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Postby Number 9 » Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:23 pm

I don't have a problem with anyone having a moan the odd time.But on the flipside of people refusing to criticise the team and manager are the posters that ALWAYS constantly focus on negatives.I could name about 6 off here that I struggle to remember them ever saying a good word about anything to do with our club(but im not going to cause it would start a war)lol
In most cases I can see both sides of the arguement..For example.
At the weekend Rafa got a lot of criticism for NOT bringing Keane on.I was certainly hoping that he came on too.Would he have made a difference?We just don't know now,and never will.
But after the match is ended,you accept the score..cause theres nothing else you can do being honest.Now I'm thinking well maybe Rafa is holding him back and maybe when he lets him go his game will improve and it will have been the right decision.Again time will tell.Hopefully Keane will benefit from a few games out,maybe him and Nando coming back at the same time will be like a new start.Lets wait and see.Oh I have to add that IF Rafa had brought Keane on he would have got slated if Keane had a minger..The only way Rafa can please everyone is take 3 points from every game and thats just not practical..its not football!
BUT the thing that annoys me is that some of the posters that were calling Rafa all sorts were only a few days prior practically saying that he was daft for buying Keane and Keane was a waste of money.So WTF were they asking for him on the pitch for?

As for posts during match threads,well they are often rush of blood to the head jobs,not to be taken literally..I dont take them seriously anyway I dont really think anyone should either.Once the game is over they are history as far as I'm concerned.

I think the thing that is hardest to deal with at present being an LFC fan is that we are in unfamiliar water.The last few years we are usually out of it now and hoping for 4th,anything else is usually a bonus.
Now we are sitting at the top (yes by a narrow margain) but if its one point we win by that'll do me.Id rather be one clear than one behind.
Anyway I still dont feel that the amount of moaning on this board is justified.Its been said a million times before.Think back to the first game of the campaign and ask yourself if you were told we would be top now would you take it?Of course you would.Yes it has been strange to drop so many points to lesser teams and still be top.I find it comforting that we have played below par and are where we are.Torres coming back will be a huge lift for everyone at the club.IF he can stay fit he will get goals there is not doubt about that,and TBH its more of a comfort to me that we have been able to stay top without him.We are no where near top gear yet,neither are out 2 closest contenders.

So whats gonna happen?Nobody knows.
My personal opinion is that I reckon it will go to the wire.I have'nt seen anything in the first half of this season to suggest otherwise.I feel that all the top 3 and probably Arsenal will be stronger and drop less points after Xmas but I just cant see anyone running away with it.
I think with so many points being dropped and it staying pretty even its the games we play against our rivals we need to worry about more.
Beat Arsenal at the weekend and thats 9 from 9 against the "big 3"
That would be a great achievment in its self and something we have not done in a very long time.

Maybe the happy clappers should make a conscious effort to moan more and the yappy kunts should try and say something positive for once!
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Postby GYBS » Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:25 pm

Great post Number 9 and agree with it 100%
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Postby GYBS » Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:30 pm

And im prob one of the happy clappers around - i will try and find a positive in anything a thats the way i am and the way i was brought up to support liverpool by my uncle and that wont ever change and will back players while they are in a liverpool shirt unless they do somethig that disgraces the name of the club ie diouf.
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Postby NANNY RED » Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:53 pm

That is one top post . Mr CERT.

See those are the words i would like to try an say but it just comes out all wrong when i try an type it :laugh:
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Postby red37 » Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:09 pm

Rush Job wrote:Thats not what I'm saying red and Ive a fair idea you know it. theres never not an on going argument on these boards, and why are you taking what I said personally? your not the only mod.

Hasn't been taken personally....at all. The only 'personal' aspect of it, is in the fact that it was me that dealt with your valid complaint. And the subsequent point made about not being around 24/7 - which none of the team are...in actual fact it was supposed to come across as a light hearted reposte!

Smiley's all round next time eh  :D

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Postby account deleted by request » Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:23 pm

I think we need an "I am being serious smilie" to go with the sarcastic smilie

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Postby Number 9 » Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:27 pm

s@int wrote:I think we need an "I am being serious smilie" to go with the sarcastic smilie



This one although saying very angry..could be used as "I am being serious"
If you took off the orange steam,it would work fine!
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Postby maypaxvobiscum » Tue Dec 16, 2008 6:01 am

Sabre wrote:1) I disagree the bit about the moaners talking more football than the non-moaners. You could mention among the moaners the likes of S@int and Bigmick, but do you honestly believe Max that the people who moan about moaners moan about the posts of these two? No, they usually jump against those who call Rafa a clown and talk zero football.

2) Why people react to over-moaning?
It's simple. As you admit, we all are fúcked when Liverpool loses. Do you think I like the team plays badly? Do you think I preffer a 1-0 than a 5-0? No, of course I don't.
But when you log in, you expect criticism, but not to read that the manager is a clown and half the squad are shíte. It's the kind of thing that would tell you a work-mate who's of another team. And such comments wind you up.

3) In a nutshell, I'm all for criticism, but I think it's possible to be critic, even harsh, without being disrespectful towards the team. Just imagine for a moment what a Manc WUM would think if he came and he reads that half our team is shíte, he'd probably log off as the job is done!!

1) i dont think so. or at least, not all do. some will come on and having an old rant about wanting big sam. and keep repeating it again and again. where is the footie talk in that? and when a poster feels out of their own opinion that they fear our title reign is over, they are slammed. they arent reasoned with, they are slammed. where is the footie talk in that now? and when anyone thinks a rival is a legend (SAF), their loyalty is questioned. seriously, wtf?

2) the thing is, the moaning takes place during the match so of course emotions runs high and some things that wouldnt be usually said are said. Bavlondon and I rant alot on match threads. but we are both happy when we win, once the final whistle is blown we dont moan. what makes me sick is, that a comment will be quoted and it will be made to look as if the person who made the comment is a numpty, not a liverpool fan, or a bluenose. some comments do wind you up but by fighting fire with fire you're not helping are you? by calling a liverpool fan such stuff as BigMick pointed out, makes him mad. put it this way, comments during the match really shouldnt be taken seriously. its the ones after the dust settles that should be counted as thats when people will get a grip and a hold of themselves. their fave team is out there playing you cant expect them to think straight can you?

3) if you think its possible to be critic without being disrespectful to the team, why cant one be a critic without being disrespectful to the poster?
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Postby maypaxvobiscum » Tue Dec 16, 2008 6:12 am

burjennio wrote:well if everyones getting their 10ps worth.........

im not gonna start squaring up to the doom merchants, happy clappers, pro-rafas, anti-kuyts, mods, rockers, born again christians, muslims, satanists or the powderkeg that is Petar  :D
just a couple of points.

1. Maxi its a good opening thread and I would agree with most of it except that I dont think that its only the happy clapper brigade that start the flame wars. There are several posters on either side of that fence that are happy to start chucking the insults around when anyone disagrees with them.

2. anyone who doesnt think that the last 3 drawn results at home are below expectations is deluding themselves, its very poor and the reds have been fortunate that others around them have also been dropping points. All teams drop unexpected points over the course of a season but not many teams top of the league drop points to newly promoted sides or dare i say it relegation candidates. Chelsea have dropped more home points than Liverpool fact. Chelsea have played Man Utd, Liverpool and Arsenal already while LFC have only hosted Utd, and have a flawless away record.
But other side of the coin, we're top of the league without the best striker in Europe being fit, we're showing character like never before, never accepting defeat in matches we would surely have lost in years gone by, in a position that EVERY POSTER on here would have bitten your hand off for before the season began. When people come on and slag off player after player, calling for the managers head when no chairman in their right mind would dream of sacking a coach while his team led the division, criticising every performace no matter how good a result makes me ask JUST WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT? you cant win every match playing Roy of the Rovers stuff, even the great sides win ugly, for every 4-0 drubbing theres a a dozen scrappy 1-0s.

Everyone on this site has Liverpool in their heart or they wouldnt be so passionate about what they are posting, no one is a better fan than someone else because they go to more games or rate Kuyts contribution over Babels pace or even believe that, for whatever reason, Benitez should walk and we should all hail Mourinho  :Oo: But sometimes people get so caught up in trying to prove themselves right that all logic and perspective goes out the window and the ranting begins and opinions become more and more polarised just because posters wont back down.

:D powderkeg.

1) it takes 2 hands to clap and some might have a better reaction then others. i dont have an issue with that but i do have an issue when one will log on, and have a go AT the posters telling them to ''feck off and die''. thats a direct quote from the hull city match thread.

2) thats the story of life. when 1 door closes we're too busy mourning its closure to realise there are 2 opening behind us. im not sure about others but when we drop points, i just feel its an opportunity lost for us to gain some ground over our rivals. i really want to see us win the title cause everyone associated with the club deserves it. newcastle i believe were 12 points ahead once but they lost the title. now we're just 1 point ahead and theres loads of nervousness and people may press the panic button too early but they just wanna see the club succeed.

3) i agree with your last paragraph. very well put  :)
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Postby Owzat » Tue Dec 16, 2008 8:11 am

s@int wrote:Good post Maypax. At times it does seem like some on here are more interested in promoting their image as a "superfan" rather than actually talking about the game. It wouldn't be much of a forum if everyone just came on said how great we are and left it at that.

To be fair some of the decent posters who are "optomistic" catch flack too, but in the main its the happy clappers that throw most of the insults while its the "doom and gloomers" who are insulted and abused for having an opinion.

Personally I just take everything said while the match is ongoing as "heat of the moment" and don't really pay much heed to it. Some of the most loyal Liverpool fans on the forum occasionally go over the top when we go a goal down, play poorly or struggle to score. Bav cracks me up every week in the match thread   :D but he's as happy as the rest of us once we are infront again.

I do agree though that the superfan business gets out of hand. While I don't really agree with slagging off players or manager, I see nothing wrong with saying a player was cr@p or Rafa made a bad decision. I would rather someone was honest about their opinions rather than hiding their true opinions because someone will abuse them rather than debate the football merits.

We have some top class posters from both sides of the divide and when they discuss football I find it very interesting and thought provoking. Too often though things are cut short because someone can't be bothered arguing against their view and just decides to hurl abuse at the poster instead.

One problem is this :

I'm rarely that optimistic, largely because whenever you do "get your hopes up" something goes wrong or someone takes a dump just above your head. So I try and maintain a realistic outlook. But these days you're lumped in either the optimistic category or pessimistic category and slated for comments that, if we were having an ordinary season in fourth or third after 17 games, struggling in Europe, but playing a similar level of football, would be accepted as normal.

But because we are top of the league then some try and get everyone shouting it from the rooftops and come down on anyone saying anything remotely construed as "negative". Everyone should be able to discuss players as they want and the league situation as they want.

Maybe we did hold our ground over the weekend, but of the 'big four' I'd say our's was one of the two 'easier' fixtures. The mancs were away to a revival side, Arsenal are playing pants anyway and we've drawn at Boro a few times in the past (only just beat them at home), while Chelsea had a side we couldn't even score against at home and we had a newly promoted side at home. So we held onto top spot, but dropped points 7 & 8 at home already and not even against top quality sides. Only the most blinkered would think we can drop points at a rate of four games out of seven for long without being overtaken. There is a long long way to go, no point getting carried away with the league table while we're playing pretty ordinary football and relying on Gerrard and Kuyt to win us points - even if we were playing well, one point is not a big lead and a trot of poor form could see us drop several places quickly.

Is that pessimistic? Not in my book. That's realistic, not saying "we're not going to win the league" or "we're not good enough to win the league", but instead pointing out the frailty of the position and that, while it is good to be there and we could improve and hold onto it, we are still 21 games from the end of the season and we've been in similar positions before. If people want to say that I'm pessimistic then I say knock yourselves out. I'm not going to be bullied into changing the way I think or the way I discuss the club I support. I will debate the aspects of the game/team that need improving, I think most of us could easily identify those. Discussing a match isn't about saying "yay, three points. We're top of the league" or "yay, we're still top of the league". It's a DISCUSSION, should be the same discussion of incidents, player performances, pluses and minuses as it would be if we were in a relegation struggle ie league position should not be the determining factor of whether we are happy or unhappy.

But here's to hoping we improve somewhat, Rafa sorts something out soon re goalscoring, the Keane situation, LB and improves his tactics re substitutions. Maybe if one or two of those are sorted then we will all turn "happy clappy"  :D
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Postby pinkkitty » Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:15 am

Moaning is one thing and TBH its human nature, we always want that little bit more than we've got but abuse is another, a joke that misses the mark is easily forgiven but when rash comments are made for no other reason that to ridicule, hurt and/or get a rise out of another thats not on IMO and I sometimes wish the mods would be a little quicker to act, I'm not asking for cards galore just a word now and again to nip things in the bud because when I try and do it I get 2 pages of abuse for asking a question.

The thing is though, you didnt ask a question, well you did but at the end of it you accused somebody of "causing s.hit". That poster replied with verbal outrage, as did/does your friend Lando who attacked and continuesly does so for no other reason unless he deems certain posters moaners. In the "optomistic" thread you told the person you was with, "you were above it" yet continued to retaliate. You didnt calm the situation you added fuel to the fire, then when running off to the mods to ban ..... Me. My abuse was childish, but know worse than whats gone on here before, and know worse than what Lando or Stu dish out.

Not satisfied with that, you continued to PM me after that, gloating how you and your mate red37 got me banned. You are one little leech who I didnt see coming, you've been slying around on here like the little worm you are, and when needed called upon your friends. Who the fu.ck do you think you are Rush gob, while proclaiming to me it was a laugh to read my PM's while smoking a "J". Oh your big tough and hard arent you, do not attempt to make yourself whiter than white on here.

There is a bigger problem around here than what Rush Gob wants ..'Mods to act quicker' . This place has had terribly bad double standards over the last few years concerning certain posters. While the likes of Hemidall is told to kill himself, feck off and die continuosly over the months. I tell one of the Mods little friends ... Rush Gob to feck off and go on a bit of a rant. But because he is all Pally pally with the mods and goes running to them, I get banned. While the likes of Lando and Sabre who have each wound people up and verablly abused them have gotten away with it on numerous occassions.

Peewee was right this place stinks of double standards and will continue to do so. And TBPH I'm glad I'm not a part of this place forum anymore. It lost its charm a long time ago.

Just a note to red37: Since your little snitch brought to my attention of your sad circumstances, which I had NO knowledge about. I would never in a million years said what I said to you I'd just like to clear that up before I reside from these boards. I am truly and deeply sorry to hear what I did, I did hear and I pray to God, that he can bless you and your family with a miracle. Once again red sorry for my words, I sincerely mean it. I dont expect you to forgive me or accept me apology red, just as long as you understand I never knew or did what I said out of spite.
Last edited by pinkkitty on Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby account deleted by request » Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:24 am

pinkkitty wrote:Just a note to red37: Since your little snitch brought to my attention of your sad circumstances, which I had NO knowledge about. I would never in a million years said what I said to you I'd just like to clear that up before I reside from these boards. I am truly and deeply sorry to hear what I did, and I pray to God, that he can bless you and your family with a miracle. Once again red sorry for my words, I sincerely mean it.

Spot on mate, hopefully Red will receive your apology in the same manner it was given.
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Postby Sabre » Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:49 am

The thing is though, you didnt ask a question, well you did but at the end of it you accused somebody of "causing s.hit". That poster replied with verbal outrage, as did/does your friend Lando who attacked and continuesly does so for no other reason unless he deems certain posters moaners. In the "optomistic" thread you told the person you was with, "you were above it" yet continued to retaliate. You didnt calm the situation you added fuel to the fire, then when running off to the mods to ban ..... Me. My abuse was childish, but know worse than whats gone on here before, and know worse than what Lando or Stu dish out.

Just a lil tip Jay Jay, don't reveal PM contents when you know perfectly you're not polite in them neither.

And just a thought, the mods are biased, I'm a WUM, Lando is pathetic, and now Rush is a leech? Everybody is wrong but the same two posters you always agree?

Look, I don't want nor like you being permanently banned, but you know to behave well as you showed when you came back from your last Goodbye, so you should do that. We all have people we don't like, and believe me, we all feel like having goes at them from time to time. But it wouldn't be possible to discuss if we all did that. Chill down.

Saying sorry to red37 is a good first step for that.
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Postby Judge » Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:10 am

is pinkitty = bam?

i preferred bamaga man as he was more sincere and funny :D
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Postby Sabre » Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:23 am

Yes he is. I don't know exactly what got him banned, but I guess he'll be back for the Christmas amnesty :D
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