some fans do. FFS let's get behind them, stop over reacting and being over critical and give the lads every chance to do what we all long for........


Crackin post that :nod

got to agreee nanny it is a cracker :bowdown
Last edited by GYBS on Mon Feb 09, 2009 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby bigmick » Mon Feb 09, 2009 10:03 am

GYBS wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:
Masch79 wrote:First of all I am not just saying this because we won - I have been really puzzled by some of Rafa's decisions lately but when I saw the line up yesterday I honestly thought what else can he do?
Torres looked absolutely n@ckered last Wednedsday night & is still on the way back from injury.
Alonso is apparently carrying a knock.
Kuyt runs his b0ll0cks off for 90 mins almost every match.
Riera, perhaps least in need of a rest but has still played a lot of games in succession.

It was a close shave but essentially all we did was put a weaker than usual side out and made the necessary changes to win the game and if the Manc b@stards had done the same their fans and the media would be crowing about "you can never write off Utd", "strength in depth", "red nose is a genius" etc etc.

I agree it was a gamble, but if it's a gamble that stopped Xabi, Nando, Kuyt or Riera from missing a month through injury then surely it was worth it? This is not just Rafa making random choices is it, he has a whole team of experts telling him the condition of each player. People say that it wouldn't have worked against a better side but they knew we were playing Portsmouth who had only won 2 of their last 15 and can't defend for sh1t. If we were playing a better team then maybe 1 or 2 of the stars would have played - imo a calculated risk that paid off (just! :) ) and could prove to be the difference between us still fighting for the title in May / falling away in March.

We hear complaints that Rafa is a negative manager but yesterday he set up with both wingbacks, Aurelio from the middle and 3 front men all getting forward. I know that many of us are but let's all give credit where it's due.

I'm glad Kuyt, Benny, Aurelio etc have been getting some support because I thought they were all really good yesterday. Babel agreed needs more games to find form but he has suffered because Riera has been so good, FFS King Kenny described Babel as a 'menace' so surely he can't be written off this season when he has had fewer chances to find form than last.

I am sure as hell that the players will not win the title this season if they don't believe in themselves, but the way they never give up a game and have fought back more than once this season makes me think that they believe in themselves more than some fans do. FFS let's get behind them, stop over reacting and being over critical and give the lads every chance to do what we all long for........


Crackin post that :nod

got to argure nanny it is a cracker :bowdown

So are you arguing with her or agreeing with her FFS  :angry:  :D
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Postby GYBS » Mon Feb 09, 2009 10:10 am

oops typo there - cheers mick for noticing

GET IN THERE !!! :;):
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Postby Roger Red Hat » Mon Feb 09, 2009 12:16 pm


well fk me daft with a broom handle I spent all day yesterday thinking it was 2-2 final score. I had to work on Saturday evening so missed the end, just presummed it finished 2-2.

Im made up now.

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